Avril Lavigne for driving music? I hate the song, her, and especially the music video but I can't help it seeing myself tapping my foot to the song. It fits into the high pace racing game.
Yeah, forgot to attach a warning to that link, didn't I. Must have blocked it out after the first few seconds of hearing it.
That song showed up like 5 time in Burnout Dominator, in few different languages... English, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese and something else. It was soo bad...!
It wouldn't be Burnout without godawful music to replace with custom soundtracks.
It wouldn't be Burnout without godawful music to replace with custom soundtracks.
I didn't mind Burnout 3's soundtrack.
Bah. This game kicks my decision to get a PS3 square in the family jewels. By and large, some of the burnout soundtrack is okay, but the editing on good songs kills me. And Burnout is massively more fun multiplayer.
Hopefully by the time I can afford a 360 you'll all still be playing.
Bah. This game kicks my decision to get a PS3 square in the family jewels. By and large, some of the burnout soundtrack is okay, but the editing on good songs kills me. And Burnout is massively more fun multiplayer.
Hopefully by the time I can afford a 360 you'll all still be playing.
Eh, you could sell your PS3 at a loss and still have enough to buy a 360!
One of the reason's I'm looking forward to it is the use of the live vision camera. I can't wait till some pubescent little shit takes me out and gets sent a picture of me topless picking lint out of my belly-button.
Pasty-overweight-38-year-old-white-male ..... scary... very scary....
Use it to your advantage... tell him next time the pants come off...
Eh, actually not as big of a deal as I thought, I don't have it yet, I was going to buy one from someone I knew, turns out he had someone else that wanted to buy it for more than he was going to give it to me for. No harm, no foul.... but no console either. (I was going to get it for less than a new 360.)
Gamefly reports to have received my copy of the Simpsons game. Hopefully they'll be shipping me a copy of the game Monday/Tuesday.
I'm starting to think I'm going to rent this. I have a friend who plays a lot of NHL 08 and that sounds like more of a like for me getting a game together as opposed to this.
Finally got around to playing the demo, and I really, really hate what they've done to the series. From forcing me to drive around forever just to retry an event, to the lack of progression, to the removal of crash and splitscreen multiplayer, to the sandbox-y GTA-ization... It just wasn't fun, and it didn't feel much like Burnout.
I know the demo is supposed to be very limited in comparison to the full game, so I'll give it a rental if the other demo-hating goodjers find it's massively improved. Otherwise, I'll just have to hope that the developers return to their roots in the next iteration.
A comparison to Midnight Club Dub Edition (ExBox) would be appeciated.
Oh, right. This comes out tomorrow! Guess I'll get my order in but I won't be firing it up until the weekend. Got company visiting until Friday or Saturday.
Finally got around to playing the demo, and I really, really hate what they've done to the series. From forcing me to drive around forever just to retry an event, to the lack of progression, to the removal of crash and splitscreen multiplayer, to the sandbox-y GTA-ization... It just wasn't fun, and it didn't feel much like Burnout.
The full game has an event at every intersection, a massive number of cars you can earn, in speed, stunt, and crash classes. You can go into crash mode at any time. Slamming the game for lacking split-screen multiplayer is a bit off the mark, I think. Paradise has the slickest multiplayer experience I've seen in any game on any platform. The demo sucks. Don't judge this game by the demo.
EDIT: Let me clarify: as a demo of Burnout Paradise the demo sucks. I actually rather enjoyed tooling around in it.
The full game has an event at every intersection, a massive number of cars you can earn, in speed, stunt, and crash classes, and you can go into crash mode at any time. The demo sucks. Don't judge this game by the demo.
I think it's fair to judge a game by its demo, but I don't think it is wise to do so if you haven't tried the multiplayer with good people.
The full game has an event at every intersection, a massive number of cars you can earn, in speed, stunt, and crash classes. You can go into crash mode at any time. Slamming the game for lacking split-screen multiplayer is a bit off the mark, I think. Paradise has the slickest multiplayer experience I've seen in any game on any platform. The demo sucks. Don't judge this game by the demo.
Calling the Showtime Mode minigame 'crash mode' is kind of misleading, from what I understand. Even in the glowing EGM review, they call out the move as a step in the wrong direction.
Since I only do local multiplayer with the wife, any online multiplayer features couldn't matter less. Taking away splitscreen genuinely sucks for us.
EDIT: Let me clarify: as a demo of Burnout Paradise the demo sucks. I actually rather enjoyed tooling around in it.
If you enjoyed the demo, you're looking for a different experience than I am. I'm really not slamming the game itself, just how far it's been taken from the foundations of the series to a multiplayer-focused, sandbox game that I find incredibly tedious. There's certainly a huge market for that kind of game, it just doesn't include me.
BadKen wrote:The full game has an event at every intersection, a massive number of cars you can earn, in speed, stunt, and crash classes, and you can go into crash mode at any time. The demo sucks. Don't judge this game by the demo.
I think it's fair to judge a game by its demo, but I don't think it is wise to do so if you haven't tried the multiplayer with good people.
Personally, I think Devs have a hard time making open-world demos. There will be always a question how much content to make available. Based on Crash FM podcast, it seems like renting a game will give a better representation of the game than a demo.
With that said, hopefully I'll get my copy tomorrow.
Has anyone actually seen this game at any of the stores yet? Being the game-whore that I am, I'd love to swing by Best Buy on the way home and pick up my copy. I've even been working on my anti-tan for the young'uns
Personally, I think Devs have a hard time making open-world demos. There will be always a question how much content to make available. Based on Crash FM podcast, it seems like renting a game will give a better representation of the game than a demo.
Well, I think Crackdown did it perfectly: give you a small section of the open world with everything in it. If you can do it in the full game in that area of the world, you should be able to do it in the demo. Also, giving a bit of acceleration to the game's progression doesn't hurt either, so that people can get a taste of what the game will be like towards the end. But yeah, where the Burnout demo failed was in not letting you really see everything you can do in the world, and thus for many people it completely failed to convey what the single player experience would be like.
(Although as has been said, it did a spot on job of showing how fun it could be as a multiplayer game.)
As for splitscreen, I fully understand the frustration of not having it there, but I also understand the developer's desire to focus their limited resources on making other things work in the game instead. Sadly, the world of multiplayer gaming is moving online and developers need to worry about that aspect of their game first, you know? But yeah, the fact that Chromehounds did the same thing (killer online mode, no splitscreen support) is why Luna and I bought a second Xbox in the first place. These days I shudder at the thought of being stuck playing a game on half the TV, but at the time I was unbearably upset at the gall of the developers to not bother letting two people play the game on the same console.
Has anyone actually seen this game at any of the stores yet? Being the game-whore that I am, I'd love to swing by Best Buy on the way home and pick up my copy. I've even been working on my anti-tan for the young'uns ;)
I haven't seen it at the store, but I did get an automated call from Gamestop last night saying that our copies would be available this morning.
Has anyone actually seen this game at any of the stores yet? Being the game-whore that I am, I'd love to swing by Best Buy on the way home and pick up my copy. I've even been working on my anti-tan for the young'uns ;)
I know few small stores that sell it in my area... but I'm trying very hard not to think about it since I already have the game on pre-order from Liongames. I hear that few people have been lucky getting a copy from Best Buy.
Well, I think Crackdown did it perfectly: give you a small section of the open world with everything in it.
Totally agree, Crackdown demo was awesome.
I sometimes get the sense that publishers or developers are worried that you'll just keep playing the demo over and over again if they make it truly open, even in a restricted part of the space.
Again, I think the genius that is Crackdown and its demo proved this wrong. Make the game super awesome fun and people will buy it!
Stop talking about Crackdown. I've already purchased too many games recently.
DS -- Sorry, but my buddy and I are just getting back into Crackdown co-op. You remember its awesomeness, don't you??
Well, Gamefly shipped this today...I probably won't get it by the time I go to Hawaii on Saturday, knowing my luck. No, maybe worse, I'll get it on Friday and only have 20 minutes to play.
I'm playing gamestop roulette on this one, hoping to pick it up without a preorder. Cmon red!
DS -- Sorry, but my buddy and I are just getting back into Crackdown co-op. You remember its awesomeness, don't you??
Dude. Dude. That's the opposite of what I requested. I REALLY don't want to hear about Goodjers getting back into Co-op.
Another review: ShackNews.com - ?/?
Gamefly shipped my copy. Hopefully I'll have it by this weekend.
I'll have mine tonight, hopefully. Should be fun.
Sooo, has anyone actually seen a copy in stores yet?
The Best Buy web site says all of my local stores have it in stock, but when I try calling them to confirm, no one picks up. Tried 4 stores already with the same result.
Any of you having better luck?