New Radiohead Album

Mex wrote:

Yeah, but isn't it still a pretty strong statement on how even the top artists got f*cked over royalties? He also mentions that CDs and touring aren't even very big income earners...

It is impressive that they weren't making any money off of previous digital distribution, but that doesn't really have anything to do with In Rainbows' success. Also, I'm pretty sure they say that touring is is big moneymaker because of the relatively small overhead, but they don't like to tour for environmental reasons.

Danjo Olivaw wrote:

Now that the album has had time to percolate, I find that it is good. Sorry, my vocabulary for discussing music is non-existant. :P


lunabean wrote:



Now that the album has had time to percolate, I find that it is good. Sorry, my vocabulary for discussing music is non-existant.

I love the album it's probably their second best album in my book right behind OK Computer. Maybe behind Kid-A as well but i'll have to give that one another listen before I say which of those two is better.

Mex wrote:

How f*cking hardcore is this quote?

Yorke: In terms of digital income, we've made more money out of this record than out of all the other Radiohead albums put together, forever and never to part -- together forever, we two. And don't you know I would move heaven and earth to be together forever with you.

Holy crap.

David Byrne recently discussed the mechanics of making money with Wired Magazine. Really interesting.

wordsmythe wrote:
Mex wrote:

How f*cking hardcore is this quote?

Yorke: In terms of digital income, we've made more money out of this record than out of all the other Radiohead albums put together, forever and never to part -- together forever, we two. And don't you know I would move heaven and earth to be together forever with you.

Holy crap.

Radiohead are playing an exclusive live US TV performance of their new album "In Rainbows" on Current TV, all commercial free. The Daily Fix tells you when.