MMORPG Forum Rules

Since I know we have a number of people from different MMOs, and some who participate in the gaming end of GWJ without necessarily being a part of the website's community, I thought a refresher course in how to act within this particular forum might be handy.

First of all, if this is your only port of call on Gamers With Jobs, welcome! There's a lot of website outside this section, and I encourage you to break out of the comfort zone into the deeper waters of the site.

The important note is that this is a gathering place for our entire MMO gameplaying community. While this forum can, at times, seem entirely dedicated to one particular game, believe it or not we do have people here who don't play World of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings Online or whatever happens to be the big MMO at the time you're reading this. Respecting the entire MMO community that has been established within this forum is the key, and the best way to do that is clearly title your threads.

1: Proper Thread Title Formatting - The best way to do this is by having every thread contain three key pieces of information:

Game - Guild (if needed) - Topic

For example: WoW - Blakchand Alliance - Isn't my thread topic snazzy!
Or : LOTRO - GWJ Kinship - Our Game Is Important Too!

Or if you are just adding a thread unrelated to a specific game

General - MMOs killed My Cat

2 - You Are Not A Moderator - Sometimes people won't title their threads properly, or they will post material that doesn't belong here or even, in the worst cases, they will not follow the code of conduct. It is not your job to handle these issues, and if you have a problem with the way someone is behaving or posting then you send a private message to me and I handle it.

What I do not want to see is public complaining about thread titles that derails and interferes with leigitimate topics. Doing that is a good way to become the problem from my point of view.

3 - Follow the Code of Conduct - If you haven't read the code of conduct, then now is a good time. It applies.

--- this thread may be stickied if necessary, and if you feel there is a special rule I should consider for this forum then please _private message_ me with your suggestions----

Thanks for posting this Elysium. I would definitely sticky this and on number 3 add a link to the CoC.

Link added, and I'll be stickying this shortly.

Must the game name be included if the guild name makes the game apparent? Eg. GWJ Horde and GWJ Alliance.

Well, Horde makes the game obvious. I guess Alliance could be referring to Galaxies.

Yes, for consistencies sake let's just include the game name, or some reasonable acronym or nickname that makes it clear.

Such a stickler.

Shouldnt this thread title have "General -" in front of it?


par wrote:

Shouldnt this thread title have "General -" in front of it?


oh snap

Given all the "what realm are GWJers on" threads lately, should we change the subject to "MMORPG Forum Rules and Realm Information" and add realm information for popular MMOs?

Such as:

World of Warcraft
Realms: Blackhand (Alliance), Baelgun (Horde)
Officer Contacts: Names Here

Lord of the Rings Online
Realms: Landroval
Officer Contacts: No official guild but many GWJers in X kinship, contact X

Guild Wars
Realms: N/A
Officer Contacts: Names

Officer contacts for the WoW guild "GWJ Alliance" on Blackhand would include Kiri and Troll (board names), aka Khushmynta and Trollslayer in-game.

Fedaykin98 wrote:

Officer contacts for the WoW guild "GWJ Alliance" on Blackhand would include Kiri and Troll (board names), aka Khushmynta and Trollslayer in-game.

some reasonable acronym or nickname that makes it clear.?

That info is from 8 years ago, try here instead: and