The Metreon has a davinci exhibit Ive been meaning to catch. Dont know how big it will be, the Metreon is on the smallish side for museum style exhibits.
Heh the only way to tell would have been to hear him say "Giggity-giggity". I didnt see ya. If you are looking at the stage, I was in the first balcony at the far right hand side. Front row of the balcony though which was nice. Some guy was laughing so hard to some of his previous jokes that I couldn't hear the opening of the next joke.
One of the few really awkward moments that only life can throw at you... When he made the dwarf swallowed by hippo joke? Me, my wife and my inlaws were sitting next to a dwarf couple.
Oh and to make everyone's day:
"Wife nearly bites off penis of husband making pancakes."
I heart Google Street View.
We had a good time tonight-- sorry for showing up so late. We didn't expect everyone to be waiting on us before eating.
Thanks Edwin for putting up with my drunken antics. On the other hand I wish we could practice more
Oh and the whole thing was pretty fun.
It wasn't quite as loud as last time, but that gaggle of girls at the table next door was, well....Shrill. Good to see everyone again, and good to meet those that I haven't met before.
EDIT: Oh, and Luna, upon re-thinking, you were right. It's not "nerd" it's "gamer".
We wish you lived here too Ed!
I had a great time. It was good seeing everyone again and meeting you, your brother and Georob an GT's wife. Sorry I missed the aikido demonstration. The fire department is right there, across the street, next to the strip club.
My god Edwin, there is so much more to see in the bay area too. Wine country, Santa Cruz and Capitola beaches, Alameda =), Berkeley, Marin, my favorite mexican restaurant (Fiesta del Mar in Mountain View), Chabot Space Center...
Lots of good things to do all around the bay.
I wanted to stay longer but I had promised a friend I would taker her to the airport at 7 this morning. I had a good time last night, let's do it again soon.
Did I mention how tall Edwin is? He even made our resident tall person (FANG) look small.
Yeah, that was pretty cool. Much quieter bar, too. Maybe the new meeting spot?
And too bad I missed the aikido!
Great photos! My coworker (Josh) has perfected his "soul glow" and can now express it through his eye sockets.
Josh is half albino rat BTW =) Either that or he is a zombie among us.
Nice pics!
Seph you had to go there with the height thing *grumble*
Feeling a bit testy now that you know someone on the forums is taller?
hee hee
Hiding in the shadows ftw!
I would definitely like to do this 3-4 times a year. Unfortunately, 3-4 months from now we are at thanksgiving or christmas time so most of us probably wont be available until after the new year.
Goodjer Christmas? =P
I wouldn't be opposed to doing something at my house and have a gaming session/bbq, but it's about 40 minutes south of SF.
Then we could play the REAL Carcassonne and Catan in person on a board!
Sounds good to me.
My thought was that we could spend more time together (yeah, I like you all THAT much) in an environment where you didn't have to spend money and would be comfortable gabbing about whatever. My wife and I have a spacious home which would accomodate up to 15 people quite easily, along with a back yard and nice BBQ. And we have a child that you can play with, but he's only really good at the "Take something, then hand it back" game.
Hopefully that would mitigate the drive/money factor somewhat.
Wait, this has gone from being a S&T to Sephiroticon. I may have to fly out.
Just as long as it doesnt turn into SephEroticon... =P
All are welcome! Sephiroticon has SUCH a ring to it! If GDC is back in San Jose next year, then it's a 5 mile jaunt to my house from there. If it's in San Fran, it's a train ride! (but only a 1 block jaunt to my office, oddly).
My thought was that we could spend more time together (yeah, I like you all THAT much) in an environment where you didn't have to spend money and would be comfortable gabbing about whatever. My wife and I have a spacious home which would accomodate up to 15 people quite easily, along with a back yard and nice BBQ. And we have a child that you can play with, but he's only really good at the "Take something, then hand it back" game.
Hopefully that would mitigate the drive/money factor somewhat.
I thought your son also knew the "fake a laugh to make you laugh" game.
I thought your son also knew the "fake a laugh to make you laugh" game. :)
And the "Pick me up so I can stick a finger in your nose" game!
Yup! He's a bit more interactive than I originally let on. The laughing thing is relatively new, but still cracks us up. He can also make his way into the (locked) liquor cabinet, so we had to move it.
I wouldn't be opposed to doing something at my house and have a gaming session/bbq, but it's about 40 minutes south of SF.
It would probably take us about the same amount of time to get to San Jose as it does to get to SF via BART, so it's all the same to us.
Looks like you guys had a great time! Wish I was there to hang out too. Seph, if you do something around GDC, I'd do my best to eat your food and drink your liqueur. I might even hit on your wife.