Just so you all know, I'm not in Help Desk. I'm in PC Support. Does that raise the status of my position any?
It lowers it.
Aww Vrikk, I'm just kidding, I love you.
Just give it some time and everyone will stop starching their shirts in your presence. Then you'll have a better idea of what's kosher for waiting-around-stuff.
So says the stuffed Cthulhu sitting on the shelf above my monitor plotting eeevvvuuulll with the rubber chicken and the hockey stick.
I dunno, I have a feeling that this isn't the sort of goof-off PC Support group. Sure, they'll stop work for a few minutes to talk to each other, and browse online while on lunch break.. but not full-fledged, "Screw it. Charlie, get prepared to get fragged!"
I was in a place like that. There's a chance things get more fun after hours.
I think one of the reasons I had such a great time at my last job was the prior VP of Info Tech left the company to start up a LAN/Gaming Cafe with two other people from our company. Our department was all pretty friendly with each other, and we all loved the ex-VP, who regularly invited us over for over night Counter-Strike, War3, Starcraft, and Desert Combat sessions.
That mutual love of gaming ended up making it's way into our workplace after a few weeks, and we ended up storing several copies of CS and Starcraft on one of the non-internetworked IT file servers. We'd all map to different drives on the server and LAN during the lull periods. We got this a lot when we were doing the after hours backups, audits (when there were 5+ of us in the office, we'd take turns playing 2v2 with one of us doing the footwork), and ghosting new/formatted machines.