Deadbeats and what to do with them. *UPDATED*

Tigertosser wrote:

k... why do i want to move in again?

This thread delivers.

This thread delivers.

She knows if she backs out now I'm giving her the full Sean Connery treatment.

Stylez wrote:
This thread delivers.

She knows if she backs out now I'm giving her the full Sean Connery treatment.

I've never seen that before. I can't decide if it's awesome or horrible. I'll give him props for sticking to his guns.

I love my landlords. Awesome people. I signed an 8 month lease and gave them 8 post dated cheques. from that is expiring soon. I have one roommate who is moving out but they said I can either move out, leave my stuff here and just move back in while school starts, stay here for the summer without a roommate, or find another roomate for the summer.


Podunk wrote:
Tigertosser wrote:

k... why do i want to move in again?

This thread delivers.

TenchidOrchid's ex busting into his divorce thread was over-the-top. Tenants-busting-into-a-landlord-eviction thread offers just the right amount of dramatic tension. It's perfect.

I'm not a tenant yet. And don't plan to be thanks to this thread! Sounds like Stylez and his gang are too hostile. I'm not keen on living in hostile police states due to former f*ckass roomates screwing everything up. I prefer a safe, clean environment... without webcams. I have that now, and my lease is month to month here.

Tigertosser wrote:

I'm not a tenant yet. And don't plan to be thanks to this thread! Sounds like Stylez and his gang are too hostile. I'm not keen on living in hostile police states due to former f*ckass roomates screwing everything up. I prefer a safe, clean environment... without webcams. I have that now, and my lease is month to month here.

Oh man, who told you about the webcams?

Dammit, I already registered ! >_<

Be careful of bad advice given in this thread. There have been multiple comments about taking the tenants belongings and throwing them away. Here in Minnesota during an eviction you have to move belongings to a secure location and provide notice to the tenant so they can be retrieved. After 60 days, you can legally sell/dump them. Statutes will vary depending on your locale, I'm not sure how it works in Canada.

Also, in most places if you mitigate your damages by renting out the room again, the tenant is off the hook for whatever rent he/she would have owed during the time that new tenant is leasing the space.

You may know this already (you really should if you're acting as a landlord), but it pays to be careful and act rationally so as to not set yourself up for a lawsuit.

I'm not a tenant yet. And don't plan to be thanks to this thread! Sounds like Stylez and his gang are too hostile.

Come on baby you know me and Nin will treat ya right!

Besides, I'm not the one who lives a block away from knifing-central.

Stylez wrote:

Besides, I'm not the one who lives a block away from knifing-central.

Baghdad, Beiruit, Lagos...and Ottawa.

Hey man, Quebec's right next store and those f*ckers can be nasty! You ever been confronted by a drunk french guy from Quyon outside a Depanneur? It ain't pretty.



In time with Pred's wonderful thread I have some news regarding my tenant issue.

He has yet to pay so yesterday he received a notice stating he has 3 days to pay or his ass is on the grass. (or something along those lines). I also gave him a fantastic informational piece on exactly what having an eviction does to one's credit and future housing choices...

I'm at work so I missed the reaction but Nin says there was yelling involved. More updates as they come

I've done some apartment managing in my day (also college kids), and all I can say is that I'm glad the account for the place had a comfy buffer in case of garbage like that. It seems almost inevitable that you'll be screwed renting to that demographic.

So without any monetary compensation in sight I took it to the next level and posted a "pay or quit" notice on his door on Friday. Sunday Afternoon my first eviction took place with practically no shouting. Nin's jacket ended up going with his stuff, so she shouted about it for a while until we got her jacket back. So good news is a huge stress-creating deadbeat is gone, however I now have 2 empty rooms eating about $1100.00 out of my bottom line each month :/

So did you end up getting his address so you can serve him?

So did you end up getting his address so you can serve him?

He wouldn't supply one even when he came back. I have the following information about him though.

1.His cell number
2. His Mother's address (who he has since disassociated himself with).

Deninne went through his garbage from cleaning his room and ended up finding his cell number scrawled on a pizza receipt. She also came away with this gem of knowledge:

While used condoms are gross, used homosexual condoms are grosser.

Everything you need to know you can learn from watching Night Shift.


This thread does indeed deliver. It's even got a post by the reclusive MudderFudder, aka Boat Anchor*!

*I owe you for that sig, dog, and all the taunting that led to it.

SwampYankee wrote:


I love you, Swampy.

Stylez wrote:

While used condoms are gross, used homosexual condoms are grosser.

It's true.

For further edutainment.***NSFW***

wordsmythe wrote:

For further edutainment.***NSFW***

So wrong, yet so right.

"I'm gonna get my drink on."

Oh man...

Stylez wrote:

2. His Mother's address (who he has since disassociated himself with).

Let me talk to Lise and see if you can do anything with that. I seem to recall her mentioning once there's a way to serve a small claim by proxy or something.

Stylez wrote:

While used condoms are gross, used homosexual condoms are grosser.

See, the one time I check the forums before going to work and this is what I get. That thought will be poisoning my mind all day. Bravo!

For further edutainment.***NSFW***[/quote]

That was pretty funny.

It may have been even funnier to me because I was getting back home at 1:30am. Also, I'd been drinking. Yeah, it was a Monday night. Shut up.