hahaha.. nope. This one
This is the most recent Dune thread I found with the search....
Timothée Chalamet Isn’t Sure Why Dune Spoilers Are a Thing
Chalamet casually confirms that Jason Momoa’s Duncan Idaho—who perished in the first movie buying Paul and his mother time to escape House Harkonnen’s Sardaukar forces—won’t appear in Part Two, but will return for the third Dune movie.
but then they describe how the books went off the rails and lost me.
In Frank Herbert’s novel series, Duncan is reincarnated by the Bene Tleilax—masters of genetic engineering—as a “Ghola,” a clone first known as Hayt and sent by the Tleilax to try and assassinate Paul, only for the conflicting trauma of his conditioning and an innate loyalty to the Atreides unlocking his original memories as Idaho. Duncan gets reincarnated multiple times over across spans of thousands of years over the course of the remaining Dune books, re-accessing his memories each time until his final ghola retained both Idaho’s original memories and those of all his prior clones,
You know how in the first book Paul and Jessica (and other Reverend Mothers) can access the memories of their ancestors? This "genetic memory" idea is a recurring theme throughout the books and eventually starts breaking its own rules, like when Idaho clones start getting memories of other Idaho clones.
You know how you smoke some pot and start a really cool story, then smoke a bit more and more and more and the story eventually goes off the rails and you laughing about the carpet color?
Yeah I am pretty sure he lost any cohesion at some point.
Herbert was into shrooms, not weed.
But your point stands.
The reincarnated Duncan thread gets pretty heavy in God Emperor of Dune. Neat book; would recommend.
Eventually Duncan Idaho gholas become the galactic currency.
If you sell enough of them to vendors, you might spawn an Uber Shai-Hulud.
Eventually Duncan Idaho gholas become the galactic currency.
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