Vancouver's September Slap and Tickle

Agreed. I can't believe we were there for as long as we were, but it was definitely a fun time. We'd definitely be in for another one as well, though next time we should aim for something with comfy chairs and food Morro can keep on his plate

Pictures guys, please.


The gang. Kepheus, Vector, Morrolan, and Mimble.


Mimble, Kepheus, and Vector (me!).


Morro rocking out.


I'm also going to be posting pictures of my walk back and of Whistler in the picture thread.

Damnit. Set up another one. I want to rock out too!

If it makes you feel any better he was rocking out to Depeche Mode.

Vector wrote:

If it makes you feel any better he was rocking out to Depeche Mode.


Vector wrote:

If it makes you feel any better he was rocking out to Depeche Mode.

You say that as if it's not possible. You have to be a little sadder*, and it helps if you're wearing fetish gear, but the Mode can be rocked to.

* not Emo-sadder, that's too sad.

Can you make those pictures smaller? I can't see them well enough.

Edwin wrote:

Can you make those pictures smaller? I can't see them well enough. :P

I'll see what I can do Pantsless One...

Edit: I'll work on it later. I finally got internet and I have many things that need to get done with it. Be happy that this was on the top of my list :wink:.

The video isn't working. I want to hear myself call Demi a sumbich. :p

Demi, as far as I'm concerned, you can name the Sunday and I'll be both up and down for it.

Morrolan wrote:

The video isn't working. I want to hear myself call Demi a sumbich. :p

Demi, as far as I'm concerned, you can name the Sunday and I'll be both up and down for it.

Is the video working for anyone other than me? Strange...

Yeah, I'm up for another Slap and Tickle anytime. I'll get to resizing the images...later. Sorry about being slow but I have a lot of things to wade through.

Video worked for me.

OMG! OMG! Billy Ocean was singing in the background! And Morrolan was rocking out to Depeche Mode! 80's!!!one

You guys MUST take me to that place, once I finally drag my sorry ass there! And I don't bloody care how uncomfortable the chairs are. You can all sit on my lap as far as I'm concerned.

Man, whatta gang we will be...

Edit: Video is still a bit short, unfortunately. You guys are great. Everything around you, that place where you've been, and the view outside and all, it's so... pretty.

Double edit: Dont you dare take that video off YouTube, Vector. Ever.

The video will always be there. You do not have to worry, or threaten me :D. On a nicer day I'll try to take some better pictures of the city. I'm still sorting out some "technical" issues but when I do I'm going to post pics I took of Vancouver in the picture thread.

Clover has indicated that a trainride trip to Vancouver on the 14-15 would make a great birthday present. Perhaps that's something we should work towards.

Of October, you mean? No no, that won't do at all. Mimble and I will be in Ontario and won't have the chance to berate you personally for missing the last one

Yeah, I meant October. Oopsies.

Damn, some of us need to plan one of these for Toronto or something... Vancouver is a little far for me.

Unforseen_Power wrote:

Damn, some of us need to plan one of these for Toronto or something... Vancouver is a little far for me.

It'd be worth the trip though.

Yes it would... it's a wonderful place full of fairies and gingerbread.

Yeah I love Vancouver but it's still an 4-5 hour flight away and for 5 hours of get together time seems a but much.

The 14'th sounds cool.

A train ride from Seattle would be gorgeous, if it goes through the right areas.

I can't do the 14th, sorry. You managed to pick the one day I actually have something to do in advanced. The 15th, I might be able to swing but the 13th and 14th are not possibilities.

Vector wrote:

I can't do the 14th, sorry. You managed to pick the one day I actually have something to do in advanced. The 15th, I might be able to swing but the 13th and 14th are not possibilities.

Well, I think the plan would be for Clover and I to ride up on the 14th, spend the night, hang out on the 15th and then come home. I thought Morro could only do Sundays, so I figured we'd do a group thing on the 15th.

All of this is very loosely planned, mind you. I haven't even really talked to Clover, I'm just throwing this out there. It's all negotiable. Just do whatever I say, damnit.

Morrolan is so dreamy.

Certis wrote:

Morrolan is so dreamy.

Just...just Morrolan? You hurt me Certis.

Oh, and I thought the 14th was the Sunday. Doesn't matter. I can do the 15th.

Sucks that Keph/Mimble can't make it.


Nope, not possible. We'll be Ontario giving my mum a heart-attack for her 50th birthday.

I lied to her and said I had to work for her 50th, instead we're just going to show up for her birthday dinner.

We are indeed "sumbiches".

We'll have another Slap and Tickle after that one where we all show up.

So, is this S goin' down?

I can't do it. It's mid-term time so I got to study, playing my second hockey game of the year on Sunday and holding a practice before hand (because my team is lazy and I want to teach them how to play without coughing the ball up in front of our net), and it's my best friend's birthday tomorrow so there is no way that I'm in. A different weekend would work better for me.