Post a picture, entertain me!

I'd say the 2nd from the left is the guy in the group who'll beat you up cause that's what he does. Mess people up and to hell with the rules! In a couple of years he'll have a wicked coke addiction and consistantly black out from his all night benders.

4th from the left is the cool one. Cool like Christian Slater.

mumford wrote:

I'd say the 2nd from the left is the guy in the group who'll beat you up cause that's what he does. Mess people up and to hell with the rules! In a couple of years he'll have a wicked coke addiction and consistantly black out from his all night benders.

I think he's at that stage right now...

Dr_Awkward wrote:

Spot the alpha.


Alright, I'll play.

Guy on left (#1): Childhood best friend of 2nd guy on left (#2). They've grown apart over the years as #2 attempts to break into the elite cadre. Desperately wants to follow and is humored but gets the shitwork of the group. Will be caught masturbating to a "chicks with dicks" magazine soon and finds himself even more ridiculed until he eventually leaves school and becomes an assistance manager at a Blockbuster.

#2: Few realize he's one year younger than anyone else as he was a gifted student and advanced a grade early. Lately hasn't been applying himself as much as he tries to get more involved in baseball and basketball. Has been distancing himself from #1 and participating in the ridicule of same so as to ingratiate himself with the others, but feels guilty on occasion. Dies in college as a result of falling from a moving vehicle after a rush party.

#3: The alpha. Quarterback that just missed the All State team, pitcher that lost the final game in the State championship getting shelled by the much larger school. Beds girls incessantly but actually treats them decently while he's at it. Doesn't engage in overt ridicule of #1 but secretly dislikes #4. Gets caught cheating on a physics final in college losing his baseball scholarship and eventually joins the Peace Corps after finding Jesus. Marries an aid worker in Zaire.

#4: The wannabee alpha. Almost painfully insecure and covers it with overbearing boasting and vicious cruelty to #1. Tries to pick up #3's ex-girlfriends, succeeds rarely and usually ends up gettign dumped within a few weeks. Feels that he's a better athlete than #3 but is consistently proven wrong when it matters most. Always the drunkest one in the group. Is the one that catches #1 masturbating and is tells everyone else but he's painfully aware and confused that it turned him on a bit. Graduates college with a law degree becomes a highly paid defense attorney for a prestigious firm. Gets married but begins using "glory holes" at the neighborhood bar and gets divorced after 10 years of marriage.

#5 (freaky eyes): Feigns being a wildman but is actually bookish at home and gentle to his girlfriend of 4 years. Marries his high school sweetheart, graduates with a business degree and becomes a VP of marketing for a small tech company.

#6: (front): The loner of the group. Plays the "silent, brooding" card with the ladies and actually scores more often than most. Accused of date rape twice but no charges were filed. Drops out in third year of college and tries to make a pro surfing career happen to no avail. Makes minimum wage at a surf pro shop into his forties.

#7 (one eye): Blah blah blah. Lost interest ;).

ColdForged wins. (For now...)

Have the decency of not copying the same image over and over again please. Gee...seeing it one time is painful enough.


Cold Forge needs something to occupy his time during the day. Photo analysis of a bunch of drunked, import beer swilling metro's is not a good use of his time.

Quintin_Stone wrote:


Quintin has the floor. Motion is Seconded. All in favor?

Page 5 of this thread is absolutely the best so far. The Star Wars one made me laugh out loud...sOOOOO true. And the penguin with the cymbals just rocked my world. Silly little blighter - I love penguins.

And now, for something completely different.....

Nothing like a golden shower joke to get the thread back on track.

Oh, dudes, we are in total need of cleansing. I feel duty bound to bring back the Awwwwh!

Here ya go: Awwwwwwh!












Morrolan wrote:


Hey, Jerk! I totally resemble that remark!





Yoyoson wrote:


A company I used to work for was cutting prices. I suggest that image in one of our magazine ads, with the strapline "High Prices Make Us Sick!". Boss didn't like it.

No creativity, those people.

Awesome nasal action there.

Where is the Girlfriend borrowed my car last night pic?


thank you made my day with the analysis



This is probably to sickly sweet for this gel loving crowd, but my wife just sent me this.


Great Valentine cards/pictures here (Maybe NSFW) :D
*I don't know why they worked before but not now so I removed the images and kept the link*

Your image links are broken, laddie!