WOW: Horde DM Loot run Wednesday?

Hola, who wants do rape & pillage the DM instances for mass loot? I am hoping to get a bunch of people together to do several loots runs. Including;
East boss run (range of loot for everyone) total run time 30 minutes.
West 2 boss run (nice caster gear, hunter pants, and that PURPLE shield) total run time 15 minutes.
North first boss run 10 minutes.

Post up if you want to go. Please include about when also!

Muricen lvl 54 Priest / Nekar Lvl 60 Druid - 5pm til 10PM server time.

As always, Bumpie is game. Havent found anything really shiny since turning 60.

should be available 5:30 server time.

Going to have to pass.
Got In-law plans.

I will be glad to help out. Sounds fun

Relkman is in... unless we find better places to 5-man for loot & XP

There is no better place! Now move to the back of the bus!!

You guys got a bus? No one told me about the bus.

I promise Bumpie will go on a diet, can I pleeease go on the bus?

I promise Bumpie will go on a diet, can I pleeease go on the bus?

You don't need to lose weight, why do you think there are no seatbelts on buses!

Are we talking a regulation length bus...or one of the shorter varieties?