WoW: Hordie DM run this week?

I'd like to get in on a Dire Maul run with Hubb sometime this week. I'm around until the 27th, so anytime really.

To start the ball rolling I'll toss out Thursday night at 9:00 EST. That would be the best time for me but I'm flexible.

Little late for me, but I would run it earlier if ya could make it.

I could do it earlier -- 7:30 EST would work. I actually just said 9:00 to accomodate some of our west coast friends...

I'm game. Tell me when and I will do my best to be there.

I'd like to take my Shaman in there. He'll be lvl 54 by then.

I would like to go. Hopefully be 58 by then.

Loki can go if needed. There is bunch of new players that could use the DM BOP gear; so finding people shouldn't be difficult.

Cool..let's aim for 8:00PM EST (I could use some more time to get the kids to bed).

Hrm...I may have to see if I can make this tonight. Turns out family stuff is happening that I didn't know about...if not tonight then hopefully soon...

DM runs are usually fairly easy to put together. If you can't make it tonight, I'm sure we can swing it another night. That being said, I am still interested in running DM tonight. I need to turn in the Shaman book, and possibly get the key, as well as a few other quests.

We already did the key run! Where were you? Inquiring minds what to know!

nekar wrote:

We already did the key run!

And will probably need to continue to do it for several more people, as they get within level ranges appropriate for DM.

nekar wrote:

Where were you? Inquiring minds what to know!

Getting within level range appropriate for DM, so I wouldn't feel like I was dragging other higher levels away from their game to play escort for me.


I'm just giving you a hard time! I now go to power level my alt for the same reasons. unless you won't mind escorting a lvl 50 priest? JJ!

nekar wrote:

I'm just giving you a hard time!

I know. I read the sarcasm in your previous post...

nekar wrote:

unless you won't mind escorting a lvl 50 priest?

No, I'm sure we can bring Resurrector along if he wants to come :-p


I Bow before you!(assz)