While I agree that "Out of Gas" is one of the best episodes of a Sci=Fi show in the Sci-fi genre, I still think that, for me, "War Stories" is the best episode in that series. It was the only one that got a pretty big emotional response from me, and it still had Firefly's wonderful brand of humor as well.
I try to think of other episodes that are at the top of my Firefly list and I just end up listing the entire damn series. I envy you in that you are watching these for the first time. Enjoy the ride while it lasts and let us know how you feel when that last episode's credits roll, and it feels as though your heart has been ripped out of your chest a la Mola Ram.
Elysium wrote:Oh, and for the record, latest figures show that Serenity fell about 1.5 million short of breaking even across its various releases.
Only $1.5 million away from the theatrical release? Then it should be pretty profitable since it will probably sell at least 500,000 copies.
That is just to cover costs....studios like to see a profit before greenlighting sequels.
I can't imagine a way that the DVD sales will make enough money to impress studios.
I can't imagine a way that the DVD sales will make enough money to impress studios.
Two words -
Austin Powers
Or fanboi if you want to be hip and "cool".
I think you mean "kewl".
Edwin wrote:Or fanboi if you want to be hip and "cool".
I think you mean "kewl".
Blast! You beat me to it!
LeapingGnome wrote:Elysium wrote:Oh, and for the record, latest figures show that Serenity fell about 1.5 million short of breaking even across its various releases.
Only $1.5 million away from the theatrical release? Then it should be pretty profitable since it will probably sell at least 500,000 copies.
That is just to cover costs....studios like to see a profit before greenlighting sequels.
Did you even read the post you quoted Mr. Stewart?
Marsman, congratulations on discovering the joy that is Firefly. What the hell took you so long?
I envy you in a way. Like others have said, there is almost something magical about watching this series for the first time. I think the show, only being one season long, has a lot to do with that though. In a way, it forces you to appreciate every scene that much more, because there are so few episodes.
War Stories gets my vote for favorite episode. I'm a sucker for sad endings and that one gets me a little misty eyed everytime I watch it.
War Stories was also a favorite of mine. It had the best mix of humor and tragedy in it, something you just don't see a lot of.
Besides, it is also the classic "I'll be in my bunk" episode.
I also like Objects in Space.
farley3k wrote:LeapingGnome wrote:Elysium wrote:Oh, and for the record, latest figures show that Serenity fell about 1.5 million short of breaking even across its various releases.
Only $1.5 million away from the theatrical release? Then it should be pretty profitable since it will probably sell at least 500,000 copies.
That is just to cover costs....studios like to see a profit before greenlighting sequels.
Yes but I was more swayed by the fact that Serenity hasn't even broken even yet! It needs to make over a million dollars just to break even. That is about as clear of a box office bomb as I think you can define.
Did you even read the post you quoted Mr. Stewart?
I think it didn't do so well in theaters becuase they were relying primarily on word of mouth from the fans. They should have spent more money on advertising. Word of mouth only gets you so far.
I hate Fox with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
Firefly is certainly their biggest crime, but let us not forget what they did to shows like Futurama and Family Guy (I know, it is back on now, but it's lost its shine). And worse still, they are in the middle of doing the same thing to Arrested Development, which is for my money the single most intelligent and funny comedy to have hit television in the past twenty years. Yes, it is better than Seinfield.
At least it got through two and a half seasons though, and more than three people were actually able to see it while it was on TV.
I can't imagine a way that the DVD sales will make enough money to impress studios.
There's scores of examples of TV shows brought back or movies getting sequels based on strong DVD sales. DVD sales are an increasingly large part of the movie business, the new Disney CEO said he'd like to have DVDs in stores the day it's released in theaters.
Not saying it'll save Serenity, but DVD sales are important to movie publishers.
Yes but I was more swayed by the fact that Serenity hasn't even broken even yet! It needs to make over a million dollars just to break even. That is about as clear of a box office bomb as I think you can define.
Ah, I saw $1.5 million as a pittance. Assume the publisher/studios get $6 a DVD they would only have to sell 250,000 copies to break even, if there is no other merchandising. Let's say they sell 1 million copies, which is feasible, they just made $4.5million, a tidy little profit for a movie that only cost $50 million to make and promote. Most studios would take 10% margins on their films every day of the week I bet.
I think it didn't do so well in theaters becuase they were relying primarily on word of mouth from the fans. They should have spent more money on advertising. Word of mouth only gets you so far.
I think the main problem was that the lack of an easily definable hook for the movie. It was a hard sell in a trailer or a tv spot.
I think it didn't do so well in theaters becuase they were relying primarily on word of mouth from the fans. They should have spent more money on advertising. Word of mouth only gets you so far.
I'll second that. Were it not for GWJ, I wouldn't have seen it. I don't think I saw a single advertisement for Serenity.
I am beginning to suspect that GWJ is just a secret front for the Browncoats. I certainly did not pick up the box set until after I had been posting here awhile.
Yes, it is better than Seinfield.
That's really not saying much.
I've yet to see the series, actually. My fiancee borrowed it from a friend and then left it at her parents' house, so it's currently inaccessible to me (more's the pity). I think I want to take a weekend sometime and just watch the whole thing, followed by the movie.
Gotta love Mrs. Reynolds
Gotta love Mrs. Reynolds :)
Reserve my spot in the Special Hell.
Rainsmercy wrote:I think it didn't do so well in theaters becuase they were relying primarily on word of mouth from the fans. They should have spent more money on advertising. Word of mouth only gets you so far.
I'll second that. Were it not for GWJ, I wouldn't have seen it. I don't think I saw a single advertisement for Serenity.
All I saw was the pretty cheesy looking, barroom fight trailor. That pretty much tagged Serenity as something that will never to be scene in my book. Thank GWJ for the Serenity thread that got me to see it anyway, and Chiggie for calling it the best scifi movie ever.
I spit on you, Marsman, for rubbing salt in the wounds. Cursed spit.
Gotta love Mrs. Reynolds
Gotta hate horizontal scrolling.
Gotta love Mrs. ReynoldsGotta hate horizontal scrolling.
Come on, that's not worth it?
Gotta love Mrs. ReynoldsGotta hate horizontal scrolling.
Come on, that's not worth it?
I would say no because atleast the last third of it is wall.
Poor leaping and his 800x600 display.
Poor leaping and his 800x600 display. :P
We've been through this Edwin, I'm on a 1024x768 and it's scrolling really bad. Not everybody is reading GWJ from home :). 800x600 is the standard res of GWJ anyway.
We've been through this Edwin, I'm on a 1024x768 and it's scrolling really bad. Not everybody is reading GWJ from home :).
I'm running 1024x768 at home. Does that make me a bad person?
Poor leaping and his 800x600 display. :P
640x480 here, thanks. Dang you dumb terminal, dang you to heck.
I know, I know. Just repeating a joke someone else started. Must I include thousands of smilies?
I can't wait!