XBox Live Gamertags and Matchfinder

Senor Chris, please add Halo 2 and Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow for me.

Could you add Halo 2 to my list? And I''d be interested in the clan as well.


mumford: Certis is handling the Halo 2 Clan, you should receive an invite from him.

JimmDogg and KrazyTaco[FO]: What timezone do you guys live in?

Please add: Halo 2 for me (magnus = Magnus1972)

Add me to the list:)

gamertag: jonnypolite
Time zone: pacific
games: Halo 2 (of course), Magic battlegrounds, burnout 3, Mechassault, PGR 2, Top Spin, Rainbow 6 3

Edgar Newt reporting in:

Tag: Edgar Newt
Time: Pacific
Games: MechAssault, Crimson Skies, Burnout 3, Links 2k4, NFL 2k5, Halo 2 (as of tomorrow night)

Tag: Swat KLR
Time: Pacific
Games: Halo 2 and that Crimson Skies game that''s given away so freely these days :-P.

woot. broke down and bought an xbox. here''s my id and stuff:
Tag: Sporadic E
Games: Halo 2


Can you add Halo 2 to my list please.



Same as 1Dgaf please.

Donan (GMT-8)


Links 2k4
Crimson Skies
Burnout 3
Ghost Recon
Top Spin
Project Gotham 2
Halo 2

Yay Donan!

"Dramatic Marlin" wrote:

Yay Donan!


Thanks for all your time and help.

Tag: KrazyTacoFO
Games: Halo 2

Chris can you please add GMT - 5 to my gamertag (Uber Wolf)

Please add me to

ESPN 2k5 FB and BB, Rainbow Six 3, Halo 2, Midtown Madness, Stars Wars Battlefield, Kingdom of the Crusaders and Burnout 3

Also I have two gamertags of which is NeoStyx but the most used is NeoCell

Please add me

Tag: Duttyride

Games: Halo 2, Burnout 3, Crimson Skies, NBA 2k5

gamertag: a7an
halo 2, espn 2k5, bo3

done - sorry for taking so long with the updates.

"chrisg" wrote:

done - sorry for taking so long with the updates.

Thanks for the time and effort in doing this chrisg. Btw, I forgot one, Full Spectrum Warrior.

Thanks again.

done - sorry for taking so long with the updates.

Yeah no kidding, took you a while you slacker!

Seriously, cut the appologies for crying out loud, you got yourself a part time job here. Thanks again Chris!

Donan - Good job with the list.

For your next trick, , delete me from SW: Battlefront (sold it, knowing the game would be empty come Halo 2), and add me to Ghost Recon 2 (which hits shelves tomorrow, and I will own it)

done. Also my copy of Halo 2 finally arrived YAY!

Chris...Swampy has convinced me to get bruised. You can add ESPN NHL 2k5 to my name (gawd help me...or is it the Zamboni).

"*Legion*" wrote:

Donan - Good job with the list.

Actually it''s chrisg who''s been doing one heck of a job with this

LOL, I looked up at his ""sorry"" post and glanced at the name, but I must''ve caught your name underneath it instead.


Games to add for me:
Top Spin, Links 2004, ESPN NFL 2005


Dirty lurker reporting in (Hi Everybody!)

Gamertag: Bedurndurn
Timezone: EST
Games: Halo 2, Crimson Skies, PGR 2, Mechassault