XBox Live Gamertags and Matchfinder

Xbox Live name: AvantLegion
Games: Crimson Skies, ESPN NFL 2K5, ESPN NHL 2K5, Star Wars Battlefront, Top Spin, Midtown Madness 3, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Will get Halo 2 and Burnout 3 at some point.


*Legion*: is the timezone PST (GMT-8) correct?

I''ve got a few games to add to my list ...

Burnout 3
Links 2004
Top Spin
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload

Thanks, chrisg


Hey ChrisG. Rockin'' idea.

Tag: Fletcher1138
TimeZone: Eastern
Games: MechAssault, Crimson Skies, Burnout 3



"chrisg" wrote:

*Legion*: is the timezone PST (GMT-8 ) correct?

Yes - sorry I didn''t see this message sooner.

Hey Chris, when you get a chance, add me to ESPN NFL 2k5 please. Oh, and I''m CST, whatever that is GMT.


Gamertag : Nosferatu
(LOL I got A Live account the moment it came out just to get that gamertag)
Games:[list][*]Mechassault[*]Crimson Skies[*]Steel Battalion:Line of Contact[*]ESPN 2K5[*]Project Gothem 2[*]Amped 2[/list:u:d807db7da0]
Soon to be added to the list:
[list][*]Dead or Alive Ultimate[*]Halo 2[*]Burnout 3 (pending me finding a preowned copy, I refuse to give EA any of my money)[/list:u:d807db7da0]

I know I got a few more games floating around that are on line playable (NFL Fever 2k3/2k4 I think), but I am not likely to be playing those.

done. Nosferatu: What timezone do you live in?

I technically live in CDT current GMT -6, but I work overnights so my schedule is a bit strange.
Add Ninja Gaiden to my list as well as Midtown Madness 3.




Mountain Time

Rainbow Six: Black Arrow


GWJ Reaper

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Crimson Skies

done. Reaper, what timezone do you live in?

GMT - 6 (CST)

ok thanks

I just picked up Rainbow Six: Black Arrow. You can also add Halo 2 if we''re adding games that we don''t have yet but will most certainly have at the soonest opportunity.

Thanks again, ChrisG


Halo 2. EST (-5).

Edit: For the Halo 2 list, It would be more appropriate to put *.

Add Halo2 for me, as well. thanks.

Hi Chris, I''m like the other unwashed masses. Please add Halo 2 to my list. Thanks!

Change my gamertag to ""Legion SB""

I have retired the ""AvantLegion"" gamertag.

gamertag Lester King

Games: Halo 2, Fight Night 2004 (think its live compatible), top spin (I suck)

EST time zone...

My gamertag is jamesdk. And I own HALO2 baby.

gamertag KrazyTacoFO
Halo2 baby

Add Halo2 to my list puhlease.

mmmmm Halo 2. Yep. I think you might as well add that to like 90% of the Live listing