XBox Live Gamertags and Matchfinder


SkippyLeBeef = gamer tag: Skippy LeBeef, Central Standard Time

Hi All,

New to the forum. Liking it, here is my gametag:


GMT +8 (Pacific standard time)

my XBLIVE games: Phantasy Star, Wolfenstein, Rainbow 6 3, Project Gotham Racing 2



GMT -7

Game: ESPN NFL 2k5


OK, finally on XBox live

Tag: Ky11er (someone took kyller, can you believe it!)

Games: Crimson Skies, Mech Assault, and MTG battlegrounds.

Gamertag: Grumpicus

Games: ESPN NFL 2k5, Crimson Skies, MechAssault, Madden 2005 (soon), and (eventually) Halo 2

Timezone: Central (New Orleans, LA)

Gamertag: Stricster

Games: ESPN NFL 2K5, MechAssault, Full Spectrum Warrior, Ninja Gaiden

Timezone: Pacific Standard

Edit: Added timezone and a couple of games that I own.

done. Can you give me your timezone as well guys? Thanks in advance.


Add ESPN, SC:PT, FSW, and RC2 to my list please.

Doh, forgot to keep this updated... please remove me from PGR2, Splinter Cell and ESPN NHL Hockey, and add ESPN NFL 2K5. When ESPN NHL 2K5 comes out, you can put me in that list as well :). Thanks!


(I forgot to use the magic word... so ""please!"" I know it''s done, but I hate being rude anyway :))

"ColdForged" wrote:

... please...Thanks!

Either you found a way of editing posts without it showing up, or you didn''t look close enough

Thanks to Stric9 and Grumpicus for editing their info in. sorry I haven''t put it in already, didn''t look through the posts thoroughly enough.

gamertag: Magnus1972
Timezone: CST

Madden 2005
NCAA 2005
Project Gotham Racing
Top Spin


Tag: SpyNavy
GMT -5
NFL2K5 mostly

gamertag = TITM0US3
timezone = GMT
games = PGR2 & rallisport 2

can you fix my gamertag listing so it reads The Highlander instead of just Highlander?


done. Highlander: The current scheme is that in the gamelist only the forum nick is used, as it is more known to the people than the gamertag.

Gamertag: Cabbot
Timezone: GMT-5 (Eastern)
Games: Rainbow Six 3, Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow, Mechassault, Ghost Recon, Ghost Recon: Island Thunder, Top-Spin

Gamertag: BoilingFrog
Timezone: Central
Games: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomarrow, Steel Battlion:Line of Contact, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, MechAssault,Crimson Skies

Okay, I''m signed up and ready to get my ass kicked in NFL2K5

GamerTag: VegaGWJ
TimeZone: EST
Games: NFL2K5


Thanks.. though you''ve got me on Central (CST) time

whoops, my bad. Fixed now, sorry

Could you add me too, please?

My gamertag is JHMirage and I''m in the Central TZ, so GMT-6

I play:[list]
[*]Crimson Skies
[*]RalliSport Challenge 2
[*]Project Gotham Racing 2
[*]Top Spin


Hi! Chris please add ESPN NHL2K5 to my games. Thank you!


Rainbow 6 Black Arrow for me.
Thanks chris.