Hey people,
this thread is no longer updated as Pyro added some really great stuff to the site. Basically you enter your games into your profile under the category "Games currently playing" as you do with your gamertag (under Xbox Live Gamertag of course). You can then see who is playing your games as well, by clicking on their names. Also if you click on your gamertag, you can see all other people who have a gamertag on XBox live. Very nifty features and a big hats off to Pyro for implementing them!
Certis raised the idea of compiling a list in the other XBOX thread. Well I thought I'd invest some time into compiling said list, so if someone on the forums here seeks some players for a certain game, he could look into this thread and know who to ask for a match. Just post your latest additions in here, maybe we can even keep this list up to date? ;). I will add games as soon as we have someone who owns it. That way the list doesn't look so empty.
*Update* The gamertags also list the timezone the gamer lives in, in difference to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). So if you live in California your TZ would be GMT-8, meaning you are 8 hours behind the GMT.
Please state your timezone the next time you post an update of your games or your gamertag entry, if you haven't already. This way we can fill up the list with the TZ info step by step.
See this thread for a list of common timezones:
1Dgaf = IDg4f (GMT)
a7an = a7an (GMT-8)
Alcology = Alcology (GMT-5)
Arovin = Arovin GWJ
Atras = Atras (GMT-5)
BaggaChipz = BaggaChipz
Bean = Bean75
belt500 = belt500
Berthold = Berthold
Certis = Certis
Chrisg = Chrisg (GMT+1)
ColdForged = ColdForged (GMT-5)
cuebert = cuerbert666
Demiurge = Demiurge (GMT-8)
digital.matt = digital matt
Donan = Donan (GMT-8)
Dramatic Marlin = DrMarlin WSAG (GMT-7)
Druidpeak = Vibramsoul (GMT-7)
Duttybrew = Duttyride (GMT-8)
Edwin = GWJ Edwin (GMT-5)
Edgar_Newt = Edgar Newt (GMT-8)
El-Producto = ElProd (GMT-7)
Elysium = ElysiumGWJ (GMT-6)
firesloth = firesloth (GMT-8)
Fletcher1138 = Fletcher1138 (GMT-5)
FractalD = FractalD
Griffon = Bushi_Bot
Grumpicus = Grumpicus (GMT-6)
gwartok = gwartok (GMT-5)
Harbinger = Harbinger (GMT-5)
Highlander = The Highlander (GMT-6)
hotpapi = DivineJudgement (GMT-8)
Iothon = OgreBane
JDRobZombie = NikkiWest
Jedifive = Solleriost (GMT-6)
jhmirage = JHMirage (GMT-6)
JimmDogg = jamesdk
JoeBedurndurn = Bedurndurn (GMT-5)
JohnnyMoJo = Wabu
jonnypolite = jonnypolite (GMT-8)
Josh = WolfmanJ
Karrde = Karrde86
KrazyTaco[FO] = KrazyTacoFO (GMT-5)
Kyller = Ky11er (GMT-8)
Lawyeron = Lawyeron
*Legion* = Legion SB (GMT-8)
Lester_King = Lester King (GMT-5)
LiquidMantis = Caffiend (GMT-6)
LobsterMobster = Liberty Lobster (GMT-5)
Lock&Load = LockNLoad1 (GMT-5)
Lothar = Lothar71
magnus = Magnus1972 (GMT-6)
martin_blank = martin blank
Mills = MaxShrek
Mixolyde = Mixolyde (GMT-5)
Morrolan = Morrolan123 (GMT-8)
Mr.Green = MrGreen (GMT-5)
MST3000 = MST3000 (GMT-8)
mumford = Tex Red
NSRRacing = NSRRacing (GMT-8)
Nosferatu = Nosferatu (GMT-6)
optimistic = Optimi5tic
pandion124 = pandion124 (GMT-5)
phragged = phragged2 (GMT-8)
Podunk = CrankyBaby (GMT-8)
Propagandalf = propagandalf (GMT-6)
PsychoKillerZ = PsychoKillerZ (GMT-8)
Pulse = Pulse11
Pyroman[FO] = PyromanFO (GMT-5)
Reaper81 = GWJ Reaper (GMT-6)
Rezzy = RezGod
RichyRambo = RichyRambo (GMT-5)
Ridlin = Ridlin
Rorschach = Rorschach Six
Sanjuro = GWJ Sanjuro (GMT-8)
SaintBeans = woomp
Sephirah = Sephirah
simpilot = YankeeFan4444 (GMT-6)
Sinatar = Caliadar (GMT-7)
SingleBarrel = SingleBarrel
SkippyLeBeef = Skippy LeBeef (GMT-6)
SommerMatt = SOMMERMATT (GMT-6)
Sporadic = Sporadic E (GMT-5)
SpyNavy = SpyNavy (GMT-5)
Stric9 = Stricster (GMT-8)
styx120 = NeoStyx || NeoCell
Supertanker = Supertanker
SwampYankee = SwampYankee GWJ(GMT-5)
Swat = Swat KLR (GMT-8)
Sway = XSway
Tel = Teldizzle (GMT-5)
Tenchid = Tenchid
The_Boiling_frog = BoilingFrog (GMT-7)
Thin_J = Cabbot (GMT-5)
Titmouse = TITM0US3 (GMT)
tke364 = GMJ TKE364 (GMT-5)
Vega = VegaGWJ (GMT-5)
VicD714 = Malfeitor (GMT-5)
V-O = Junior72
wan-fu = CUTTY JONES
Warlock = JBWarlock
WineGlass = DoubleFour
Zedian = TheZedian
Amped 2
WineGlass, Nosferatu, cuebert
Brothers in Arms
1Dgaf, Sinatar
Burnout 3
Thin_J, ColdForged, 1Dgaf, Propagandalf, phragged,
Mr.Green, LiquidMantis, Grumpicus, PsychoKillerZ,
Fletcher1138, Nosferatu, jonnypolite, Edgar_Newt, Donan, styx120, Duttybrew, a7an, Mixolyde, MST3000, Lock&Load, Podunk, V-O, JDRobZombie, VicD714, Arovin, LobsterMobster, firesloth, Sinatar
Counter Strike
Iothon, Edwin, styx120
Crimson Skies
WineGlass, JohnnyMoJo, Chrisg, Certis, phragged,
SingleBarrel, Demiurge, simpilot, optimistic, Rorschach Six,
Iothon, Pulse, belt500, Edwin, Sway, FractalD,
martin_blank, styx120, Sanjuro, PsychoKillerZ, Mills,
Highlander, 1Dgaf, Supertanker, Kyller, Grumpicus,
The_Boiling_frog, jhmirage, SpyNavy, Pyroman[FO], *Legion*,
Fletcher1138, Nosferatu, Tel, Reaper81, Edgar_Newt, Swat, Donan, Duttybrew, JoeBedurndurn, Alcology, tke364, NSRRacing, Mixolyde, firesloth, gwartok, Lock&Load, Morrolan, Atras, Podunk, V-O, Sinatar, Zedian, Arovin, LobsterMobster
Colin McRay Rally 04
DDR Ultramix(is this playable online?)
Rorschach Six, styx120
Dead Man's Hand
Dead Or Alive Ultimate
Nosferatu, Thin_J, Arovin
Doom 3
*Legion*, chrisg
ESPN Basketball
Pulse, Sway, styx120
Mr.Green, SpyNavy, PsychoKillerZ, V-O, SwampYankee, SommerMatt
El-Producto, styx120, Duttybrew, SwampYankee, SommerMatt
ESPN NHL Hockey 2k4
Certis, martin_blank, Dramatic Marlin, simpilot
ColdForged, Dramatic Marlin, Mr.Green, SpyNavy, ColdForged, SpyNavy, *Legion*, El-Producto, Reaper81, Donan, Mixolyde, firesloth, SpyNavy, PsychoKillerZ, SwampYankee, SommerMatt
BaggaChipz, JohnnyMoJo, mumford, belt500,
SwampYankee, styx120
Dramatic Marlin, PsychoKillerZ, Demiurge, simpilot, phragged,
Sanjuro, Elysium, wan-fu, Sway, Highlander, Supertanker, Druidpeak, Grumpicus, Stric9, JohnnyMoJo, ColdForged,
SpyNavy, Vega, jhmirage, Mr.Green, *Legion*, Propagandalf, Nosferatu, Tel, Edgar_Newt, styx120, a7an, sporadic, Karrde, tke364, cuebert, firesloth, gwartok, Lock&Load, Morrolan, Atras, V-O, Thin_J, SwampYankee, SommerMatt
Fight Night 2004
Fight Night Round 2
Mr.Green, Thin_J
Forza Motorsport
Full Spectrum Warrior
Pulse, Dramatic Marlin, simpilot, 1Dgaf, Sway, JohnnyMoJo,
Stric9, Donan, firesloth, Thin_J, SwampYankee, VicD714, LobsterMobster
Ghost Recon
FractalD, styx120, Mills, Tel, Donan
Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
FractalD, Mills
Ghost Recon 2
*Legion*, Harbinger, Mr.Green, RichyRambo, SpyNavy, *Legion*, Thin_J, PsychoKillerZ, LobsterMobster, firesloth, Sinatar
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
PsychoKillerZ, Arovin
Halo 2
Grumpicus, *Legion*, Nosferatu, PsychoKillerZ, Edwin, Propagandalf, Dramatic Marlin, Lester_King, JimmDogg, KrazyTaco[FO], Fletcher1138, Thin_J, Sanjuro, mumford,
magnus, jonnypolite, Edgar_Newt, Swat, Sporadic, 1Dgaf, Mr.Green, Donan, styx120, Duttybrew, a7an, chrisg, JoeBedurndurn, Karrde, Alcology, Jedifive, tke364, cuebert, NSRRacing, Harbinger, MST3000, pandion124, gwartok, Lock&Load, SpyNavy, Morrolan, Atras, Podunk, Mixolyde, Rezzy, Sinatar, Arovin, SommerMatt, LobsterMobster, firesloth
Kindom Under Fire: The Crusaders
styx120, Sinatar
Links 2004
JohnnyMoJo, BaggaChipz, simpilot, Certis, Sway,
digital matt, Rorschach Six, Berthold, SwampYankee,
Sanjuro, 1Dgaf, Highlander, Dramatic Marlin, PsychoKillerZ,
Tel, Edgar_Newt, Donan, sporadic, tke364, JBWarlock, RichyRambo, Thin_J, firesloth
Madden 2k5
Highlander, magnus, SpyNavy
Magic The Gathering: Battlegrounds
chrisg, styx120, Kyller, jonnypolite
Mech Assault
Griffon, mumford, SingleBarrel, Demiurge, JohnnyMoJo,
simpilot, Rorschach Six, Iothon, Lawyeron,
styx120, Dramatic Marlin, Highlander, Supertanker,
Kyller, Grumpicus, Stric9, Thin_J, The_Boiling_frog, Fletcher1138, Nosferatu, jonnypolite, Edgar_Newt, JoeBedurndurn, Jedifive, tke364, Mixolyde, Lock&Load, Podunk, V-O, Arovin
Mech Assault 2
V-O, Thin_J
Midtown Madness 3
SingleBarrel, JohnnyMoJo, 1Dgaf, styx120, simpilot, *Legion*, Nosferatu
Midnight Club 2
Midnight Club 3
Rezzy, Mr.Green, Thin_J, LobsterMobster
Moto GP 2
MK: Deception
MTX: MotoTrax
NCAA Football 2005
Sanjuro, simpilot, Elysium, magnus
NFL Fever
Ninja Gaiden
Supertanker, Stric9, Nosferatu, LobsterMobster
Outrun 2
Phantasy Star Online
Edwin, Lawyeron, hotpapi, Tel, Mixolyde
Phantom Dust
JoeBedurndurn, Atras, Mixolyde, PsychoKillerZ, LobsterMobster, Sinatar, LockAndLoad, phragged
Project Gotham Racing 2
Sway, JohnnyMoJo, WineGlass, chrisg,
simpilot, Certis, Bean75, baggachipz, Propagandalf,
digital matt, optimistic, Rorschach Six, Berthold, MrGreen,
VicD714, FractalD, phragged, 1Dgaf, Elysium, Supertanker, hotpapi, magnus, Titmouse, jhmirage, Nosferatu, jonnypolite, Donan, JoeBedurndurn, Jedifive, Harbinger, Tenchid, V-O, Sinatar
Rainbow Six 3
WineGlass, JohnnyMoJo, Certis, phragged, mumford,
SingleBarrel, Rorschach Six, Iothon, Edwin, Sway,
FractalD, 1Dgaf,styx120, wan-fu, hotpapi, jonnypolite, Jedifive, NSRRacing, Harbinger, Mixolyde, LobsterMobster
Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow
Thin_J, phragged, El-Producto, PsychoKillerZ, Sanjuro, MST3000
Rallisport Challenge 2
ColdForged, Bean, baggachipz, Pulse, simpilot, Sway, Supertanker, JohnnyMoJo, Titmouse, jhmirage, Sinatar
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
phragged, Edwin, Sephirah, 1Dgaf, Bean, Demiurge, JohnnyMoJo, The_Boiling_frog, *Legion*, Reaper81, cuebert, Podunk, chrisg, Zedian, LockAndLoad
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Morrolan, RichyRambo, Edwin, JoeBedurndurn, Tenchid, SpyNavy, *Legion*, Thin_J, Rezzy, PsychoKillerZ, SwampYankee, VicD714, Sinatar, Zedian, LockAndLoad, firesloth, LobsterMobster, phragged
Star Wars: Battlefront
Star Wars: Clone Wars
Steel Battalion: Line of Contact
Edwin, FractalD, martin_blank, 1dgaf, The_Boiling_frog, Nosferatu
Street Fighter
Tenchu: Return from Darkness
Tetris Worlds Online
phragged, Dramatic Marlin, PsychoKillerZ, Demiurge, Sinatar
Donan, NSRRacing
Top Spin
WineGlass, JohnnyMoJo, simpilot, Certis, Rorschach Six,
baggachipz, MrGreen, Edwin, FractalD, 1Dgaf, martin_blank,
Demiurge, Highlander, magnus, jhmirage, Dramatic Marlin, *Legion*, PsychoKillerZ, Tel, Lester_King, jonnypolite, Donan, sporadic, Jedifive
Tron 2.0
Unreal Championship
WineGlass, chrisg, Rorschach Six, styx120, Tel
Unreal II
Chrisg, Iothon, Pulse, FractalD, styx120, PsychoKillerZ, wan-fu, hotpapi, The_Boiling_frog