Here's the drops in my latest fight between mercs, militia, and invaders at Grumm:
Their weapons are hella advanced (I lost all 20 militia but 1, and her I had to bandage while she lay dying). Armor is decent. Their night vision is still only type I.
I *still* fire it up every now and then depending on whats new on the mod scene. Yeah Wildfire is crap. Fallout Tactics also highly underrated, if you mush the two engines together you'd have the perfect turn based squad game.
It was announced that a DS remake was in the works, but there hasn't been any news since that announcement. Pocket PC Studios is supposed to be doing the ports, but there isn't any news on their website, and it doesn't look to have been updated since about 2005, so I'm thinking we might be out of luck on a DS version.
I was looking forward to playing it on another platform.
Anyhow, JA2 is a favorite of mine, and I went through and replayed it about 2 years ago. It was an enjoyable experience. Has anyone ever played through Unfinished Business? Is it worth revisiting?
Has anyone ever played through Unfinished Business? Is it worth revisiting?
I plan to when I finish my current game.
I finished UB - long time ago. Very linear, there are some tasks that I missed (no spoilers!) that would have eased my time. I basically finished it with the group that I started with. Not recommended.
My bro and I are going to embark on a 'speed round', I have finished the game, all towns/SAM sites under my control in under 30 days, but I think I can do it in 25.
Unfinished Business is definitely recommended, if only just for the return of Tex! (great new quotes) and some of the new mercs. Yes its very linear and if you liked the freedom to powergame then its a bit of downer. If you treat it as any old linear singleplayer game of today and go with a new team of mercs you haven't used before it's a great new experience.
I had it for ages with JA2 Gold but somehow never got around to installing it or forgot that it was in the box. When I went to fire it up again years later, I found UB and it was like.. the best kinda xmas gift/pseudo JA3 I'd ever gotten rofl. Definitely recommended if you can get it, especially since Sir-Tech is now defunct any extra content is a blessing
In my latest equipment shuffle, I managed to send out two of my top snipers without scopes on their sniper rifles. Doh! Also, I've scavenged a .338 Lapua Magnum sniper rifle and yet can't use it, because Bobby Ray's doesn't carry any ammo for it, though it has .50 BMG ammo for sale. (And don't get me started on the .338 LM rifles having longer ranges than the .50 cal rifles. As if.)
There is *still* no game that has equalled the equipment/loot lust that this game does for me. Yes that includes WoW. Tons of Guns, best feature ever.
Tons of Guns, best feature ever.
Even more insane in 1.13. Is it heresy to say too much?
Heresy and blasphemy! There is no such thing as too much guns
Started my assault on Meduna. It was a bit delayed when I got into the airfield and realized I had no metal detectors for spotting the mines that ring the area. Back to Grumm to wait for a Bobby Ray's shipment. Unfortunately, this meant that the 12.7mm sniper rifles I had presumptively shipped to Meduna in preparation for my inevitable takeover of the airfield may have fallen into enemy hands. The good news is that my first uses of a mortar in this game were 4 for 4 perfect dead-on shots.
Well, I'm going to get back into JA2. My disks have been destroyed by years of use and two deployments so I need to pick up some a new copy of the gold edition.
Thanks a lot.
We should play some sort of weekly round game. What are those things called ' progression games'? I would like to have either expert night ops or night/stealth on my main. At least one of the two, night or stealth. Tons of guns, hardest mode possible. (Impossible?)
I GOTTA get this loaded back up. Once I clear the first two city blocks (the LZ), I am pretty much home free. Looking forward to hearing "What is witch you, main?" When I show the cargo attendant who's boss.
It still give me a smile when the rebel leader first walks in and says "I... do not!"
Favorite firearm - FN-FAL.
edit: Let me just say, that was before this godly patch:
second edit: Hmm, still looks like the king of damage in an automatic. Ammo is so heavy, though.
I think I may have found 1 FN FAL, though I didn't use it. I do have at least 1 or 2 G3A3s still in service though. Still having trouble finding .338 LM ammo.
Actually, now that I think of it, I believe I have Hitman carrying an OSW.
The list of guns... oh my goodness...
The OSW? Yes, please!
FN FAL OSW (7.62x51mm) A heavily modified FAL, its compact size, portability, light weight, and power combine to make this a formidable battle rifle.
So, here's a question, what sort of mercs do you guys prefer? The "big-name" heavy hitters like Reaper and Magic or the no-namers like Grunty?
So, here's a question, what sort of mercs do you guys prefer? The "big-name" heavy hitters like Reaper and Magic or the no-namers like Grunty?
I always find the game more rewarding, and my team more powerful, when I take a team of mostly misfits who can't shoot worth a darn and follow them through until they become superheroes by the end.
I tend to want to fill out my squads, so I get 6 cheapies as opposed to 2 or 3 of the expensive guys. So it's not until later in the game that I pick up the high-priced call girls... err, mercenaries.
As I stated earlier in the thread (several years ago) I like maximizing my IMP character with 85 Wisdom and 85 Marksmanship and then train him in Leadership. That gives you a pretty lethal head start as far as the strategic game goes and I prefer to recruit Gus or Len on a quick hire (day/week respectively) for the initial blitz. I never kept Len due to the fact you couldn't train him but I may now that you can in 1.13.
I tend not to keep many of the initial mercs with lower wisdom. Dr. Q, Barry, and a few others I'll keep around but I ditch all of the rebels (hope you like the hick family, Ira!) and the recruitable scum as soon as possible. The only exception is Maddog. I recruit him for the express purpose of getting him killed. Cougar isn't a bad addition from Merc but dumping cash into Merc enough to get him is sometimes a waste.
Spending early can either break you or give a massive boost if you're willing to tough it out. I can't remember the name off the top of my head but I took out that military training base/city in 21 days one game on expert. It was a brutal affair but at the end of it, I outgunned my opponents for several weeks and was able to consolidate the map, taking all SAM sites except the last.
The good news is that my first uses of a mortar in this game were 4 for 4 perfect dead-on shots.
Put a mortar in Ivan's hands and the man can sculpt you a perfect replica of David out of burning tank parts.
Oh god, I forgot how addicted I was to this game. Talking about it is bringing out some kind of addictive craving that has me already planning out my first assault.
You horde of goddamned assholes. Now I need to try and find this game. And I was trying to save money.
You goddamn assholes.
EDIT: Oh, of course it's on Steam.
You horde of goddamned assholes. Now I need to try and find this game. And I was trying to save money.
You goddamn assholes.
EDIT: Oh, of course it's on Steam.
Shut up shut up shut up! It is not easily purchasable! IT IS NOT!
DON'T buy it from Steam. Edit: Having re-read the article only one bug is really worth mentioning and that is that some of your items purchased from a weapons vendor may never arrive and that this bug only exists in the Steam version. The second "bug" involves you getting extra money right at the beginning. Whatever.
DON'T buy it from Steam.
You hear that, Reaper says don't buy from Steam!
That's right. Don't buy from Steam. Ever.
<-- Enabler
You need to get UB. Gaston from MERC is awesome. So is Tex (who is not MERC).
I generally prefer the bargain bang for bucks. Buns is fantastic, guns + medic, meltdown is a good early buy for the ambidex, Ice for training/all rounder. Raven is probably my favourite merc overall for her marksmanship, price and you can get her up to a good field medic very quickly. Raider is probably my least favourite, for having such a hot badass wife and badass profile, the guy sounds like a dweeb, misses more than he should and is generally mediocre for the price. Barry is another good early buy.
OH yeah I tend to only carry 1-2 elites per squad at most, anyone else with decent marksmanship is more than enough. I drop the elite count like most people and load up a little more of the explosives and HW guys. Dynamiting through doors and walls and spamming LAWS give me much more value for money than yet another headshot.
Meduna's falling with surprising ease. I've taken 4 of the 6 city squares, including the airport and SAM site.
All you really need to do is take the queen's sector. And yeah, if you can make it that far you're probably pretty kitted out. I remember my first time in there. I took a screenshot of the bloodbath where I could fit something like 20-40 corpses on the one screen witth my guys barely getting nicked.