WoW Hunters

Wow, not even half a day after I calculated how far behind I was as a BM hunter:

Latest 3.2 PTR build notes wrote:

Beast Mastery
Animal Handler now increases your pet's attack power by 5/10% instead of increasing its expertise by 5/10.

There's the buff I've been waiting for. This makes me very, very happy.

This probably translates into something like a 3-4% DPS boost when considered in a vacuum, but combined with the improvements to other aspects of pet scaling that they say they are working on, this should go quite a ways towards bridging the gap between the specs.


Odd, though; I could swear GC had said that they wanted to find ways to buff the hunter rather than the pet. I'll take what I can get, I guess.

At this point, I'm looking at one of the following three specs come 3.2:




I guess some people prefer a build with Invigoration, but what I'm most interested in testing is the relative values of the extra Kill Command now offered by Catlike Reflexes, the bonus crit damage from Mortal Shots, and the extra crit chance from Survival Instincts.


Also included in this latest build was a buff to the top tier pet talents which only BM hunters can fully invest in. Good times indeed.

By the spreadsheet (website), with these buffs the difference between the theoretical DPS of my BM spec and the theoretical DPS I could achieve with a standard MM spec has dropped from 600 to 200 (from roughly a 9% difference to a bit less than 3% difference). As things stand, it still looks like BM won't be scaling quite as well as MM and SV as gear levels increase, but if 3.2 came out without any further changes to the class I'd still be an extremely happy BM hunter. Not that I'd complain if they made some further improvements to pet scaling, mind you (I'd like my pet to have at least part of my armor penetration rating please), but the balance between the hunter specs has never looked better in my opinion.

I don't know how many people are already using Power Auras, but here's a nice walkthrough for setting up a couple configurations. It's useful for keeping track of Serpent Sting*, Black Arrow, Lock and Load procs, Kill Shot, Hunter's Mark, buffs/debuffs, and so on. You could also set it up to show when you're in Pack or Viper, although I use AutoAspect to make sure I don't accidentally stay in Viper for too long.

Any other interesting uses of PA, or other mods? I might take a look at ForteXorcist tonight if I get a chance to set it up.

*It can't seem to differentiate SrS cast by you and other hunters, but you can use the timer function as well.

I'm a big fan of the minimalist look and Power Auras is just too busy for me.

So I use Xperl to drag the character box (and the target box and target-of-target box) from the top left corner to right above my action bars. Xperl also counts down buffs and debuffs. It's not nearly as elegant as Power Auras, but it's effective.

I think I'll to take a look at AutoAspect. I'm the king of forgetting to turn off Viper.

Also, it looks like Elkano's Buff Bars works much the same as ForteXorcist. It's not aimed at any particular class.

Yeah, I 100% second the recommendation of Power Auras.

*It can't seem to differentiate SrS cast by you and other hunters, but you can use the timer function as well.

Odd, I never seem to have a problem with that. This is with the "cast by you" option turned on for the specific aura?

Actually, for Serpent Sting I use two auras: one that counts down the duration of the SrS currently on the target cast by me, and one that shows a bubble over the counter when one is not present. Perhaps changing to a configuration like that would help with the issue you are having?

Any other interesting uses of PA, or other mods?

As I mentioned in the other thread, my core mods for managing my performance are PA and Quartz. I also use PA to see when proc abilities are currently active so that I can make better decisions about when to hit my big red murder buttons.

Other than that, I also use SCT (and SCTD) to have better scrolling combat text so I can make sure that me and my pet are always doing the damage we should be with our hits, and I use CDT cooldown timers (although these days PA is almost making those pointless). Everything else I have installed is for utility purposes primarily; Fubar and lots of extensions, Xperl, Bartender, Baggins, a few tooltip enhancing things, etc.

I might take a look at ForteXorcist tonight if I get a chance to set it up.

That looks sexy, but for now I'm good with what I'm currently using. Of course, let us know if it is super awesome.

boreden-myrddraal wrote:

Can anybody recommend a good leveling spec, I played my hunter through all of TBC and he is fully t6 geared /sunwell but from what I have seen the class is very different. I would link armory but its down. Right now i went down the BM tree 53 points , and I took steady shot and BM glyph, the rest of my points I put into marks. also picked up a bear pet, could somebody recommend the pet talents I should have taken? I am told I should aoe grind it out with volley and multi shot.

Right now Survival and Marks are the top two DPS specs. BM is expected to close the gap when 3.2 comes out. I'm partial to MM, but that's been my spec since I had talent points to spend.

Frankly, though, you can't go wrong no matter what spec you pick. 70 to 80 goes very quickly, especially if you have rest bonus. They're all fun, and they all do a crapload of damage.

As for a pet spec, check with Zero on that ... he's the resident BM expert. He put together a couple of BM builds above. (Or, at the top of page 13 of this thread.) I was looking for a tenacity build I thought he posted a while back, but can't find it.

The key thing is to make sure your pet is at your same level, or at least no more than one level below you. I had all sorts of aggro problems when my pets were two or three levels below me -- they'd miss, I'd hit and the mob would be in my jock.

Yeah, as far as leveling goes, BM is still probably your strongest option. That said, you'll be fine with either of the other two specs and both are (currently) better for end game raiding. As such, it might be worthwhile to level as MM or SV if you intend to raid as them so that you can get a feel for the differences in how they play as you level.

If you do go with BM, though, you can work your way towards any of the 53/X/X specs I posted above and you'll be just fine (the 55/X/X won't even begin to have value until 3.2). Some people prefer Endurance Training over Improved Hawk while leveling, but I don't see it as necessary. Other than that the core talents in BM are the same for soloing and raiding, but if you get annoyed by how frequently you have to go into Viper mode you could throw a point or two into invigoration.

For your bear leveling spec you'll want to start with something like this and work toward something like this if you go BM, or this if you go MM or SV and work toward something like the starting BM spec. Those specs are tuned for PvE soloing, mind you, with a nice mix of damage and survivability effects. You can also build a tenacity pet to be more focused on one aspect or the other, or you can get abilities with PvP or group play in mind, but those specs will be a nice middle ground appropriate for soloing.

As you approach 80 you're going to want to grab and level a ferocity pet or two. Currently wolves are top DPS pets for MM and SV, and wolves and devilsaurs are close competitors for BM. In 3.2 cats might be making a comeback, but other than that there doesn't look to be much change coming for pets. Your level 80 BM ferocity spec should look something like this. You'll notice that there is one point left over in that spec, though -- personally I like to either put it in bloodthirsty or boar's speed, but it can also be useful in charge (most raid mobs are immune to the charge effect, but it's unquestionably useful when you use the pet for soloing). If you go MM or SV you'll want this spec, although it's worthwhile to play with the spreadsheet to see if the last point will be more useful in shark attack or wild hunt.

First off sorry about the double post , and thanks Enix for the link !.

I actually ended up going with something similar to your 53/13 build Zero , I haven't gotten enough points yet for MM talents but that looks pretty promising. I am assuming that Frenzy 3/5 is because the return you get from the 4th and 5 point is diminished , in TBC I used 4 which was more then sufficient so I went with that again.

The bear will need a respec but all and not as bad as I feared. I noticed the speed at which I am killing seems to make my steadyshot glyph a bit worthless, since the mob dies before viper does its job. I am thinking maybe viper would be more beneficial for leveling.

Lastly I have a set of Rift stalker in the bank the 2pc gives 15 % dmg done as health to the pet do you think it would be worth using or should i stick with t6 for more damage ?

I am assuming that Frenzy 3/5 is because the return you get from the 4th and 5 point is diminished , in TBC I used 4 which was more then sufficient so I went with that again.

Sorry, I forgot about that -- at level 80, you only want to go down to 3/5 when you have a very high crit rate, say 26-27% or greater (which works in conjunction with cobra strikes to keep frenzy up for your pet). Normally you would get to 4/5 there by floating a point over from spirit bond or mend pet, but for leveling you might actually prefer to keep those points in the healing talents. Also, you might consider going 1/2 in each of spirit bond and mend pet or even 2/2 in mend pet rather than the 2/2 I had in spirit bond. When leveling, the cleanse effect from mend pet is probably going to be more important than the bonus healing from spirit bond.

I noticed the speed at which I am killing seems to make my steadyshot glyph a bit worthless, since the mob dies before viper does its job. I am thinking maybe viper would be more beneficial for leveling.

Yeah, I think I leveled with the beastial wrath and viper glyphs, and dropped viper for steady shot and serpent sting glyphs when I hit 80. For leveling, the viper glyph is almost certainly going to be more useful than either of those. (At 80, though, these days people often go with kill shot or hawk glyphs rather than the serpent sting one I'm currently using -- the math on that varies quite widely depending on the nature of the fight, though.)

Lastly I have a set of Rift stalker in the bank the 2pc gives 15 % dmg done as health to the pet do you think it would be worth using or should i stick with t6 for more damage ?

Quite likely. Your bear will already be an AoE tanking machine, and that bonus healing will make him nigh indestructible. And as you noted regarding the steady shot glyph, a bit of extra damage isn't going to be hugely meaningful in most leveling contexts. Or to put it another way, if I had access to the T5 2 piece bonus for leveling, I would have kept it equipped probably all the way to 80 (despite that fact that by like 76 or 77 you'll see better gear stat-wise from quest/rep rewards).

EDIT: Oh, and one more note on the tenacity spec I posted: as a matter of preference, you might put a point into boar's speed, perhaps taken from avoidance. Honestly, though, while there is a very clear cut best ferocity spec, tenacity specs are a lot more fluid. The goal of the spec is to have a pet that stays alive and helps you kill fast, so you shouldn't hesitate to shift the balance of talents between damage and survivability of you are doing fine in one area or the other. If you use the Rift Stalker bonus in particular, you probably could get away with starting with something like this and leave blood of the rhino at 1/2 as you level to something along these lines.

Hunter Class Q&A with Ghostcrawler

Honestly, there isn't much to be gleaned from it other than a better sense of what their current design goals are for the class. Actually, I think the biggest pieces of news were things he declined to discuss in depth.

First, regarding non-consumable ammo I'm guessing that this change has been pushed back to 4.0. It's not in 3.2 for sure, and some of his comments lead me to believe that it's going to end up being too much trouble to implement outside of the major technology shift a new expansion naturally brings.

Second, there are several topics he classified as "Blizzcon material," notably potential changes to our resource system and moving away from cooldown limited attack rotations. What this says to me is that where the big change to hunters in 3.0 mostly focused on making pets more interesting and fixing talent tree viability, in 4.0 they may be looking into making us less "Mages in Mail" and more "Rogues (or warriors) at Range." Very interesting indeed.

I've dropped my account, but here's my two cents on 70-80 as a hunter: Spec MM w/ BM as your dual. When it comes to leveling efficiency, MM spanks BM so hard it's really not that funny. I was running AoV half as much MM spec'd as I was BM spec'd, and even at 80 that's not an uncommon occurence. Add in all the frontloaded damage you get from an MM spec, and you're pretty golden. Just make sure you use MD as often as possible.

Thanks for all the advice, right now I am trying the Bm/ Aoe with bear pet. I can kill on average 7-9 mobs at one time if they are grouped and non casters with little to no down time after wise. I just viper aspect while I gather more mobs and switch back to hawk to kill them. The gear I have is probably contributing to this , since the pet is constantly getting healed and even as bm im dishing out 1500 dps at lv 70. For elite or group quests I imagine I will be able to solo all of them as well since my. I haven't tried it but I would bet with marksman mobs would die before they even got half way to me, the only down side i see to this is having to mana up.

I haven't started questing yet because ive been waiting for my girlfriend to catch up shes 66 so for now aoe grinding is all i have been doing.

The trick with MM is that your shots use way less mana, and you're less, since they're more damaging as well, with a generally better crit rate.

AnimeJ wrote:

The trick with MM is that your shots use way less mana, and you're less, since they're more damaging as well, with a generally better crit rate.

Yep. Mark 'em, Serpent Sting, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Kill Shot. That'll pretty much take care of everything. At level 80 against lvl 80 mobs, it's rare that I have to do more than that. Even the Arcane Shot (or Kill Shot) are optional.

If you're geared better than I am (and most everyone is), your crit should be well over 30 percent, and your Auto Shots will be doing a ton of damage as well.

When you're out of mana: Go into Viper Sting. Mark 'em, Serpent Sting, Rapid Fire, Steady Shot till it's dead. Then pop back into Dragonhawk.

at 70 , as BM i am sitting with about 2100 ap and 30 crit and I believe I was hit capped with a food buff which I have about 90 of still in my bag. The issue I have is stat ratios will drop dramatically as I level though so I want to play a spec that when I hit 75 and my gear is obsolete it will still be powerful.

As I mentioned before, though, really any spec is fine for leveling if you know how to play it (and even more so with the gear you have left over from BC). Also, every tree has abilities that can help with mana efficiency if you care to take them. In BM, take 2/2 in invigoration and you'll spend a lot less time in viper.

Enix wrote:
AnimeJ wrote:

The trick with MM is that your shots use way less mana, and you're less, since they're more damaging as well, with a generally better crit rate.

Yep. Mark 'em, Serpent Sting, Chimera Shot, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Kill Shot. That'll pretty much take care of everything. At level 80 against lvl 80 mobs, it's rare that I have to do more than that. Even the Arcane Shot (or Kill Shot) are optional.

If you're geared better than I am (and most everyone is), your crit should be well over 30 percent, and your Auto Shots will be doing a ton of damage as well.

When you're out of mana: Go into Viper Sting. Mark 'em, Serpent Sting, Rapid Fire, Steady Shot till it's dead. Then pop back into Dragonhawk.

I have a different spec than most and find myself not using Viper if at all. I went with Rapid Recuperation that servers me very well unless I am running a lowbie through an old dungeon, then I drop into Viper or sit and drink. I haven't changed my spec too much when I was leveling and walked right into raiding. I have always been MM and probably will never change. I might DS into BM so I can have a Spirit Cat or T-Rex but that is just for show.

Point is just like Zero said every spec has their ups and downs. I always refer to WoW 1.0 when I say this. When playing a Hunter in WoW 1.0 MM was the easiest spec. In a group you sit back send in your pet to attack without really caring if it lived or died and just shot the target. BM was the step up because you had to split your focus from what you were doing and what was happening to your pet, so situational awareness started to enter your vocabulary. SV spec was ALL about situational awareness, with use of traps and a lot of the old talents like expose weakness and such.

Things have changed and the specs have grown from 1.0 but those basic tenants still hold true. Anyone can play a Hunter and most play MM but to really play a Hunter BM or SV were the ways to go to really learn the class.

I may be pigeon holing myself here since I said I have always been MM but I have learned to play a Hunter and I think I do it fairly well.

Demonicmaster wrote:

I have a different spec than most and find myself not using Viper if at all. I went with Rapid Recuperation that servers me very well ...

I've got the same 2/2 in Rapid Recuperation. But I tend to save Rapid Fire as an OHCRAP! button or for boss fights. It's a very effective (and lethal) move that I don't use nearly often enough.

Enix wrote:
Demonicmaster wrote:

I have a different spec than most and find myself not using Viper if at all. I went with Rapid Recuperation that servers me very well ...

I've got the same 2/2 in Rapid Recuperation. But I tend to save Rapid Fire as an OHCRAP! button or for boss fights. It's a very effective (and lethal) move that I don't use nearly often enough.

Oh no I use it all the time. Because I also have Rapid Killing which reduces my rapid fire cooldown by 2 minutes and with Rapid Recuperation I get 6% of my mana back which is more than enough for when I am solo'ing.

There's a somewhat informative Marksman thread on the official forums: (1) Ignore the first page until Jormungandr's post near the bottom--for example, the second post is just wrong. (2) Bloodmagic's post on the second page has good info. The other posts contain clarifications here and there.

Marksman Rotation

I haven't heard about totally omitting Arcane Shot except on magic-vulnerable bosses like Hodir, but the relevant posts have rotation info and why, as well as glyph recommendations and why. Didn't really give the builds a look.

There's plenty of fail in that thread. Any MM hunter who doesn't fire Chimera Shot every single time it is off cooldown should have his hunting license taken away.

That's why Captain Fail made an appearance. But those couple posts answer questions I had when I first started MM, and EJ's Marks thread doesn't have a consolidated first page guide--although it looks like it was finally edited with an update, although a sparse one.

MM isn't too hard, but a lot of folks put too much into the science instead of the art of it.

MM hunters should be using traps (to reduce the number of mobs you're facing), Silencing Shot (a silenced caster means your group takes less damage), Rapid Fire/Steady Shot (to recharge your mana when you're low) and Kill Shot/Readiness/Kill Shot in boss fights.

Folks typically present their rotations as Stone Cold Fact when, really, there are a lot of situations that require you to do something other than to press the same buttons in the same order.

Gentlemen, I give you the BRK-1000, fo'shizzle.

Looks like it drops from the tribute chest, which if I understand correctly only exists at the end of the 25-man hard version of the new raid. So for the time being only the best of the best can expect to have this drop for them -- appropriate, I'd say.

zeroKFE wrote:

Gentlemen, I give you the BRK-1000, fo'shizzle.

Alright that is one powerful gun.

So I just got back into playing as my dwarf hunter, now I haven't played him since WoW 1.1 but I've already got him up to level 67 in the last week or so. I recently respecced to Survival as I'm grouping with a Warlock and I wanted to become a mana battery, plus it seemed that as a BM I wasn't dealing enough damage before the Warlock would nuke the mob to death. Also I'm horrible about switching out of Aspect of the Viper.

My question to you far more experienced hunters is whether there is a superior leveling build for burst damage? I've learned rather quickly that all of my old knowledge from 1.1 is very irrelevant at this point.

My question to you far more experienced hunters is whether there is a superior leveling build for burst damage? I've learned rather quickly that all of my old knowledge from 1.1 is very irrelevant at this point.

Well, as BM you've got your big red button, and if you are glyphed for bestial wrath (which you better be if you are BM ) you are going to have it available for almost every pull. So as an unabashed lover of the BM spec, that's probably the best burst damage that you will have control over. Obviously as SV you have your Lock and Load procs, but, well, that's a proc and thus not hugely useful for the 15 to 30 second fights you have while leveling. MM has the most instant shots, so you can get good burst damage there without having to wait 77 seconds for a big cooldown.

So, in short:

BM big burst every minute or so
MM reasonable burst on very short cooldown
SV excellent burst on proc

Elliottx wrote:

My question to you far more experienced hunters is whether there is a superior leveling build for burst damage? I've learned rather quickly that all of my old knowledge from 1.1 is very irrelevant at this point.

You can't go wrong with Marksman if you're looking for burst damage while leveling.

Hunter's Mark/Pet Attack --> Serpent Sting --> Chimera Shot --> Aimed Shot --> Arcane Shot --> Kill Shot. Figure that you'll get two or three Auto Shots in there. Combine that with pet damage, and there won't be much left of whatever you're shooting at. Plus it'll die fast.

Of course, this will blow through mana, so you'll have to get used to switching into and out of Viper. That's just the breaks.

My build (11/55/5) is linked below. I'm fine with it, but the EJ Approved build is more along the lines of 7/57/7 -- you take points out of Endurance Training (BM) and Aspect Mastery (BM) and put them in Survival Instincts and in either Efficiency, Imp. Barrage or Wild Quiver.

I could probably do a better job with my glyphs, but Serpent Sting is the only must have b/c it increases your Chimera Shot damage.

All that said, I'm not sure how you'll fare with a warlock. They're all about blowing things up in spectacular fashion.

Good luck!

I will second Enix on that. Now with the new traps too you can lay down a snake and immolation at the same time to do more damage in a short time. I haven't experimented with the new traps yet but I have a feeling it will be pretty sweet to lay down 2 DPS and 1 debuff (frost or freezing) at one time.

zeroKFE wrote:

Gentlemen, I give you the BRK-1000, fo'shizzle.

"Smells faintly of raspberries." Haha.

McFinn wrote:
zeroKFE wrote:

Gentlemen, I give you the BRK-1000, fo'shizzle.

"Smells faintly of raspberries." Haha.

I saw that too, and was slightly amused, but I don't get the reference.

BRK apparently had this thing for raspberries, especially in drinks. Yeah, I read most of what he read, but I completely whiffed on the reference until I looked it up.