Hey the Admiral worked hard - dont go knocking a Fleet guy - he worked hard for his money.
"Mex" wrote:Retail jobs. Be directed by someone else. Has its own set of problems tho - you don''t own yourself.
Also work for lower than low wages...
Not always true. I know of one person that works at Big Lots of all places as an supervisor of their Furniture department and takes home $40 a year. Granted that''s not anything remarkable by today''s standars, but he lives really damn comfortably. He has a small house in a good neighborhood and he drives a black RX-8. He''s got a big screen TV, nice furniture, the whole deal. He saved money the first 3 years he was at that job living at home, so it''s no surprise he''s worked it out as well as he has with that much disposable income, but it''s still good stuff.
His place is usually where we have our Halo parties actually.
That guy''s situation is exactly why I don''t ever want to have kids and plan to have a nice small house just all to myself.
But I''ve been doing that stuff 20 years now, 1d. Don''t forget, I''m one of the geezers around here. It''s pretty cool when you are younger.
He was kidding.Thank you. I''m glad someone noticed; I was starting to feel like Ted Nugent at a PETA rally.
I knew he was kidding, that was my attempt at continuing the joke with sarcasm. Why I added the smiley
Be a janitor. Here is why:
Never worry about it at home.
It''s easy as hell.
Chances are you''ll never be out of a job as every single place needs to be cleaned.
It pays pretty well since it is not such a great job at all.
You can usually get good benefits because of unions and crap like that.
Hours are always the same.
Brooms. Just brooms.
Reasons not to be a janitor:
You will never go anywhere.
The job is not fulfilling to most people unless you have OCD.
You will probably have to clean up some nasty stuff.
Your friends from other jobs will most likely make fun of you until you nail them with your broom.
Seriously though, good job if you don''t mind a dead end.
Of course, there is always game tester so at least you have that as your backup.
1d''s situation seems to sum up the state of being for a lot of us. I''m in the ""undesirable"" (note the air quotes) situation that I basically have the golden handcuffs on. I make too decent of a salary to make it easy to leave, even though I haven''t been happy for years.
I''m not making ""back the truck up, dump the money and roll in it"" kind of money (just to erase any preconceived ideas of me walking around with sacks of money at work), but I am making a very generous salary for the city I live in and the cost of living. I''m appreciative of it, and the company I work for on a whole has been good to me (through good times and bad). That being said, I miss having a ""spark"" for work as described before -- the reason to get up on Monday and the reason to stay late, aside from ""I won''t get paid if I don''t do this"".
I AM one of those guys that would probably work if I won the lottery. Sure, what I would define as work would change, but I like to work. I like to be busy. I''m ""achievement oriented"", meaning that I''m usually miserably unhappy when I''m not making some kind of contribution or progress against a challenge. I like to solve problems, build and create. You could say I do that now, but it''d be more accurate to say I maintain, I politic and I baby sit. There is no intellectual stimulation, there is no visceral or emotional thrill anymore. It''s like I''m an adrenaline junky but my source for adrenaline is all based on work challenges.
I''ve been struggling with this whole ""what do I do now, I have to work another 25 years -- how can I make it more bearable and fun?"" question that I''m not surprised others are asking as well.
I could write long diatribes about it, but I''ve been trying to push those kind of thoughts out of my head as much as possible. Its hard enough sometimes to slog through a week without getting yourself down into that ""well of despair"" that makes every day even more difficult.
<sigh> Anyways, 1d hang in there. Sometimes a change in and of itself is something to spark a better situation. I''m trying to decide what I want to do, but if you''re at all interested even in just a change and heading to another country perhaps I can point out some opportunities.
You know what I would do if I won the lottery? Two chicks at the same time.
At this point, I''d be happy just to have a job.
When I did have one though, the only reason I thought about it at home was when I''d vent to my wife about some of the jackasses I had to work with. Most low to mid level tech support is generally the sort of thing where you just do your job and go home I''ve found.
You know what I would do if I won the lottery? Two chicks at the same time.
you don''t need that kind of money to do two chicks at the same time
"Mex" wrote:You know what I would do if I won the lottery? Two chicks at the same time.
you don''t need that kind of money to do two chicks at the same time
For the kind of chicks that would double up on a dude like him he does
"Alcology" wrote:"Mex" wrote:You know what I would do if I won the lottery? Two chicks at the same time.
you don''t need that kind of money to do two chicks at the same time
For the kind of chicks that would double up on a dude like him he does ;)
Didn''t he do that last summer?
This time they have to be concious. (SP?)
Didn''t he do that last summer?
No, he ate church tacos with them. No, literally -- that''s not a euphemism. It was the disappointment of the year.
Of course, there is always game tester so at least you have that as your backup.
You know.. being a game tester actually SUCKS big time... I checked into this... talked to a few that sort of thing. One guy worked for Sega testing a sonic game... see he would get to play Sonic all day for 10 hours... sounds great right? Problem is he''d play the same level all day long...for 2 weeks straight. Also if you stop finding bugs and whatnot they fire your ass. I was also a bug tester for a security software company. I''d test software for 8 hours a day. I tested the same features 1-200 times. It blew. Oh yeah game tester pay also sucks.
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