They had their chance with Quake 3 and UT for Dreamcast and look what happened to them!
Except they were missing a stick....
I am in for the Clan....
Step back. Take a deep breath. You can play your ps2 and have fun. I used to own one. I played Socom II. I had fun. It is competitive. The cpu doesn''t aim my gun for me. (auto-aiming is meant to keep things relatively fun. It doesn''t mean you kick back, close your eyes and get a kill. ) No disrespect to console owners. I am one. I own a Xbox. And like I said it''s all relative. On the console it''s how well you use the controller. On the pc it''s how well you use mouse/keyboard. AT least for now.
Anyway maybe as not to rifle as many feathers let''s take a different comparison of control systems to sorta get to the pt I was making.
Keyboard only controls vs mouse/keyboard. I had so much fun playing Duke Nukem 3d with keyboard only. I played my buds till my hands hurt. A total blast. All my buds used keyboard only also.
You know what? That is probably my favorite fps game of all time. Just such a great f''n game. I had so much fun playing over a modem and on a lan.
Now mouse support was there I believe or was integrated by a patch or something. Anyway did the fact that I''m sure other independent gaming groups all were using a mouse/keyboard matter to me or make my experience less fun? No it didn''t.
Now did the fact my buds and I used keyboard only and had a great fun & very competitive & skillful experience (probably my favorite fps experience) mean that the mouse w/keyboard wasn''t a more effective control system? No. It was a more effective control system.
Now how come some folks playing console games have such a hard time with saying they have great fun on their consoles with their controllers yet it is true mouse/keyboard is more effective? I don''t know. I guess they can''t separate the two out.
Just look at sp fps games on both the console and pc to get a glimpse into which system game developers perceive as the most effective system. Now both can be fun mind you. But if you play them you''ll notice alot more autoaiming on the console. Also I think it''s fairly plain to see that pc fps games put more enemies on the screen and they are faster and your aim has to more precise. This because the control system allows this. They take away some of this on the console. Why? Not cause console players suck. But because the controller can''t respond as quickly and precisely as the mouse/keyboard setup. It''s all relative tho.
Compare it to a guy (in real-life) aiming with a pistol at a target 50 ft away compared to a sniper aiming at a target 1 mile away. Now the challenge is still there no matter the scenario. The fun is still there. What I''m saying is that they have to do something similar with console fps games. They have to move in the targets sorta speak for the console guy to have the same fun. And thus that shows to me that the mouse/keyboard is inherently more precise and effective.
This thread is about our upcoming Halo 2 clan..
not a discussion on which controls better in FPS''s
And in comes Guru with the very blunt:
""STFU you n00bs you''re all off-topic!""
This thread is about our upcoming Halo 2 clan..
not a discussion on which controls better in FPS''s
Didn''t you upgrade to hyper-threaded technology yet?
*places chin on hands*
Are you guys planning to get really fired up about this?
Nah - the ""smoking crack"" line was meant to be tongue in cheek.
"TheGameguru" wrote:This thread is about our upcoming Halo 2 clan..
not a discussion on which controls better in FPS''s
Well it seems you do.
Sorry. Couldn''t resist. You''re right though, let''s forget this controller crap and let''s talk about the smartjoy Halo 2 will bring us! :lol:
Its one thing to remark on whether or not the HAppy Smart Joyus Frag will be an unfair advantage or not or will it work and be the bees knees its another thing to go on and on over something actually quite trival in the long run.
If the Frag thingy is as good as it claims to be and we get our ass handed to us online because we dont have them..
Then I''ll buy X many and distribute them to the GWJ Clan.
No biggie problem solved.
Now how come some folks playing console games have such a hard time with saying they have great fun on their consoles with their controllers yet it is true mouse/keyboard is more effective? I don''t know. I guess they can''t separate the two out.
You''re making a couple assumptions that aren''t accurate. I''m a PC gamer first and foremost. Consoles have given me very little that stands up against Fallout, System Shock 2, Air Warrior, Full Throttle, or a number of others.
The discussion''s not about ""fun"", because that''s not being pulled into question. You haven''t said anything to the effect that console shooters aren''t ""fun"", and I haven''t accused you of doing so either.
Agreeing to disagree is fine - I think maybe my last post sounded a bit more serious on the topic than it was intended. But since no *flames* are being thrown around (again, ""smoking crack"" was an attempt at humor, and I think you got that), no harm no foul.
*places chin on hands*
Are you guys planning to get really fired up about this?
Whoah, you''re right. How does every thread turn into this
I think the true definition of insanity is debating joystick and keyb/mouse. I''m sure Dante was planning on mentioning a sub-sub-circle of hell devoted just to these discussions.
Well I thought the discussion was fairly relevant. We talked about Halo 2, then this keyboard/mouse thingie and then whether keyboard/mouse is even that much better than the controller. But now we''re straying and starting to talk about the talkers and whether the topic is off-topic. Is that insane? Or is it just spam? Or?
I do love you though, man. And I love Halo 2. And we should so start a GWJ clan.
*thread full circle and back on topic*
So when are we gonna meet up to decide our insignia and colors?
What are the color choices? I think a saw pictures of silver or gold. ONe of those would be sweet.
Insignia? How about a mouse/keyboard with a line thru it?
Unfortunatly we can only choose from the premade ones. There is no editor like in Black Arrow or Steel Battalion: Line of Contact.
Edit: I don''t know if the clan thing will just be the name and each person can customize their clan stuff or if it is indeed a clan wide insignia and color.
What are the color choices?
Well, I say we use the forum scheme for colors. I elect grey/silver for our character color and red for our insignia.
Well, I say we use the forum scheme for colors. I elect grey/silver for our character color and red for our insignia.
As long as it''s not Fuschia and Baby Blue, I''m in!
Our insignia should either be a [color=red]KNIFE[/color] or a smartly dressed gentleman assassin.
Well, I say we use the forum scheme for colors. I elect grey/silver for our character color and red for our insignia.
how about anything with a resemblance to Stan?
As long as it''s not Fuschia and Baby Blue, I''m in!
What''s wrong with baby blue, asshole?
See: Smartly dressed gentleman assassin statement.
I saw we use the ninja on fire.
For the record: I hate Edwin.
Ask him why. Really.
Why does he hate you?
Because my local radio station was giving out copies of Halo 2 and I have a buddy that works for their sister station. Of course he scored me a copy of the game because he loves me so much. And I have those pictures from that summer we went to New Orleans.