I would have to say GTA: Vice City on the PC.
I just fire that up to drive around in and have fun
ok, ok... Deus Ex it is!
Well I''m playing KotOR now. I just got my lightsaber which Im dual wielding with the custom vibroblade. It may not be as much fun as Bnet Diablo and LAN QTest but I sure as hell am really giddy like I was with those classics.
I totally dig the throw lightsaber force power! I cant wait to get advanced throw so I can be like that wild purple hair character from Phantasy Star 2 who used boomerangs to attack a whole row. I can only imagine being able to use a double lightsaber or dual wield them.
They really need to make a top down IWD2 style version of this game!
Mmmm, full party of 6 dual wielding or double lightsabered jedi''s slicing droids, Sith, Mandalorians and Kath Hounds!
I haven''t gotten the lightsaber throw yet because of the part about you have to pick it back up after combat. Doesn''t that seem like a waste? How inconvenient is it?
BTW: The dual-wield lightsaber is great, better than the double blade as long as you have good two-hand fighting.
It auto returns like a boomerang. You dont have to pick it up =)
Get the force power now =)
I am also using Cure which is a small radius group heal.
At first you know I wouldnt ever consider playing an evil character, but given the amount of dialogue options, I am intrigued to see how it plays out.
If you have Carth in the party he will probably throw a hissy fit =P when you select all the evil options. Heh I''m pure as the snow right now. (about 2 pixels from all the way light)
Giants: Citizen Kabuto, probably. Although Medieval does have me cackling with mad glee a lot.
Me and my buddies used to have a blast with the old Playstation racer Jet Moto.
I also greatly enjoyed a cartoonish racer on the Playstation, though I can''t remember the name of it at the moment.
Giants was my top, now KOTOR has taken it''s place.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 on the PC. I suck at it, big-time, but time just flies trying to see how long I can keep a grind going, while hearing ''Ace of Spaces'' in the background.
Contra for the NES, I can''t tell you how many hours my friends and I would kill each other on the waterfall level. God I love that game.
That''s pretty much what got me into online gaming. The clans, tournaments, community drama, mapping and mod''ing... Oh the memories. Nothing will ever beat that.
[*]First Game Expereince = Wizardy I on my dad''s Apple IIe
[*]First total Immersion = Pool of Radience from SSI
[*] First Game I got in trouble with the wife for playing = X Wing. Never got into tie fighter for what ever reason.
[*]First MP addiction = Quake II Action Quake Mod. lots and lots of nights lost to this sucker.
[*] Major MP Addiction = Unreal Tournament. Had broadband for this one and blew through 6 months of CTF and Death matches with out knowing what happened. UT blew Half-Life and CS off my hard disk drive.
[*] Best RP Game = Fallout. Hands down the best CPRG I have played. This game is the whole reason I got Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics.
[*] Best Single Player Game = The entire Civ Series including Colonization. All of these titles rock.
Note XCom must get a nod as well. I loved this game.
[*] Best RTS = Love Warcraft II but was addicted to AoE, AoK and AoM for much longer. Ensemble gets my nod for this title. I loved AoK.
The most fun games from beginning through the end and with highest replayibility to me are:
By far on the top of the list, Ultima VII (including part 2) - Best GAME EVER!!""/$%*(""!!! To my opinion, no other game reached the ""breathing world"" achieved by this masterpiece, especially for its time. I must have played at least 300 hours... it was incredibly immersive with the awesome dialogues, story, interactivity, npc scheduling, etc... I also loved my evil avatar that would just wander around in magic carpet, killing most people and breaking havoc... placing objects to make stairs to go to the top of buildings... trying to kill Batlin in his church so many times... and Lord British... lol. too many fond memories...
Super Metroid
Final Fantasy VI (best console RPG ever)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Super Mario World 2 (best 2d platformer ever)
Civilization I & II (that would win the most number of hours played AND the longest play session!)
Impossible Mission on C=64...
There''s too many... but games that are fun from beginning to the end are very rare today =(