To go along with today's Daily Elysium I thought I'd pose the question:
What's the most fun game you've ever played?
Not the best story, most rewarding, best graphics, or anything else. What game just gave you pure joy to be playing it?
Starcraft or the original TeamFortress.
Well, two answers since one category beats the other one without no doubt:
a) party-based games like Virtua Tennis, Bomberman, ChuChu Rocket, MicroManiacs, Soccer Slam and the like. The social experience, competing against or teaming up with your friends is half of the fun. I wouldn''t touch any of the games when noone else is around (except maybe Virtua Tennis), but when being played together with other people they can be incredibly entertaining. That''s what they were made for, of course.
b) ... as for single-player games I guess I''d list LucasArts adventures such as Secret of Monkey Island I&II, Indy IV, DotT and Grim Fandango. Tons of jokes and hardly any frustration you could encounter. I''ve beaten Monkey Island like 6 or 7 times now ... despite knowing all the puzzles and whatnot. Great title.
Team Fortress, Starcraft and BF1942
The first Civ. I would look up and the clock would say that it was four hours later, and I would wonder how that could be when I only sat down to play for a half hour or so...
Counter-Strike 1.1 on good rounds, best 6 months of playing a game in my entire life. Starcraft on comes around as a second together with Halo co-op (weep my PC minions ;)).
Hhmm....that''s a tough one. I''d have to say any incarnation of Worms when multiple people on the same PC are involved.
Most recentely I''d have to go with Dungeon Siege. That game was just pure bliss for me and my friend. Most pure fun playing a game in quite some time.
All time most fun, hmmm, that is a tough one. Super Metroid would be a contender.
But I think The Secret Of Mana would be my winner. That was about the most fun I''ve ever had playing any game.
I am compelled to add NCAA 2002 and 2004 to the list. Gotsta love the football.
Doom, because it just felt right down to the last pixel.
Zelda : Ocarina of Time. It''s not really one of my favorite games, but the feel was great. I never really looked forward to playing, but when I was playing I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I''d have to go with Starcraft as well, Blizzard games always feel great, and Starcraft for me especially because I am a sucker for futuristic scifi.
Perhaps not the most fun but we used to have a blast playing Ultimate Fighting on the Dreamcast even though we had no clue how to play the game at all.
Giants - I never laughed so hard while playing a video game, really just a hilarious game.
Anachronox comes as a close second for its dialogue.
Bonk''s Adventure and Bonk''s Revenge. I knew those games inside and out.
Let''s see...
GoldenEye & Perfect Dark
The Madden series
The Jedi Knight series
The X-Wing series
The Starfleet Command series
The Total War series
Jane''s F-15 & F/A-18
Sub Command (a sort of sequel is coming, with playable surface ships!)
The MechWarrior series
Deus Ex
Bnet Diablo
LAN Quake in the college internet lab
I would have to go with Starcraft, so much fun playing team games with my best friend.
PC Moments:
Wizardry I - I was amazed at what I could experience on a PC;
Bards Tale - Same, but BETTER;
Civilization - Many, many hours spent with this one;
X-Wing - Got to play out a fantasy;
Dark Forces:Jedi Knight - One of the best FPS ever;
Thief - In a time when everthing was ""blow it up big time"" Looking Glass came along and gave me a game suited to my style of play;
Baldur''s Gate + all - One of the greatest story arcs ever in PC gaming (and the most bang for your buck ever);
Planescape:Torment - The best story I''ve ever experience in a PC game.
After work LAN sessions of Unreal Tournament, Serious Sam (co-op) and various console titles (Virtua Tennis, DOA3, Halo).
Interesting... my list is made up of multiplayer games. Normally I would say that I tend to shy away from mp games and enjoy the single player experience more. I really don''t like playing games with folks I don''t know (I''m like so introverted).
But like Elysium mentioned, I guess there''s more fun in sharing the experience and the good-natured trash-talking. Thief, Divine Divinity, Ultima 4, Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle, Lode Runner, Diablo, Planescape: Torment... I could list all kinds of great single player games I''ve enjoyed over the years. But the ""most funnest"" have been shared with friends in my living room, over the modem, etc.
Deus Ex, Final Fantasy Series, Half-Life, Fallout Tactics (Fallout in general), Planescape Torment, Carmageddon, DonkeyKong Country (SNES), Duke Nukem 3D, Dead or Alive 3, Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, NFS(1-5), Project Goth, F-Zero (SNES), Cobra (on Genesis)...
Some new, some old... but still love to play them!
[edit] ...also one of my fav, Dr. Mario (SNES)
For the recent games, every Civ, Alpha Centauri, HL, every Doom, Medieval: Total War, the HOMM series, BF1942, the Baldurs Gate series, Halo, FF 7, 10 & Tactics, Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
I loved & played to death pretty much every classic PC & console RPG in my earlier years, when I actually had time to do so.
For Me it has to be the Baldurs gate RPGs I even opted out of nights on the beer just to see what happened next. Simply Sublime entertainment (for me anyway!)
I guess my early days in gaming were more enjoyable than they are now. I wasnt allowed to play video games when I was a kid so when I moved out of the house thats all I did
Anyway, that was when the Sega Genesis was the $hit and I have to admit, I put more hours into Herzog Zwei and Master of Monsters than all other games combined accept for maybe Doom. They were just downright FUN. I still have that old genesis and whenever I get bored with what I got I plug it back in the open coax port on the TV and have another couple rounds with those 2 games.
Damn fun
I spent the majority of my early adolescence on SNK''s Baseball Stars on NES. The first sports game where you could build a franchise from scratch, and earn money to upgrade your team. As recently as a year ago, I picked that game back up and played it with a couple friends -- and absolutely owned them. Almost every hit a home run. Slaughter rule in no time. Wow, how I loved that game.
Oh yeah Megalomania on the Genesis and the first gameboy Castlevania!
Okay, let''s actually try and answer Elysium''s question. Single game only, no lists.
Mine is Starcraft.
Mario 3 and Donkey Kong Country on SNES
First halves of Zelda WW and Super Mario Sunshine also very fun.
I''m a big Nintendo first party fan, they make the most pure fun games I have played. Many other games like the one''s mentioned (Starcraft, Deus Ex, etc...) are great games I also enjoyed, but they were not the pure make you feel like you''re five again fun.
Single game only, no lists.
Unfortunately that is impossible... there is no way you can avoid making a list.
Yeah cheaters...Single game only..
Think..which one is the top??
Deus Ex then.
It''s strange... I remember playing all sorts of games from the Atari 2600 and the NES or SNES or Genesis and whatnot, and having fun with all of them, even the crap games. But nothing ever gripped me like Doom. That was the game that really changed how I look at video games. It was at once visceral and fast paced and thought provoking, and it really did blow me away.
I mean, yeah, I loved other games before Doom, and I''ll love games after, but that was probably the turning point, where I started viewing games as an art form instead of just entertainment.