Dragon Age: Awakening, The PAX East Report, Star Craft 2 Beta, iPad Impressions & The Future, Your Emails and more!
This week Julian returns with tales of PAX, the iPad and his germaphobia. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.
To contact us, email [email protected]! Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a 30 second audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!
Good Old Games
Intro/Outtro Music - Ian Dorsch, Willowtree Audioworks
"Chloe" (James 106) - 0:27:34
"Arpeg" (Tom Quinn) - http://thomashquinn.googlepages.com/ - 0:50:55
Did the podcast regress back to the 90's? Rabbit described everything as "The Bomb" and Certis used the word "Rad". I think we should be told.
I've heard rad used in many places in recent months. Combined with the multiple year success of the Totally Rad Show on Revision 3 it would seem "Rad" is making a comeback.
"The bomb" though? Shameful.
Fire bad. - GameGuru
We're bringing it back kicking and screaming.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ― Howard Thurman
It's only one small step from "Rad" to "Hey Nonny Nonny", and then I'm afraid I shall have to call the police.
"Rad" is 80's, not 90's!
I've been using it pretty much nonstop since then, usually ironically and in conjunction with an f-bomb. I recognize that this does not make me cool in any way.
My worst 80's leftover is, "Totally!" I can't break it.
Does that mean I can start saying "choice" again?
(Useage: "That porsche is totally choice.") Ferris Bueller used it. How bad could it be?
BGG: muzzynyc
It would be mint.
I use the "It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend it" line all the time about various things.
Fire bad. - GameGuru
I use "rad" all the time. Love it.
"The bomb," though, is terrible. I'm adding that to the banned words list, along with, "visceral" "compelling" and "Rob is correct."
"$10 - Exclusive Sean-cam where he just shakes his head, over and over." From Pyro's Kickstarter, "Endless Pit of Human Misery Livestream"
I propose that we start calling things of which we approve 'boss' again.
I want to to bring back "Female Doggoin" and "groovy," myself.
Also: thanks for making this podcast just an hour long. Tight editing for the win, right?
I gotta say, Certis completely made up for his lame use of "the bomb" and "super good" with his "Werther's Original floating across the screen" joke. I lol'd.
Steam: [GWJ]MeatMan | "Now I know where to go if I have a hankering for testicles." –Higgledy
On Tabletop gaming on the IPad:
What excites me the most about this concept is that this will introduce the ability to play a tabletop game with someone not there.
Catan on 360 is fun enough, but the notion of sitting down at a table with a friend/spouse and playing Smallworld with a friend in California will just be amazing.
Dan Kaplan
Lead Gameplay Programmer
Firaxis Games
Bah. The "old people like Werther's originals" joke for the week got used by the Giantbomb guys last Tuesday
Fire bad. - GameGuru
Does this all mean that I can start shopping for Parachute Pants again?
The thing about smart people is they seem like crazy people to dumb people -- Thing I saw on the Internet
It could be that I'm playing too much M&B Warband, but left shoulder keeps getting sore (for some stupid reason, I lean thinking it'll make the horse turn faster) and there's a blister on my right elbow from leaning against my chair's armrest too much. Of course, this is all on top of the sore back I get if I game on my couch for too long, too.
I wish you guys would stop encouraging him.
EvilHomer3k wrote:You are an evil, evil person.
Baron Of Hell wrote:YOU VILLAIN!
This is just immersion. Riding a horse is hard work.
NOTE: Not a doodle bug.
Do you have a seven-leaf clover, mastery of the septuple head spin, and backup from Notoriously F.A.T?
Well Minarchist was no help at all.
Does that mean they're implementing swollen asses with the next patch?
I wish you guys would stop encouraging him.
EvilHomer3k wrote:You are an evil, evil person.
Baron Of Hell wrote:YOU VILLAIN!
The 360 controller is sometimes better but it has the worst dpad ever
PSN: psu_13
Only if you wear them with Adidas high tops.
Steam: [GWJ]MeatMan | "Now I know where to go if I have a hankering for testicles." –Higgledy
This. THIS. I want this to happen and I want pictures as proof and maybe video.
Also, you have to sing Rebel Yell wearing said garments.
"$10 - Exclusive Sean-cam where he just shakes his head, over and over." From Pyro's Kickstarter, "Endless Pit of Human Misery Livestream"
Or be breakdancing.
Steam: [GWJ]MeatMan | "Now I know where to go if I have a hankering for testicles." –Higgledy
So I wanted to comment on the games/music/podcast association thing because I have one that relates to the GWJ podcast itself.
For some reason I associate the podcast with the band Breaking Benjamin. I must have started listening to the podcast and the band at the same time and yeah, my brain has somehow linked the two together. So much so that for some reason I imagine Certis looks like Benjamin Burnley, the band's singer.
My brain is broken.
I'm still waiting for footage of Goodjers singing from The Beatles: Rock Band. Surely you all played that at the last Rabbitcon.
I wish you guys would stop encouraging him.
EvilHomer3k wrote:You are an evil, evil person.
Baron Of Hell wrote:YOU VILLAIN!
iPad Gaming: I think there is a lot of potential for some awesome stuff to come out in the next 6-12 months.
I think card based board games using iPhone/iTouch integration would be swell... say Dominion. I'd love to see Ad Astra, Cutthroat Caverns, Cosmic Encounter, etc. in this mode.
As far as music and gaming go, Del tha Funkee Homo Sapien is my secret weapon in Mario Tennis. Any time I'm stuck on a tough match, I toss in some "I Wish My Brother George Was Here" and go back and win it in one.
Steam ID: hbi2k
Twitch: BenCreighton
If im banned from calling things "the bomb" after spending my entire pax in the retro arcade, there is no kindness left in the world.
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"If I knew you could claim podcast hosts that way, I would had peed on you back at Tamo." - AgentWred
Comparing Starcraft to Command and Conquer at all is blasphemy. Heathen!
"...mahal ko ang longganisa!" - Demosthenes