You would think, considering what best friends he and Certis are, that a Warren Spector game would have been mentioned as a Classic Game of the Week by now. Perhaps it is this oversight which encourages Certis to abuse me so viciously at Worms, traversing great distances by rocketpack only to drop a stick of dynamite on my already damned head. Honestly, he needn't troulbe himself, I will invariably hurl a banana bomb ineptly skyward only to be the victim of my own attacks.
But, I digress. Deus Ex is easily one of my favorite PC gaming experiences of all time. A rare enough marriage of outstanding and deep gameplay with market success, Deus Ex puts the player into endlessly delicious conspiracies as nanotech enhanced agent JC Denton. Equal parts role playing game and action shooter, the game featured an amazing story with multiple paths for completing objectives and the ever popular multiple endings based on your gameplay decisions.
Touching on classic conspiratory themes like Majestic, Illuminati, Men In Black and Area 51, Deus Ex proves that great story and great gameplay combine together to form instant classic. If you've never had the opportunity to play this, it alone is worth a one month subscription to Gametap.
If you'd like to recommend a game for CGOTW send an email to [email protected] with the subject CGOTW. This week's suggestion came by way of Gameguru.
I loved Deus Ex. It was my introduction to a wide variety of conspiracy theorists, and to this day I do my best to quietly indicate to friends and those I care about that even though the Majestic 12 controls the world, smaller events like our own lives are only meddled with when we have a real chance of impacting their sweeping plans.
Was the PS2 version bad? I've been tempted to pick it up for a tiny amount of money just because I don't have the PC version anymore.
Steam/PSN/Xbox: InfinityDevil
Bad? No.
But not half as good as the PC version.
The thing about smart people is they seem like crazy people to dumb people -- Thing I saw on the Internet
All this talk got me to download Invisible War from Gametap and give it a go. I purposefully ignored it when it came out after bad reviews and buddies who hated it. I think I started another round of the original instead.
Anyway, now that I'm looking for something to play a few hours with and don't have huge expectations, I'm really enjoying it. So I'd recommend taking a look at it, if you didn't the first time around. As sequals go, it isn't the original, but so far it does much more justice to the original than KOTOR2 did, but I guess that isn't saying much.
Well... I decided to fire up Deus Ex. I have the GOTY edition, and it ain't working.
In my searching for a fix, I did find something interesting though... I think you'll be interested.
Deus Ex: Reborn
"The pen is mightier than the flaming bag of poop" - Bart Simpson