You would think, considering what best friends he and Certis are, that a Warren Spector game would have been mentioned as a Classic Game of the Week by now. Perhaps it is this oversight which encourages Certis to abuse me so viciously at Worms, traversing great distances by rocketpack only to drop a stick of dynamite on my already damned head. Honestly, he needn't troulbe himself, I will invariably hurl a banana bomb ineptly skyward only to be the victim of my own attacks.
But, I digress. Deus Ex is easily one of my favorite PC gaming experiences of all time. A rare enough marriage of outstanding and deep gameplay with market success, Deus Ex puts the player into endlessly delicious conspiracies as nanotech enhanced agent JC Denton. Equal parts role playing game and action shooter, the game featured an amazing story with multiple paths for completing objectives and the ever popular multiple endings based on your gameplay decisions.
Touching on classic conspiratory themes like Majestic, Illuminati, Men In Black and Area 51, Deus Ex proves that great story and great gameplay combine together to form instant classic. If you've never had the opportunity to play this, it alone is worth a one month subscription to Gametap.
If you'd like to recommend a game for CGOTW send an email to [email protected] with the subject CGOTW. This week's suggestion came by way of Gameguru.
What was so great about Deus Ex's story? I gave this one a shot about a year ago after System Shock 2 and found it awful. The gameplay was okay, but the story felt like something a ninth-grader would scribble on the back of their history folder. I wouldn't want to point at specifics for fear of spoilers.
Matter of taste I suppose. I found the spiraling twists and turns as fun as anything I've played.
The thing about smart people is they seem like crazy people to dumb people -- Thing I saw on the Internet
Its about freaking time. Deus Ex was one of the best single player RPG's ever. What were you thinking Elysium?
"Nation, I've always said that rainbows are just God's way of frowning at gay people." Stephen Colbert
I never got further than the first location, maybe I should reinstall...
Do you ever walk alone like a drifter in the dark?
How DARE you, sir!
Out! Out, I say!
[size=10]Psychotic Foreign Teenage Chicks are so hot. - Legion
Everything in moderation. Unless you're a furry. Then you can just f*ck off and get help - Coldforged[/size]
I missed it on the PC and tried it out later on the PS2. It never clicked with me there and I didn't play too far into it.
This fact explains why I'm one of the few to enjoy Deus Ex 2 when I played it later on the Xbox.
Deus Ex is probably one of my favorite games of all time. The gameplay is addicting and has the perfect level of depth in my opinion.
Though the story is sort of cliched, I loved it due to my obsession in conspiracy theories, and I feel that it is one of video-gaming's best executed plotlines.
Deus Ex 2 never really clicked with me though...
How long was this game? I seem to remember playing it forever but I only created one character.
Gametap for the win.
Last.fm | Twitter
"If I knew you could claim podcast hosts that way, I would had peed on you back at Tamo." - AgentWred
I remember getting the demo for this from a PC Gamer demo disc. I played through the first level maybe 20 times, doing something different each time. And even though the game ran horribly on my PC, I still went out and got the game right away. Luckily the full game ran without a hitch.
There's your problem.
Backloggery | Origin: VrikkGWJ
"There's no constitutional amendment that says a golden retreiver CAN'T be Speaker of the House! 'AIR BUD 6: HOUSE BROKEN'" - TheHarpoMarxist
Ug, I still classify Deus Ex as a "back burner" game that I'll eventually get around to finishing, not a classic. I really have to get on the ball.
Learn to swim.
*sigh* why are those classic games always better than the current ones? loved deus ex and miss such "newish" gameplay in nearly every new game
Good games never die - they just get ported to Java.
Deus Ex"… can't say much other than it's an amazing game. Looking back it's kind of funny, at first, after I played the demo"… I didn't really think much about the game. However, good thing I decided to give a full game a shot because it was well worth it!
Best Game EVAR!
I'd love a new fangled graphics edition of DX with the exact same gameplay.. I'd play it once a year.
Aint nothing new about the world order..it's been playing since the day they put George Washington on a quarter
Delivering Truth while the 10% deliver lies.
I bought it for the game engine. I got a special deal that included a license to the engine. I wrote several of my first mods on that. It wasn't until about six months later that I actually played the game.
Maybe this issue is best debated amongst the people who need to get off my lawn. - JoeBedurndurn
Steam: Momgamer
I never played Deus Ex.
Final Warrior Quest - Play it for free!
Agent of Fate - Play it for free!
I love Deus Ex. I loved the mods. I tried most of them on my various play thrus. My favorite was the speed mod. If you upgraded it to its maximum level you could run like the wind. Right past guards who wouldn't spot you but instead say "What was that?". Damn so many good times with that game. I think I'll reinstall it...
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.
Vamos a bailar en la Playa del Mal
I got about half way through the second level.
Backloggery | Origin: VrikkGWJ
"There's no constitutional amendment that says a golden retreiver CAN'T be Speaker of the House! 'AIR BUD 6: HOUSE BROKEN'" - TheHarpoMarxist
I speell my driiiiiiiiink!
I wish you guys would stop encouraging him.
EvilHomer3k wrote:You are an evil, evil person.
Baron Of Hell wrote:YOU VILLAIN!
Looooove the Deus Ex. I've got to agree with the nostalgia comments, why can't games recreate the immersion factor? Why can't they design commercially viable games w/ this kind of depth?
All I can say is that I'm trying REAL hard not to frontload Bioshock w/ the expections of the next game I will enjoy as much as Deus Ex.
Now that I think about it, I think it was Fripper who turned me on to Deus Ex back in the day. About time I said thanks for that.
I don't remember when I played Deus Ex. It wasn't right when it came out. For some reason, I didn't really get into the story. It just kinda washed over me. I never got that involved in why I was doing stuff, I pretty much just played it as a straight shooter. I remember being confused why I was chastised by someone for killing the terrorists in the first level. The customization and cybernetics stuff were fun.
Certis: Quintin is both smart and attractive.
Fedaykin98: Good lord, I wouldn't have expected brilliance like that from that nemeslut Quintin Stone!
Yonder: It's weird to say this, but Quintin Stone may be the wisest person here.
RPG? I thought Deus Ex was an FPS...
"And now I'm off home to my castle for tea, biscuits and wenches. Tally ho!" - Jonman
"Dhelor + intarwebs = Great ideas." - wordsmythe
I very rarely play games twice. I played Deus Ex twice. I just went through it again last month. The game is serious fun, mostly because there's so many different ways to play through. I also enjoyed the atmosphere it had and the cyberpunk style story. It was the perfect balance of being linear yet giving you tons of variety in terms of how to see and experience the story. I loved the giant areas you could explore.
First time through, I upgraded my computer, lockpicking, sneaking, etc skills. It was a long and ardous task, but it was fun. I always feel the need to sneak around and stay away from firefights in games where I'm given that choice. Next time through, I decided why not just blast through it. I didn't think I could do it. I thought there'd be a shortage of ammo and it'd be too hard to muscle my way through such a complex game with fairly strong enemies. Nope. The more I upgraded, the easier it became to blast through. I went through it in half the time because I was just mowing people down and I had lots of fun. The men in black and armored soldiers I was so afraid of the first time I was just blasting away the second time. It was almost totally different too, because I went through areas I never saw the first time.
Deus ex 2 just wasn't as good. It was fun but wasn't as involved or deep as the first.
I should try that - maybe now I have a PC capable of running it without stuttering!
You should follow me on Bluesky: @legion.bsky.social
"The golden shower threw me off." -- garion333
Personally, I found the two things that hampered my enjoyment of Invisible War the most was the lack of a sense of scale, and the second was the lack of difficulty. I didn't mind universal ammo and collapsing the skill system into the augs in the least, but those two assured it would never be better in my book. Especially the latter one. You could max out your augs by the middle of the game which is just bad balancing. All the systemc gameplay in the world is no use if you don't need to utilize any tools more sophisticated than a stick to beat the game.
Do you read Sutter Cane?
Didn't we just do System Shock? Come on now, more diversity. This CGOTW board is made up of 100% white men!
"Once you can accept the universe is matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." -- Albert Einstein
DX2 if it stood in a vacuum would have been a decent game.. nothing super duper but certainly not as bad as many thought it was.. but in the end the tiny levels (due to the Xbox's memory limitations) really hurt the game.. it just felt like your whole game was at time limited to a few hallways and a room or two at any given moment.
Aint nothing new about the world order..it's been playing since the day they put George Washington on a quarter
Delivering Truth while the 10% deliver lies.
Deus Ex was fantastic. They just don't make'em like they used to
Sneaking up to a room full of guards, then throwing a grenade inside and hearing "A GRENADE!!!!*BOOM*" is one of my more memorable gaming moments.
Shame that the sequel suffered so badly from Console-itis and ran like molasses even on fairly powerful machines.