Listen up your Cascadian folks, we can't let those flatland in Ohio and those New Englanders show us how badass their party is. We need to do it better and with style!
Anyone living withing walking, biking, driving, railing, flying distance of Seattle. That means you Idaho, Vancouver and Oregon folks! Even if you don't live anywhere close by, you are welcomed (talking to you folks in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, NM, California, Alaska, etc).
- Food, drinks, laughs
- Boardgames, console games
- BYOC (Bring your own computer) LAN party?
- PnP RPGs
Tekman's pad in Lynwood!
IGWJD is October 15th!
To raise money for Child's Play charity, play games and have a good time.
Main International GWJ Day
Carpool/Travel coordination form and results
2011 International Gamers With Jobs Day T-shirt Contest
To do:
- Determine how long we want this event to be (one day or weekend LAN party).
Venue. This is determined by how long people can commit to. If it's just one day it'll be easier to find a venue for cheaper than a all weekend event.- Find people who need a place to stay a willing host.
- Organize consoles, displays and sound systems
- Webcam to show off how awesome we are to the other IGWJD events going on.
- More to come!
I'm in. Can bring a 360. Will put off for the day at work soon as I get back to there.
I'll be in Japan by then.
Well, I don't have any serious plans for October, so I will start thinking about this. I missed PAX this year because I was a bit busy in August, so this would be awesome. I would probably just ride the train up there. I have a laptop I could bring, so I would be down for some type of LAN thing and for playing board games.
weee, more!
My work schedule is, well, not agreeable from late September through early November.
When docbadwrench and I talked earlier in the year about places to have the post PAX prime party, I had found two places that we might take a look at. Maybe these places would work for PNW IGWJD?
Volunteers of America Learning Center
University of Washington Botanic Gardens Rentals
Card game/Boardgame ideas
Do we wish to have more short play games than ones that are long campaigns?
Sponsor ideas
I believe most of these local game vendors were at PAX:
Gary's Games and Hobbies
Gamma Ray Game Store
The Dreaming
Uncle's Games
Cardhaus Games
Card Kingdom
I'm relatively new here but this sounds awesome. I should be there.
Would love to come, but I'm east coast bound that week.
Would love to come, but I'm east coast bound that week.
depending on where, we have a lot of game days going on out there.
Check the thread.
Keeping an eye on this. I'd be down for some mischief so long as it isn't conflicting with Steamcon. I need to take a look at that...
EDIT: It totally is the same day as Steamcon. Of all the luck. D: I'll wave at ya'll from a hotel in Bellevue I guess. BOOOOO-urns.
I'm totally down for this. I didn't get to stay long for the Saturday night PAX game night, or attend the Post-PAX party, so I'm all over this.
I'm pretty sure I'll be going. I hope dates and times are finalized soon, so I can get a train ticket and book a hotel room if necessary. I'll definitely bring my DSLR, so we can get some rad photos.
This is the Seahawks' bye week...I just might have to participate.
If you wanted to go 30-40 min north of Seattle, there's always the AFK Tavern. It's like a sports bar for geeks. They would probably love to host this party:
If you wanted to go 30-40 min north of Seattle, there's always the AFK Tavern. It's like a sports bar for geeks and would probably love to host this party:
Yes. I have yet to go there, and going there with the intent of a party would be awesome.
I'm interested, but already have plans on the 15th through at least 4pm. I'll keep an eye on details and see if I can make it work.
I have no idea what my schedule will be like around October 15th, but the event will have to be an overnighter to merit a trip to Seattle.
If you wanted to go 30-40 min north of Seattle, there's always the AFK Tavern. It's like a sports bar for geeks. They would probably love to host this party:
Get the warrior platter. It's a dish piled with meat. That is all. And it is rumored to be glorious. Some gamers just came into my office and raved about the AFK Tavern. Drinks and dishes named after geeky things, console setups, all sorts of wonderful things. Can't wait to get home to an actual computer to check out their website.
I'm interested, but a good friend of mine also has a birthday around that time so I might be busy.
The AFK is pretty awesome. We had an Enforcer get-together there last spring, and it was loads of fun.
Sure, wait until I leave the state then schedule something near Idaho. No fairs.
Sounds neat, not sure about the logistics of the idea so far ahead of time but I will try to plan for it.
Edwin - I'm very interested but I cannot do the Facebook thing.
Tried and facebook didn't work. Will try again later. In any case I think 2-3 days would work better. Bussing down there is a good 3-4 hour trip and there isn't much energy left after that to spend on games.
I vote for 2 days. With the travel time, it would be rough for me just going for one day.
I'm guessing that the Vancouver chapter isn't doing their own thing this year, so we'll crash yours!
My vehicle is already booked, and getting the time off work this time of year is much easier than mid-summer so I'm pretty confident that I can get the time to go down. However, I would be driving down the Friday night of the 14th after I get off work at 6pm; I can't get that day off completely when we get Monday the 10th off for Canadian Thanksgiving. Probably heading back into Vancouver Sunday night.
Multi-day ftw, it seems!
We can host some Canadian folk, or Sunday brunch for everyone, but our place isn't big enough for full-capacity gaming. Any local goodjers willing to volunteer their house/rec room/common area for a day? Getting an actual space would cost actual money, but we can divvy up the hosting and then carpool a bit.
There are a couple game and card stores near us, so we can probably score board game/tabletop space there. If people want to set up consoles, though, we'll need TVs and a house to put them in.