1/2 mile. 4 minutes. Mostly because of the 12 MONSTER speed bumps with-in a 300 yard stretch
1/2 mile. 4 minutes. Mostly because of the 12 MONSTER speed bumps with-in a 300 yard stretch.
Do you ride a bicycle to work?
LOL, I was thinking as the crow flies. Stupid me.
Edit: A bicycle may be faster. I''ll try that out tonight.
I stumble about twelve feet into my office from the bedroom. Assuming I don''t run into a wall, the cat or my wife it takes about 5 seconds.
You know what? We all hate you.
I either drive or more likely walk to the train station, 1 mile. Then I take an NJ Transit train to Hoboken, NJ, a town with only merit is that of being located across Hudson River from NYC. It takes 30 min during which I either read, nap or play GBA games. Then it''s 15 min of PATH, a train service that runs under Hudson and brings me to NYC. Again, I read or play GBA, or quietly contemplate. 5 min walk and I am in the office. Total door-to-door time is 1 hour.
I either drive or more likely walk to the train station, 1 mile. Then I take an NJ Transit train to Hoboken, NJ, a town with only merit is that of being located across Hudson River from NYC. It takes 30 min during which I either read, nap or play GBA games. Then it''s 15 min of PATH, a train service that runs under Hudson and brings me to NYC. Again, I read or play GBA, or quietly contemplate. 5 min walk and I am in the office. Total door-to-door time is 1 hour.
This reminds me of a statement I read somewhere that people in cities with well developed/useful public transportation are generally better read than those in cities with useless/no public transportation. I am inclined to believe that.
My commute is about 3.51miles it takes about 45-60min.
If you are serious, that is one ridiculous commute. How about picking up a bike?
I commute about a mile to my part-time job on campus, usually by bike. Gonna miss this easy living when I graduate in two weeks.
This reminds me of a statement I read somewhere that people in cities with well developed/useful public transportation are generally better read than those in cities with useless/no public transportation. I am inclined to believe that.
That''s cos the second group are too cross-eyed from being inbred; unable to get out of the family home to get laid, you see.
This reminds me of a statement I read somewhere that people in cities with well developed/useful public transportation are generally better read than those in cities with useless/no public transportation. I am inclined to believe that.That''s cos the second group are too cross-eyed from being inbred; unable to get out of the family home to get laid, you see.
Hmph, I just figured it was because those that used public transportation were able to sit and read, rather than having to concentrate on where they were going.
This reminds me of a statement I read somewhere that people in cities with well developed/useful public transportation are generally better read than those in cities with useless/no public transportation. I am inclined to believe that.
Only partly true here. On subway lines within NYC itself, its very hard to read during morning rush hour -- the trains are jam-packed. On the suburban commuter trains, though, you always get a seating.
That''s cos the second group are too cross-eyed from being inbred; unable to get out of the family home to get laid, you see.
Of all the people to be talking about not having in-breeding problems, those living on an island off the continent are definitely not the ones to brag
I''ve walked for 4 years now. I get a rid once or twice a month. Normally only if I beg and the weather is nasty.
I don''t own a car so I don''t worry about gas.
Takes me 20 minutes to walk. And even in winter it is a relaxing and enjoyable walk.
If you can I recondmend living near work and parking the car except when travelling.
If you are serious, that is one ridiculous commute.
I agree... the problem is the bus schedule does not work. What happens is it will be either no bus or 3-4 will show up at once.
The commute to the grueling factory work here at ''home'' is a couple of kilometres and usually takes me ~7 minutes by bike.
Back in Turku the commute to the uni''s pretty much the same. *basks in the hatred beaming through the monitor screen*
Satana perkele!
20 miles, 45-60 minutes.
Just recently we had some pretty bad flooding for the first time in 20 or so years. The river that was flooding crossed all these streets directly on the way to work and every single road was closed there for miles. I felt I was in Oregon Trail, trying to caulk my wagon and float across the river without losing any oxen!
"1Dgaf" wrote:That''s cos the second group are too cross-eyed from being inbred; unable to get out of the family home to get laid, you see.
Of all the people to be talking about not having in-breeding problems, those living on an island off the continent are definitely not the ones to brag :)
It''s a remote-controlled island, beyotch. Howdya think conquered the world, huh? Huh?
15min dawdle, so maybe a mile.
Not as bad as Gaald or Certis, seeing as how I still have to put pants on and all, but still pretty good.
Then again, I''m one of those nuts who chooses to not have a car.
I''m around 30-40 miles from work, and it usually takes me around an hour to get there.
Of course, this summer, I''ve been travelling every other week. Last week I was in CA, next week is TX.
I live about 12 minutes from work but it takes me 30 minutes to get there at around 3:00 pm in the afternoon because of the 15 traffic lights I have to go through within the first 2 miles. Now the trip home is a different story :twisted:, I can make that full 12 miles in about 15 minutes at midnight!
2.5 miles, 30 minutes. It would be 40 but some of my friends cut a hole in the chainlink fence that surrounds the train tracks, that really saves us some time.
30-45 minutes, creeping upwards to an hour or so due to the construction that always takes place in the spring and summer here.
When I both lived and worked in Brooklyn, my summer commute was awesome. I''d skate to work. It would take 30 min by smelly subway (the line arched a wide turn) and 20 min on skates with breeze.
12 miles 25 minutes.
Biggest problem is Im halfway between 2 freeways and itll take me 10-15 minutes to get to either one. Too many dam stoplights and I have to make a u-turn on a busy street. (the left turn light takes forever)
7 miles, 9 minutes. When I move in September it will be 6 miles, 10 minutes.
Hey, at 2:30 pm that trip only takes 8 minutes...and at midnight it only takes 6 minutes
About 30 miles each way:
Home->Work: anywhere from 1 - 2 hours depending on how bad ""the crush"" is.
Work->Home: 30-45 minutes (I''m usually leaving late, so I miss the rush home).
Seriously looking for another gig or closer home because of it:)
Hey, who the hell let Fanatka in?
Fan - gimme a call on the gig thing, if you''re still interested in the prospect of coming back over my way.
I stumble about twelve feet into my office from the bedroom. Assuming I don''t run into a wall, the cat or my wife it takes about 5 seconds.
Now that is what I call LIFE! Certis, are you sure you are not dead and in Heaven? If you ever saw a guy named Manny Calavera, I''d be giving it a second thought about that life insurance that you are paying...
My current commute: 7 km, 20-30 minutes, depending on how many amoebas decided to try to figure out what are the funny pedals for on any given day.
Maladen I also live in the DC area. I bought a house Fredericksburg so my commute to the Pentagon isabout 55 miles. About 60-90 minutes in the morning and that or more at night. I grab slugs and hit the HOV. Currently, my walk to the Perfume Palace in Iraq is much shorter, but can be as exciting as driving I-95 :).
3 miles or so, about 7-10 minutes depending on the stoplights. But I have to do 30-45 mins or more to my customer sites. Several hours at rush hour. So it balances out.