Hello all. This is my first post on the board. I was just wondering if anyone else is the lone gamer at their place of employment.
Not me. There''s a few where I work. It''s always a safe bet that ""IT guy"" is a gamer (provided you are NOT the ""IT guy""). This relationship has been very beneficial me. I wander over and talk about games, then when I ask for a cordless mouse or flat screen monitor I have one by the time I get back to my desk.
Games and hardware!
I think we have a few out 4000 in my building - but I don''t know any of them. It''s a secret club I guess
At least your not the only Coffee Grinder in this thread And I''ve been coming here from the beginning...
Oh yeah - and I am the ""IT guy"" or at least one of them.
I''ll bet there are others...gotta lure them out with cheetos and sprite.
I use game screenshots as wallpaper, actually. The gamers can''t help but notice and comment.
I''m not the only gamer at work, but I''m definitely in the minority. One of our sales trainers is a gamer, he''s generally the only one I ever talk games with. And I''m sure several of the IT guys are gamers even though they seem to keep it a closely guarded secret.
I don''t know if anybody outside of IT is a gamer, but the only other real gamer inside of IT is this guy who takes a gameboy into the bathroom with him I''m not keen to invite him over for some Super Monkey Ball. There are a couple other guys who have very specific and limited gaming interests; ie they will play Civ II and nothing else.
I am an elementary school teacher. There is exactly one other gamer at my school and he is really only a casual gamer. Plays Xbox once in a while with buds but doesn''t actually own a system himself.
I''m the only one with broadband. My buddy has an Xbox and a great computer but can''t get broadband. Once in awhile we can hook up the Xboxs, but that''s about it. Right now he''s into UT2K4 single player and just doesn''t know the beauty that is online gaming. Poor guy.
Yes. There are a couple people that play a bit of console stuff, but that''s about it. We used to have an IT guy that played a fair amount, but left for another job a while back.
Entirely. But my job isn''t exactly where gamers go for work.
(Wait a minute, it''s entry-level service sector work!)
Are you the only gamer where you work?
I''d be a bit worried if I was the only gamer at the place I''m currently employed at.
They are two or three others here , but they are exclusive to the pc.
Just one guy where i work. He talks about using cheats when he plays Americas Army...we don''t talk about games any more.
Just one guy where i work. He talks about using cheats when he plays Americas Army
Back in the day, I was speaking to a friend about CS - he mentioned how hillarious it was to team-kill. Terrifying.
Yeah, it''s not a BIG deal, but that is his only online gaming experience...and he doesn''t play much else.
I''m the only serious gamer where I work AFAIK. There are a couple of people that play the occassioanl PS2 or WW2 shooter game, but its not a daily thing.
Does that mean that I''m obsessed, or they are just Lamorz?
Not me. There''s a few where I work. It''s always a safe bet that ""IT guy"" is a gamer (provided you are NOT the ""IT guy""). This relationship has been very beneficial me. I wander over and talk about games, then when I ask for a cordless mouse or flat screen monitor I have one by the time I get back to my desk.
This is my situation exactly. Talk games, get equipment. I don''t even need to ask for stuff anymore, it just shows up.
I''m the only hardcore gamer here at the office... then again I''m the only IT Guru... Everyone else is for the most part female above 45.. yeah glad I found a wife outside of work cause there wasn''t a chance to find one here Out in the factory I''m sure there are peopel who play but then again most of them are scary or come from the Work Release Program from the local jail
There is one guy who works in the other building but he basically quit playing now that he has two kids. I have slowed down since my son but still play in the morning before work and if I can after the wee-manchild has gone off to sleep or on weekends.
Not me. There''s a few where I work. It''s always a safe bet that ""IT guy"" is a gamer (provided you are NOT the ""IT guy""). This relationship has been very beneficial me. I wander over and talk about games, then when I ask for a cordless mouse or flat screen monitor I have one by the time I get back to my desk.This is my situation exactly. Talk games, get equipment. I don''t even need to ask for stuff anymore, it just shows up.
This also works with Movies.... Talk to me about games or movies (helps if you loand me a DVD or two) and I''ll probably hook you up with the better hardware
I''m the lone freak where I work. That''s two jobs in a row where I carried the torch alone. The job before that however saw quite a few of us which was completely righteous, because we would spend our lunches playing on the LAN. Ah, glorious days of yore.
I work in a 50 man department and there are 3 of us. I am the most ""out"" about it...
@Strekos, is that Avatar John Wayne Gacey?
Even if it''s not, you''re creeping me out.
I work in a 50 man department and there are 3 of us. I am the most ""out"" about it...
@Strekos, is that Avatar John Wayne Gacey?
Even if it''s not, you''re creeping me out.
I think its some WWF/ECW guy.
I''m a lone gamer in the company I work for... Dang!
AFAIK I''m the only one at my work. Then again, this place is a somewhat reserved suit & tie kind of work environment. Not exactly a ""Gamers Paradise,"" I''m just glad I can read GWJ while at work
@Strekos, is that Avatar John Wayne Gacey?
Even if it''s not, you''re creeping me out.
Why yes it is I figured if you''re going to have a creepy clown avatar you shouldn''t do it half way.
There are multiple gamers at my work, which isn''t a big surprise since it is a restaurant. Mostly console people, but there are a few hybrids like myself who play both console and pc games.
There are a ""few"" at my work but I am not naming names.
As far as I know I''m the only one at my workplace. My specific department is filled with people 15+ years old than me who have no interest in computers. The company at large could have some, but I''ve never seen any indications.
Kinda sucks since at my last job we were all gamers
I am one of two (two and a half, if I count one guy who at makes the effort, but hasn''t quite hit the full-on gamer yet). Me and Garrad end up discussing the MMOG of the moment an awful lot - whether I''m playing it or not.
Of course, CoH may just take us all the way up to 3...
There are multiple gamers at my work, which isn''t a big surprise since it is a restaurant.
Are restaurants gamer retreats? Is there something I don''t know? (Ok, there''s plenty I don''t know, but about the restaurant-gamer connection?)
"SwampYankee" wrote:@Strekos, is that Avatar John Wayne Gacey?
Even if it''s not, you''re creeping me out.Why yes it is
I figured if you''re going to have a creepy clown avatar you shouldn''t do it half way.
I''d like to officially nominate Strekos for the creepiest avatar ever.