Tuesday - Fresh ICC10, 7:30pm
Zeroanne/may need Zerokfe for DBS
Thursday - Fresh ICC10, 8pm
Maxox rogue
Lockjaa DK*
*DKs and Pallies may need to take turns stunning/CCing a Blood Beast on DBS
Sunday - Ulduar 10 HMs, week 3 - 8pm
Commentary forthcoming!
Toon: zeroKFE
Content: Assuming we finish Ulduar achievements on Sunday, I'm down for anything, including getting another group of folks U10 stuff. Also, I still haven't actually done Ruby Sanctum, so I wouldn't mind rounding out my kill list there.
Available: Tuesday or Wednesday 7 - 10 PM -- only one of the two though, can stretch to 11 PM if really needed
Sunday 7 - 10 PM
Btw, can anyone link to an official statement about which patch would remove the Ulduar HM proto-drake meta? MMO-C says 4.01 is imminent, but there are also 4.03 and the actual expansion coming.
Honestly, there seems to be a lot of confusion about this. Even WoW Insider seems to be unsure if the achievements become feats of strength as of 4.0.1 or if it won't happen until 4.0.3. I suppose one could just log in to the PTR and see what is still listed in the achievement browser though...
Toon: Elycion
Role: Heals
Content: Anything
Available: M-F 7:30 server time and later, open on weekends.
I suppose one could just log in to the PTR and see what is still listed in the achievement browser though...
At least in the current 4.0.1 build, all raiding achievements (and their accompanying rewards) are still available. Obviously anything can still change, but I'm guessing that they won't become feats of strength until 4.0.3.
One night from:
M,W 8+
T, Th 7+
Dead LK
Ulduar mount
Rogue is preferred, but don't mind running with either toon. Both have seen LK fight multiple times without success.
Zeered and the army for whatever rolls need filling.
Content-wise, finishing up Uld is high on the list. Other then that, I'll help with whatever (including a 2nd Uld group if we've the demand).
This upcoming week contains Canadian Turkey Day, so I'll be Tues->Fri 7+, Sat whenever, Sunday 8+ but playing with a Turkey Coma debuff (+100% to groaning, brain lag + 500ms).
Shanker - mDPS - Weds. through Sun. 6PM and later. (Yay, schedule change.) Ulduar Hard Mode (Still only Yogg + 1 but will help with others.)
Openminded- Shaman- MDPS
Mon-Fri 7pm-whenever
Sat-Sun- I can make anytime work.
Any amount
I am open to anything and everything. I know most all Ulduarr fights and the first 5 ICC. I missed out on ToC raids.
I am currently undergeared and do not want to hold a group back, I hope to get at least 4 piece tier 9 this weekend plus anything else i can get by spamming heroics. I would love to go on raids and help, but will have 0 ill feelings if you need to take more equipped goodjers.
Toon: Sclerosis
I wanna kill LK! I am still basically "breaking" from WoW so this is really all I would like to do. I apologize for my inflexibility.
8PM+ on whichever night we are going to kill the bastard. If you don't have rooom for me because the other tanks are already in place; that's ok!
Toon name :Walanadorl(tank)
Days and times (server) available: W-F 6pm-11pm
Content you'd like to run: Kill the LK and Ulduar
Knightly(mDPS), Littleirish(rDPS)
Any day after 7 server, any content.
Can also bring the pally tank if needed.
Edit: Littleirish for Uld group 2.
Toon: Lawkjaw (Prot/Poor Heals) Lockjaa (mDPS)
Content: As always I'll run anything, but my two main objectives before Cat are to see the LK fight, and run Uld; with Uld being the primary.
Available: Tuesday-Sunday: 7:00+ I'll run as many nights as I'm scheduled without complaint
Lawkjaw is always preferred, but I'm up for using either if need be.
Grinds crew-
Available Tuesday, Sunday this week. Maybe late on Wednesday.
Content: Open to anything.
I will schedule next week. This is kind of cool to have a couple weeks off. Maybe we can get one of the other officers to join the fun.
Eppyrose will heal on tuesday night if there is a raid ...
A 6 hour maintenance period was just announced for Tuesday morning. It's not a guarantee, but we still might want to have a contingency plan for the very real possibility that Tuesday might be patch day.
Toon: Cayle - Ranged DPS
Content: Like to see as much as possible. ICC - LK fight, Ulduar. I would also like a shot at the Ruby Sanctum as not been there yet either.
Availability: Can run any night, Tues - Sun no time restraints.
Also have Darkensky - DPS DK. brand new to 80 but willing to try her out on somethings to get her geared etc.
A 6 hour maintenance period was just announced for Tuesday morning. It's not a guarantee, but we still might want to have a contingency plan for the very real possibility that Tuesday might be patch day.
I'd say that's a guarantee that the patch isn't being deployed since it's only 6hrs long.
(it hasn't, according to what Zero has seen - this is just an example).
I think this is the new guild motto... Believe in Zero. Works on so many levels.
I'm available - for reals - Thursday through Sunday, 7pm till later. Can do two raids if one of them is a weekend evening.
Hackwyrth, priest.
Hackworth, rogue.
Did you guys note this blue post? 10/25 mans are going to have their locks concatenated in advance of the new expansion. It's all explained on MMO-Champ:
MikeMac wrote:
zeroKFE wrote:
A 6 hour maintenance period was just announced for Tuesday morning. It's not a guarantee, but we still might want to have a contingency plan for the very real possibility that Tuesday might be patch day.
I'd say that's a guarantee that the patch isn't being deployed since it's only 6hrs long.Yeah, but they constantly lowball us, so it could go either way.
Yeah, it does seem too short for such a major patch, but then again they have been doing those blocks of 24 hour downtime on the servers in preparation for this for months. Maybe they think this will be the patch where they finally think they'll get things done smoothly?
In any case, the latest PTR build is marked "Release" so if it isn't this week then it will almost certainly be next Tuesday.
I suppose one could just log in to the PTR and see what is still listed in the achievement browser though...
I think I still have about 8GB to download before I can log in!
Forshay/Finial: rDPS. Available T, Th, Su (two nights). All I need is Ulduar (specifically Yogg +1).
Available Sunday, would love to finish up Ulduar
Yewen - rDPS
Yewpal - tank
Yewknight - weak DK mDPS willing to leech gear. Still using BoA Arcanite Reaper because I can't get a darn weapon to drop.
Limited time this week due to travelling next weekend.
Tues-Wed, 7:30pm - 12pm server.
Happy to do ICC tanking or DPS. Ulduar, whatever.
Available Sunday, would love to finish up H Ulduar
Toon Name: Anriis (Blood DK), Laarana (Mut. Rogue)
Role: Anriis - MS:MDPS, OS: Tank Wannabe; Laarana - MDPS
Days and times (server) available:Any day after 7pm, though 7:30 would be better
Content you'd like to run: Heroic ICC10, ICC 25, RS, ulduar achieves, will help with anything though
I think I've got the gear to tank ICC, but would need a mentor. A shot at a LK kill would be preferred though.
Toon: Scarpee (heals)/Sigsbee (Rdps)
Content: Anything but Scarpee could use ICC gear.
Available: 730-1030pm except Thursday this week. Prefer only 2 nights/wk raiding
Trashidawa DK off tank/mDPS - needs ICC gear
Dorj rDPS - for deeper runs into ICC
Tuesday & Thursday: 8 PM Server
Sunday: Anytime