*Legion* wrote:Many Windows 7 users (including myself) were experiencing an issue where none of the web-based pages would display.
The fix, from this Steam forum post:
"The problem is caused by a setting in Internet Explorer's connection settings. Under "LAN Settings" in the Internet Options, if the box "Automatically detect settings" is checked, the Steam browser will not function. Once the box is unchecked, and Steam restarted (note I do not use a proxy) the browser works properly. So to fix the problem, open IE, go to Tools -> Internet Options ->Connections -> LAN Settings, and uncheck "Automatically detect settings," then close and re-open Steam."Fixed it right up.
So it would seem the new Steam browser still uses IE for something...?
This is a setting in your internet options. You can get to this same setting through the Control Panel, completely ignoring IE. It doesn't necessarily mean there is anything IE in the Beta.
So it would seem the new Steam browser still uses IE for something...?
No, but that's one spot where Windows buries the proxy settings. I believe you can access them via the control panel too, but telling people how to get to it through IE is probably easier for users that don't tend to root around the control panel.
EDIT: D'oh, didn't see mrwynd's post, it was on the next page.
A huge improvement. My two problems are 1) it's unresponsive and slow and I'm sure they'll work this out, 2) the menus and right click context menus are empty.
It may be a problem with your fonts. Someone in IRC was having the same problem, and he edited the font. In Program Files\Steam\resources\styles\steam.styles (open with Notepad), there's:
Change Arial Bold to a different font and see what happens.
If this screws you it's not my fault.
I'm really liking the new UI and have not encountered any problems/bugs with it yet (using Windows 7 x64). Hopefully it keeps working fine because it's much more aesthetically pleasing. Personally, I'm a big fan of the "big font" trend some user interfaces have been taking look-wise (Zune/Windows Phone 7 Series for example). I'm starting to get bored with the regular look Windows/OSX/iPhone OS has had over the last few years.
The good thing about big fonts is that they are easy to read on a big display that's far away, so making some text 10 pixels high means it's hard to read. If anything I find that's the problem with the new UI, there's a lot going on and some things like the friends note "9 Online" is tiny. I guess if they could have two modes, big and with a sparse layout, and small and compact, each with a different range of font sizes it would solve a lot of problems.
At the moment I think it's trying to be a 'jack of all trades' with respect to layouts and it's weaker because of it. The Library list view is almost perfect for a traditional 'PC at desk' role, but it's a bit weird because you've got excessive spacing owing to the new icons. The grid view would be great for getting the PC away from the desk in a 'HTPC connected to big telly' role, but you still have to deal with the small font size if you want to manipulate options (dare I say it, valve could add joypad controls to copy a console dashboard style interface)
I like the new UI but I will just be repeating what a lot of you have said already.
Here is something none of you said.
Plenty of games sold on Steam, especially small and/or indie titles, have OSX and/or Linux versions sold outside of Steam.
What would be downright awesome is being able to buy such a game on Steam, and have that license apply to all platforms.
Steam already wraps old DOS games in DOSbox to run on newer Windowses, those could work on OSX and Linux too.
You know what would be neat, in the "dare to dream" category? Steam wrapping Windows games in a pre-configured Wine environment for Linux use. At the very least, though, Steam should look at a Linux client for the same in-client dedicated server install ability you get on Windows.
Its Shininess will find indomitable love and loyalty from this humble one.
Plenty of games sold on Steam, especially small and/or indie titles, have OSX and/or Linux versions sold outside of Steam.
What would be downright awesome is being able to buy such a game on Steam, and have that license apply to all platforms.
Steam already wraps old DOS games in DOSbox to run on newer Windowses, those could work on OSX and Linux too.
You know what would be neat, in the "dare to dream" category? Steam wrapping Windows games in a pre-configured Wine environment for Linux use. At the very least, though, Steam should look at a Linux client for the same in-client dedicated server install ability you get on Windows.
Please, Valve, take Legion's advice. You could do pre-configured Wine in OS X, too...ala Crossover Games.
Hmm, methinks I'll wait till the full version comes out.
It's very pretty! It broke my Modern Warfare 2 install, but I guess you get that with betas, I like the look and the new in-game steam interface is great, so it's worth it.
*Legion* wrote:Many Windows 7 users (including myself) were experiencing an issue where none of the web-based pages would display.
The fix, from this Steam forum post:
"The problem is caused by a setting in Internet Explorer's connection settings. Under "LAN Settings" in the Internet Options, if the box "Automatically detect settings" is checked, the Steam browser will not function. Once the box is unchecked, and Steam restarted (note I do not use a proxy) the browser works properly. So to fix the problem, open IE, go to Tools -> Internet Options ->Connections -> LAN Settings, and uncheck "Automatically detect settings," then close and re-open Steam."Fixed it right up.
So it would seem the new Steam browser still uses IE for something...?
As I understand it, it's not IE per se but the system wide internet settings.
I know a lot of programs when I was at uni under a proxy forced me to change the proxy settings in the Internet Options, even if they weren't using any part of IE.
Personally I rekon this a fantastic upgrade and the new download tab is full of win.
I can't express how excellent that is.
jlaakso wrote:A huge improvement. My two problems are 1) it's unresponsive and slow and I'm sure they'll work this out, 2) the menus and right click context menus are empty.
It may be a problem with your fonts. Someone in IRC was having the same problem, and he edited the font. In Program FilesSteam
esourcesstylessteam.styles (open with Notepad)
That sorted it, thanks!
One thing about a potential OSX steam is support, valve aren't going to be the ones wrapping existing games in wine, dosbox, cider, or similar, developers are (probably) going to be the ones to provide a OSX version to put onto steam. Even if valve could get existing games wrapped to run on OSX I doubt they would as they would need to assume all the support if the original publisher didn't. As *Legion* said, those who already have multiplatform games are in the best position to gain from this.
Steam to a certain extent already exists under linux, but on the command line for the dedicated server. The guts of steam that do downloading and updating are multiplatform, but the UI is windows only currently.
What this does get rid of is some of the chicken/egg problem with the mac. Gamers have somewhere big to buy from and developers have somewhere big to sell from. It's not just a store front you download an installer from, but steam and all the features it brings.
It's also an interesting direction for 'platform dominance', MS seems to be concentrating on their console, and trying to make GFWL stick on PCs, valve could be extending steam out to all PC style devices. It also gets a serious big 'game network' on OSX, where (my impression is) apple doesn't really care about games on any of their devices, valve could be moving in and setting up camp in uncontested territory
I like the new UI but I will just be repeating what a lot of you have said already.
Here is something none of you said.
Already mentioned here that Steam won't provide more then just access. But that's fine. In the beginning the amount of games
will be limited. But there are some good titles out there nonetheless. In due time, I can see it grow, because of Steam.
I don't like that I can't rename shortcuts. If I create a shortcut to CoH it doesn't say Company of Heroes, it says RelicCoH because that's how the executable is named.
In the old client I could rename that so it would actually show Company of Heroes on the friends list when I played it.
Can't seem to do that anymore.
I don't like that I can't rename shortcuts. If I create a shortcut to CoH it doesn't say Company of Heroes, it says RelicCoH because that's how the executable is named.
In the old client I could rename that so it would actually show Company of Heroes on the friends list when I played it.
Can't seem to do that anymore.
Feedback button! I'll submit it too.
I found a workaround for the moment.
If you add a shortcut for a game to your start menu somewhere it shows up with the shortcut's title in the list Steam brings up when you first hit Add Non-Steam Game.
I don't normally allow games to add anything to my start menu. If you do, then you wouldn't probably ever notice this particular issue anyway.
Also: Boo on the submit feedback button just being a shortcut to the steam forums. I don't know my login.
I don't like that I can't rename shortcuts. If I create a shortcut to CoH it doesn't say Company of Heroes, it says RelicCoH because that's how the executable is named.
In the old client I could rename that so it would actually show Company of Heroes on the friends list when I played it.
Can't seem to do that anymore.
It barely worked before, everytime I would do it it would switch it back to it's original name like 50 times before staying.
You had to restart Steam immediately after renaming or removing a shortcut for it to stick. It was borderline senile, but it worked.
Pro-tip for yucky fonts: Go to your root Steam folder, then resource -> styles and open steam.styles in Notepad. Scroll down to:
// cool we can define font-families here as well
Replace the two entries with whatever you want. I tried Segoe UI and Segoe UI Semibold (default fonts on Vista/7) and they're great improvements on the original Arial.
Performance sucks, though. Debug code or problem with multi-core systems?
I got a load of hitches, where it would seem unresponsive for a good few seconds (bringing up a window, launching a game, after a game). I went back to the stable version after the overlay crashed ME1. It's beta because they don't consider it finished or stable, if you prefer stability and reliable performance stick with the old version.
I haven't had any unresponsiveness. And the only performance problem I have is some sluggish scrolling. Of course, people are bound to have issues, like Scratched said.
I haven't had any issues at all with performance.
I used the feedback button and submitted this yesterday.
(I h4x0R3d the image with my l33t photoshopping skills). I'd like to see them remove the game sorting drop-down on the left, and just add another always-visible sub-menu under the current sub-menu.
I like that you can make your own categories though, and this would seem to eliminate or limit that. I have a category for games I am currently playing and just show those, which is pretty cool.
I haven't had any issues at all with performance.
I used the feedback button and submitted this yesterday.
(I h4x0R3d the image with my l33t photoshopping skills). I'd like to see them remove the game sorting drop-down on the left, and just add another always-visible sub-menu under the current sub-menu.
I'd prefer that, or an option to have either would be nice too.
Yeah if they did that there would inevitably be problems with people who create a lot of categories.
The Beta actually runs much faster for me.
I get some sluggishness and stutters as well, nothing too bad but never happened with the other one.
The client is running like buttah for me.