Gizmodo reports that FF1 and 2 are coming to iPhone!
Gizmodo reports that FF1 and 2 are coming to iPhone!
I was just going to post this link from TUAW: http://www.tuaw.com/2010/01/21/final...
Although, as Scott Sharkey is fond of saying, can't we already play FF1 and 2 on a microwave
That's pretty cool. I already played FFI on the PSP, but wouldn't mind hitting up some FFII.
Yeah, already played these games on the GBA. Give me one of the Mana games or a tactics game and we're talking. As it is, I can already play Zenonia, which is a decent enough game as to make FF1 pointless if you've already played it.
Shouldn't Plants vs Zombies be coming out soon?
I was just thinking last week that they could put FF on iPhone and it would sell like crazy. It would actually work with a touch screen. People bought Sonic in droves and I couldn't imagine playing that without buttons. FF simply makes sense on iPhone. Still, I'm not interested in playing it on there or anywhere. I would be interested in playing FF IV - The After Years, though. There are a ton of RPGs on the iPhone, but none of them really feel right or are interesting enough for me to sit down with. I wouldn't mind if Zenonia played more like Zelda on DS, though I'm still not sure if I'd be interested enough to play it then.
Reign of Swords is free today.
DSG: Isn't Zenonia a Zelda clone? That doesn't really occupy the same niche as turn-based RPG for me.
Reign of Swords is free today.
I love getting stuff for free.
*starts download*
Fedaykin98 wrote:Reign of Swords is free today.
I love getting stuff for free.
*starts download*
Is it just that there's a free version? I see one for $2.99 and one for Free. Did they just make the free version the same as the full paid app for today only?
Reign of Swords is free today.
DSG: Isn't Zenonia a Zelda clone? That doesn't really occupy the same niche as turn-based RPG for me.
You're right. I'm simply saying that, for me at least, new IP that's RPG-ish is better than FF1 all over again.
Full version is free today. Reign Free is the demo.
Not on my store it ain't. Wrong side of the Atlantic, maybe?
Not on my store it ain't. Wrong side of the Atlantic, maybe?
Same here, but I'm in Canada. Maybe US only sale?
Naw, I'm in the states and it's still $2.99.
Naw, I'm in the states and it's still $2.99.
Same here, Dutch store, 2.39 euro
Next one is for free now, so I was too late then.. Cocoto Kart Free is for free. Single player levels only then.
Dunno what to tell y'all; I saw it on Gizmodo, went to the app store, and downloaded it for free. Maybe it was from yesterday and switched back to paid sometime today, after I downloaded it.
Naw, I'm in the states and it's still $2.99.
It was free this morning. I downloaded it.
I'm sure I just missed it. Oh well, there are worse things in life.
Minarchist wrote:Naw, I'm in the states and it's still $2.99.
It was free this morning. I downloaded it.
Thank FSM, a witness to clear my good name!
Sword & Poker is just as addictive as advertised. Cool concept, fun game. I love that each stage just takes a minute so I don't feel like I'm committed to playing for a huge chunk of time -- but then I do exactly that.
I have a question for my fellow iPhone gaming peeps regarding apps you're not currently playing. Leave them on your iPhone / iPod Touch or remove them?
I ask because I have something like 60 games. 40 games actually installed on my iPhone. I jump on all the $1 sales and went on a binge early on. And I have to play all the really creative games (Angry Birds, Soosiz, Finger Physics, Auditorium, Word Ace, Drop 7, etc.). In a given week I probably play 1 or 2 of those on a semi-regular basis (30 minutes a day or less). I maybe fiddle around with another 2 or 3. The rest are just there. A graveyard of games I bought and frankly, don't have time for because iPhone games can be incredibly deep and replayable. So what do you guys do in this situation? Do you free up the memory on your device in addition to "focusing" on a few apps you are going to play? Or do you leave most or all of the apps on there because you never know when you'll want to play it and it's fun having 40 quality games at your disposal at any moment?
I find it's starting to bug me to roll past Rolando, knowing that my chances of actually playing it are very slim for every Angry Birds or Implode that comes out. I ask you, because you're partly to blame, filthy enablers.
I delete games. You can reinstall games that you've previously bought from iTunes. I'm not sure what happens if you try to redownload them directly from the App Store to your iPhone.
I had to remove a lot of MBytes for GTA Chinatown Wars. 600MB come on... Remember, when you remove a game, you remove your game save... so I can't remove GTA ever
I remove all games where the game save is not important like Orbital, Puzzle Games, ...
btw: DSGamer, did you receive a PromoCode for Quozzle? There are some Tutorial videos on youtube with text descriptions... If you struggled, you should check out the videos. Please don't delete me!
I don't know that I got the promo code, actually.
And yeah, one of my hesitations is game saves. I nearly completed Crayon Physics Deluxe and I did complete Ragdoll Physics. So I learned the hard way when I removed them at one point just to clear out games I wasn't actively playing. I'm a little more over that now, though. I wish they weren't tied together, but it's okay. You can't do everything right when stumble backwards into becoming a game console.
So Fedaykin, why do you remove apps? Just for the MBs, to get out of your site games you're not playing or other?
I don't know that I got the promo code, actually.
And yeah, one of my hesitations is game saves. I nearly completed Crayon Physics Deluxe and I did complete Ragdoll Physics. So I learned the hard way when I removed them at one point just to clear out games I wasn't actively playing. I'm a little more over that now, though. I wish they weren't tied together, but it's okay. You can't do everything right when stumble backwards into becoming a game console.
So Fedaykin, why do you remove apps? Just for the MBs, to get out of your site games you're not playing or other?
I haven't gotten to that point yet, but I know with console games I like to trade in games I absolutely know I'll never touch again. When I look on a shelf and see a wall of games, I'm usually overwhelmed and end up doing something else. When it's lean and mean, I tend to be a bit more focused and enjoy what I have. Maybe that same sort of psychology applies to a wall of apps?
I have a question for my fellow iPhone gaming peeps regarding apps you're not currently playing. Leave them on your iPhone / iPod Touch or remove them?
I go for the "throw old games on a page at the end" approach. All of my current games are on the same page, demos on a page by themselves, and games I haven't touched get their own pages near the end. Old games or games I don't feel like playing can go at the end of all that.
DSGamer wrote:I don't know that I got the promo code, actually.
And yeah, one of my hesitations is game saves. I nearly completed Crayon Physics Deluxe and I did complete Ragdoll Physics. So I learned the hard way when I removed them at one point just to clear out games I wasn't actively playing. I'm a little more over that now, though. I wish they weren't tied together, but it's okay. You can't do everything right when stumble backwards into becoming a game console.
So Fedaykin, why do you remove apps? Just for the MBs, to get out of your site games you're not playing or other?
I haven't gotten to that point yet, but I know with console games I like to trade in games I absolutely know I'll never touch again. When I look on a shelf and see a wall of games, I'm usually overwhelmed and end up doing something else. When it's lean and mean, I tend to be a bit more focused and enjoy what I have. Maybe that same sort of psychology applies to a wall of apps?
That's what I'm getting at, yeah. I'm pulled in two directions. On the one hand I love the ability to play virtually anything whenever I want. However, sometimes a wall o games is not good and you do end up overwhelmed. That's why I feel like I need to uninstall down to what I am playing right now and only add as I play it.
DSGamer wrote:I have a question for my fellow iPhone gaming peeps regarding apps you're not currently playing. Leave them on your iPhone / iPod Touch or remove them?
I go for the "throw old games on a page at the end" approach. All of my current games are on the same page, demos on a page by themselves, and games I haven't touched get their own pages near the end. Old games or games I don't feel like playing can go at the end of all that.
This is what I do. The first page is games I'm into now. The other 2 pages are the other games. And that doesn't count the stuff that isn't installed like Tiger Woods Golf, Mass Effect Galaxies, etc.
I don't have space issues, as I don't use my phone as an MP3 player. I have a couple hundred key songs, but other than that, it's free space unless I throw a couple movies on there for a trip. I'm thinking of buying The Wire on iTunes, though, so I have that on me at all times.
I leave all my apps on there, or at least most of them. Some I can't wait to get rid of.
I have a 32 gig phone, though.
Every few months I get the itch to try and learn how to play chess-- are there any iPhone apps that anyone knows of that are "newbie" friendly, or perhaps include some sort of lessons or tutorials beyond the "here's how you move the pieces!" kind of moronica?
So Fedaykin, why do you remove apps? Just for the MBs, to get out of your site games you're not playing or other?
Yeah, I just like to de-clutter things.
And call me Fed, man, we're bros like that.