Wow, and double wow. I am really surprised at how good it looks. I am also really hooked on the story now!
Alan Wake! I thought he was dead!
No dude I had created a catch all around the E3 days but they game is very much alive, The game looks really good I hope it doesn't disappoint i mean they are taking a long time maybe if they stay quiet again and we forget about it we will be like "WTF! where did this game come from" but that's just my opinion.
It still looks like Alone in the Dark 5, and that's still a good thing.
So they made Lost into a videogame?
So they made Lost into a videogame?
My thoughts exactly. Looks good, just don't know how sold I am on the game though.
Jayhawker wrote:So they made Lost into a videogame?
My thoughts exactly. Looks good, just don't know how sold I am on the game though.
The gameplay videos have promise, but that chase scene had surprisingly little tension. I'd have to see a lot more, or read some reviews to be convinced that this is a story worth riding along for.
It's Remedy, they pretty much get a free pass from me.
So that forum said its console only. I'm assuming that's not true?
So that forum said its console only. I'm assuming that's not true?
I thought this was a 360 exclusive, which usually means PC down the road if it is successful.
So that forum said its console only. I'm assuming that's not true?
It was announced at E3 as a 360 exclusive. It's always a bit nebulous as to whether or not that means a PC port is in the works.
The atmosphere looks incredible. The 4 year wait, since this was announed? Not so incredible.
I will love this game. I know I will. I will still be a little disappointed if its less than 300 hours long, though.
I hate to look in the gift horse's mouth, but does anyone know why it's taken so long? Are remedy a small studio, is it a *really* big game? From what they've shown it looks reasonably straightforward.
Jayhawker wrote:So they made Lost into a videogame?
My thoughts exactly. Looks good, just don't know how sold I am on the game though.
Seriously? Everything with shadows and loud noises is not Lost.
Kinda disappointing its only a possible pc port in the future.
I might be confusing this with another game, but wasn't Alan Wake the one that was making such a big deal about using DX10 about a year ago? That's why I assumed it was pc. Either way, it looks cool! Too bad I hate consoles.
I just got around to watching those videos, and I want this game now.
The atmosphere looks incredible. The 4 year wait, since this was announed? Not so incredible.
I will love this game. I know I will. I will still be a little disappointed if its less than 300 hours long, though.
I'll go ahead and predict 6 to 8 hours.
I just got around to watching those videos, and I want this game now.
Yeah, I'm intrigued. It will really hinge on how good the control is, I think. I hope they put out a demo!
Eh, I dunno. I was hoping more for an old school Stephen King mixed with David Lynch vibe. The more gameplay videos comes out this looks like a late day Stephen King novel directed by J.J. Abrams as adapted to the screen by Robert Orci.
The atmosphere looks incredible. The 4 year wait, since this was announed? Not so incredible.
I will love this game. I know I will. I will still be a little disappointed if its less than 300 hours long, though.
When has a game ever disappointed after being much later then originally anticipated? Excluding Daikatana/Messiah etc
Too Human?
Hmmmm... Western Project Zero?
When has a game ever disappointed after being much later then originally anticipated? Excluding Daikatana/Messiah etc ;)
Kinda disappointing its only a possible pc port in the future.
I might be confusing this with another game, but wasn't Alan Wake the one that was making such a big deal about using DX10 about a year ago? That's why I assumed it was pc. Either way, it looks cool! Too bad I hate consoles.
You're right, they were talking about how they were using DX10 for Alan Wake. I also assumed there would be a PC version.
I actually upgraded to Vista with this game in mind, as back in the day, Vista was going to be a requirement. Made quite a stir in the forums at Remedy. Haha.
Yeah, they also had the video about how quad-cores would help so much, showing a huge tornado picking up cars and houses in real-time and that was taking one or two CPU cores to calculate...
But, the Xbox is good too I guess... I don't own an Xbox 360 though, don't plan on it... and if they port it to PC now, it'll be exactly that, a PC port, because now Microsoft wants it to be an Xbox game and an Xbox game only.
Oh well, I was going to put out my money for Alan Wake, sadly I don't think I'm going to now... if I even get the chance. You know I saw that video when my wife and I were dating... and before we were engaged. I remember telling her how I wanted to play this new game. We just had our 3rd anniversary... so.... yes, this game HAS been quite a while in the making.
That last video of the guy escaping the cops finally made me care a little about the game. The atmosphere and sound were awesome, and the graphics were pretty damn sweet too. The game could turn out to be something good but I'm afraid it's going to be one big scripted event. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but I'm for one am getting a bit tired of being so directed in a game where stuff only happens when I reach a checkpoint. Still, could work out very well indeed. The game made it on my radar now and we'll see what the future holds.
I still think they shouldn't have sold their Max Payne IP and should have worked on MP3 instead of this.
I hope they won't neglect the PC version and actually polish it and make it use the PC hardware as best as possible.
skeletonframes wrote:The atmosphere looks incredible. The 4 year wait, since this was announed? Not so incredible.
I will love this game. I know I will. I will still be a little disappointed if its less than 300 hours long, though.
When has a game ever disappointed after being much later then originally anticipated? Excluding Daikatana/Messiah etc ;)
You forgot Duke Nukem Forever.
Ars Technica has reviewed Alan Wake.
"Alan Wake is a wonderful exercise in video game storytelling, but in many ways the story being told isn't fit for this medium. A short play time also hinders the title, but make no mistake, there is a lot to love here."
They also cite a nasty case of in-game advertising that hurts immersion:
"Games are getting more expensive to produce, and the price of the final product certainly isn't going up, so advertisements in games are something of an inevitability. The problem is when they go from background images to something that takes you out of the world the game is trying so hard to build. Alan Wake is very guilty of this sin."
There are comparisons to Heavy Rain, and I suspect that's the type of game this might be.
It comes out May 18, which is the same day as Red Dead Redemption, so no day for me on this one - I've pre-ordered RDR. I'll play it eventually, possibly even rent it due to it's short length.
I was interested in this for a long time. I think I will just wait for Red Dead Redemption reviews to come out, GWJ hive-mind opinions and pick up Alan Wake later when it drops in price. By then they should have some of the episodic content out.
Is there an Alan Wake catch-all thread?
I am ultra-torn between this and RDR. Even Split/Second is appealing, based on the demo. All of these games come out on the 18th... oh noes!