I was excited until I heard Adrian Paul was cast as Ned Stark. That seems like an odd choice to me. But I still want to see what becomes of it.
EDIT: This is apparently not a new thought. At least I'm consistent!
I will so completely put the BluRays on my NetFlix queue the moment they show up in the system! If that doesn't give the studios impetus to push this project through, I don't know what will!
EDIT EDIT: So which parts are Sean Bean and Viggo Mortensen playing?
I was excited until I heard Adrian Paul was cast as Ned Stark. That seems like an odd choice to me. But I still want to see what becomes of it.
WHAT?! Did they pick him solely for his familiarity with sword-induced decapitation or something?
It seems kinda type-cast and maybe a little bit predictable, but what on earth is wrong with Sean Bean?
It's not like...
we'll be seeing much of ol' Neddard. Off with his head and all that. Adrian Paul isn't terrible. He just needs to show up, nail a hot chick, execute a dude, get bamboozled by some tricksy city folk, and then executed himself.
It's not like...
Mild spoilers wrote:[color=white]
we'll be seeing much of ol' Neddard. Off with his head and all that.[/color]
[color=white]True, that'll come, but he is in almost the entire book.[/color]
I'm more interested in who they've cast as Tyrion.
Elijah Wood?
Elijah Wood?
Mean spirited!
I'd say Peter Dinklage or Warwick Davis are most likely among known actors, but I could also easily see someone coming out of nowhere to nail the part.
Reaper81 wrote:Elijah Wood?
Mean spirited!
Seriously. How could you insult Tyrion like that?
More importantly, the role of Cersei.
I'd almost be willing to sell my soul, if it meant getting Trisha Helfer to play that part.
More importantly, the role of Cersei.
I'd almost be willing to sell my soul, if it meant getting Trisha Helfer to play that part.
WTF is that?
Oh. Grrr... very grrr, baby. I accept!
More importantly, the role of Cersei.
I'd almost be willing to sell my soul, if it meant getting Trisha Helfer to play that part.
Oh, she would be perfect.
VicD714 wrote:More importantly, the role of Cersei.
I'd almost be willing to sell my soul, if it meant getting Trisha Helfer to play that part.
Oh, she would be perfect.
Casting her as Cersei would be a genius move.
NSMike wrote:VicD714 wrote:More importantly, the role of Cersei.
I'd almost be willing to sell my soul, if it meant getting Trisha Helfer to play that part.
Oh, she would be perfect.
Casting her as Cersei would be a genius move.
NSMike wrote:VicD714 wrote:More importantly, the role of Cersei.
I'd almost be willing to sell my soul, if it meant getting Trisha Helfer to play that part.
Oh, she would be perfect.
Casting her as Cersei would be a genius move.
Talk abouty being typecast! Still, she would be a good fit.
I saw this on a fansite a couple of weeks ago, and am liking the idea the more I think about it.
Another strong, take no BS, female character, that she seems to play with ease.
[color=white]I have to admit I'm a little torn about her in this role though. I will have a very, very hard time watching the Red Wedding scene, if she is in it, versus just about any other actress. Not to say the Red Wedding will be easy to watch.[/color]
larrymadill wrote:I was excited until I heard Adrian Paul was cast as Ned Stark. That seems like an odd choice to me. But I still want to see what becomes of it.
WHAT?! Did they pick him solely for his familiarity with sword-induced decapitation or something?
It seems kinda type-cast and maybe a little bit predictable, but what on earth is wrong with Sean Bean?
My vote would been for David Morrissey (he played Gordon Brown in Stephen Fears tele-movie "The Deal" and was the Parliament Member in the original (and superior) "State of Play".
And if you figure one book per season (which seems about right to me) Eddard is going to have a big role the first season. And his character is basically the prime mover and motivation for everything else that happens afterward. So if they don't get Ned right it ain't going to work.
And Peter Dinklage is playing Tyrion supposedly. Works. Tyrion is something of a smart-ass little perv and that was Dinklage's character in the (underrated) CBS series "Threshhold". Personally I would've preferred Michael Anderson (?) from Carnivale and the David Lynch movies, but he might be too old for a long run T.V. epic.
I saw this on a fansite a couple of weeks ago, and am liking the idea the more I think about it.
Another strong, take no BS, female character, that she seems to play with ease.
I'd pick Gillian Anderson for Catelyn. She can do strong yet vulnerable and matronly, and she has a British accent now. Not going to happen, however, since she doesn't want to go near T.V. ever again. My second for Catelyn would be Polly Walker from ROME and State of Play (the mini, not the Russel Crowe thing) which also won't happen because she's now on Caprica.
dhaelis wrote:NSMike wrote:VicD714 wrote:More importantly, the role of Cersei.
I'd almost be willing to sell my soul, if it meant getting Trisha Helfer to play that part.
Oh, she would be perfect.
Casting her as Cersei would be a genius move.
In that case, they'll never be able to find a Jaime to mirror her.
True, but the same can be said for just about every other actress out there.
I would love the actor who played Omar on the Wire to play Bronn but I dont know if they would go for an African-American for that role. I sort of imagine John Rys-Davis as an older Robert Baratheon. I have no idea who could play the Mountain, the Hound, or the Umbers. Where will they find guys that big! Maybe they could who ever played the Steward of Gondor in LotR for Walder Frey? He was old and creepy enough.
On a non casting note, will they make Rhaegar Targaryen an actual character or will he only be discussed? I like how in the book he is a major character that never actually appears.
I would love the actor who played Omar on the Wire to play Bronn but I dont know if they would go for an African-American for that role.
Michael K. Williams. Oh, Indeed.
I don't see why you can't have African Americans, even though the Song of Ice and Fire is basically a rip-off of The War of the Roses, the entire universe is, to paraphrase Jeff Green, "f*cking Fictional!"
Dany's stuff may have some people of color.
Xalabar Xo Is deffinately black. (I may have that name wrong.)
Good one Vega. As soon as you mentioned Dexter I remembered him, that guy is huge.
She wouldnt be young enough for Dany in the first book. She was only 13 or 14 when first married off.
I have no idea who could play the Mountain, the Hound, or the Umbers.
I think this guy could play the Mountain or the Hound.. or possibly even Rhaegar in flashbacks. I saw him in an episode of Dexter a while back and he was just in an episode My Name is Earl a week or so ago and the guy is huge. Huuuge!!
Whoa.. I just glanced at the guy's forum entries on IMDB and someone else suggested he would be a good for the Mountain and the actor himself posted that he's pursuing the role.
-edit 2-
For those that watched Rome on HBO. What are your thoughts on the actress who played Cleopatra being a fit for Dany?
She wouldnt be young enough for Dany in the first book. She was only 13 or 14 when first married off.
I have a feeling they are going to be a bit lenient with the ages. The biggest issue they're going to have is child actors aging too fast for production. They're not going to able to have Ned's kids start at the ages like in the books because those kids will age, hit puberty, have growth spurts, either in the middle of production or in between seasons. They can probably get away with Rickon, but the others will already need to be in their teens (even if they perhaps look a bit younger). So having Dany maybe look a bit older (especially since the role will require nudity, assuming they follow the book) shouldn't hurt things too much.
When I think of Eddard, I think of someone with dignity. He's basically Liam Neeson - strong, honourable, straightforward. I hope they aren't going to arse this up with mediocre TV hacks like Adrian Paul. HBO need to cast it as well as they cast The Wire. There were no weak links in The Wire cast at all, though the superlative script really helped.
Though I suppose that if they are filming the whole thing for several years in Belfast, they're going to be picking up a bunch of British and Irish theatre thespy types and BBC drama veterans for a lot of the supporting roles, who would probably be good enough actors if the script is decent. There are an awful lot of excellent parts in the series. Littlefinger, Lysa, Catelyn, Jaime and so on. And I can't wait to see what shitkicking old git of an actor will play Tywin, or Stannis or Walder Frey.
Hang on, aren't they going to have to film Dany's stuff on location somewhere? Having CG matte backgrounds for all her segments is going to be a bit cheesy isn't it?
HBO has always done a good job on casting, imho. This isn't going to be the Sword of Truth series where they took all the leftover extras from Hercules and Zena and gave them starring roles.
Ian Richardson would've been my choice for Tywin.
Dirty rotten doublepost...