With Darkfall being a cluster f*ck the guys at Star Vault are playing close attention and have a better chance to not repeat Aventurine's mistakes.
So I know nothing really about this game, and don't take this coming comment to be directed at the actual gameplay, but that video was horrible. It did absolutely nothing for me as a player. All they did was tell me all this awesome stuff was going to be in the game, meanwhile all they showed me was a vast empty landscape. That's it. I might as well have read the list of features from the website.
would that make all people left handed fighters by default? =)
Tkyl wrote:So I know nothing really about this game, and don't take this coming comment to be directed at the actual gameplay, but that video was horrible. It did absolutely nothing for me as a player. All they did was tell me all this awesome stuff was going to be in the game, meanwhile all they showed me was a vast empty landscape. That's it. I might as well have read the list of features from the website.
From a long time mmo player showing off that vast empty landscape was the most impressive part. Gorgeous world. There was one shot with a tree in the background swaying back/forth.
That part got me excited more than anything because i'd love a chance to play around in that world. That and the mount animation is the best i've seen in a MMO. The player models were pretty much meh...
Maybe I'm wrong, but I didn't get the impression that what we were looking at was real, in-game footage. I sincerely doubt that the world actually looks like that.
For me, it was firmly meh.
Its always nice to see new projects and i hope it turns into something great but that video was not exactly inspiring.
What isnt shown is that the player is allowed to first get into combat with the Dragon at the end and then a group of 4-6 goons jumps him. Also not shown is the gate campers waiting for a single fellow to come riding out alone on his two horned rhino!
SpyNavy wrote:What isnt shown is that the player is allowed to first get into combat with the Dragon at the end and then a group of 4-6 goons jumps him. Also not shown is the gate campers waiting for a single fellow to come riding out alone on his two horned rhino!
Those are very likely scenarios and anyone who cant handle that type of game play needs to stay away.
Absolutely - I just thought it was interesting that they didnt show any "en masse" PvP. When we played AoC we rarely saw less then 4 in a gang - especially on the Island. Good times to be had by all, but the gate gankers were a hassle :).
To be fair bear was the biggest griefer of the island.
All Hail STAN!
Watching Bear stalk new folks on the island was classic comedy. Hearing it on Vent was even funnier.
I believe this is a very old video that was posted on this site once before. I will look around for it maybe the name was different or something but I could swear I have seen this exact video before.
Did you sign up for Beta yesterday?
I think runs on the UnReal Engine 3?
Looks very pretty.
It's really old school, can't even create a character
gonna check back tomorrow
Not sure if they've fixed it but ever since they started the open beta their torrent client that's hosted on their site is corrupted. I went to the forums where people are posting a 'working' exe. Most of the time I wasn't getting a decent d/l rate and occasionally the client wouldn't connect. Someone on the forums was nice enough to put up the torrent files so we could use a third party client. My downloads are about done and I'll see what the actual game holds for me. RPS' article certainly has me intrigued.
Does this game have oblivion style leveling?
Meh hate that style of leveling, incourages grinding and macros