I guess this goes in the politics forum, as thats what it will end up talking about anyway. Did anybody see Micheal's acceptance speech? I didnt see it, but the text and a video of the wrap up is here
Micheal Moore Acceptance Speech
Wow. I mean wow. Whether or not you agree with him, you gotta admire the king-kong sized kahones on that guy.
I just saw the clip. Nice baaing from that crowd.
I''m pretty sure some were cheering, or at least it sounds like it.
Who cares. Isn''t it America, land of the free, etc etc etc? For such a free country you sure fear free speech.
Come play Team Fortress 2 with GWJers! Server:
7-8pm central, Mondays & Fridays, bring chicken wings
Who are you talking to? I thought it was great.
*edit* doh! I keep forgetting youre actually from Mexico, therefore you == America. Sorry!
I don''t know about that. After all, Michael Moore wasn''t in prison after the show, doesn''t have any fear of official retaliation, and can go right back out into the street and say whatever he feels. I''d argue that those who boo had just as much right to free speech as Moore, and just as much right as he to express their disgust with him.
Usually I like Michael Moore, but I''m not really with him on this one. It was an intentionally inflammatory, and controversial position to take. Considering how many people made heartfelt and reasonable pleas for peace, and were applauded, I don''t think it''s as much Moore''s sentiments as his delivery that turned the house against him. I have no doubt that Michael is quite pleased with himself and the reaction. He seems to live for this kind of thing.
The thing about smart people is they seem like crazy people to dumb people -- Thing I saw on the Internet
And considering the top headline yesterday was about the US POWs, the smart man would''ve expressed their message with a little more tact.
I wish you guys would stop encouraging him.
EvilHomer3k wrote:You are an evil, evil person.
Baron Of Hell wrote:YOU VILLAIN!
OK Rant time.
It''s nice to see we can have a decent adult debate about anything her at GWJ.
I''d made the mistake of starting to read the comments on E.A.''s site about Michael Moore and the Oscars. I have to admit to getting pretty wound up reading to some of the comments some people were making.
I hate it when people can''t come together and have a reasonable debate about any subject without resorting to swearing and calling anybody who doesn''t agree with their viewpoint an a**hole!
I can understand that certain subjects are always going to cause differences of opinion but just because someone doesn''t agree with your viewpoint doesn''t make them evil or wrong.
It''s worse when someone presents a well argued case for their point of view only to be called something pretty vile by someone who only read the beginning of the argument and immediately got annoyed and put their keyboard in gear while their brain was still in nuetral!
I personally think that while inflammatory and not entirely appropriate he does have the right to say what he wants, I just don''t think it was the right forum for his sentiments.
I did actually find an interesting link to a well written and researched article on the comments section of EA''s site
Not everyone''s cup of tea and you amy not agree with the conclusions or even any of it but it is very well written and researched.
There, I''m happy again now that I''ve got that off my chest!
That statement is downright laughable. But I enjoy the way you make gross generalizations about America.
Oh, you''re right, it''s a pretty stupid comment. I''d just woken up and I''d just finished reading the Evil Avatar''s post and thread on this subject.
Never mind.
Come play Team Fortress 2 with GWJers! Server:
7-8pm central, Mondays & Fridays, bring chicken wings
No worries. If there is one thing this country isn''t short on, it''s free speech!
Everyone has an opinion and a voice. You should have heard me when they took the cheese out of the Dining Commens in college because of cutbacks. Grade E beef and no cheese?! The humanity!!
No...you don''t understand, Free Speech means that you''re allowed to say whatever you want and no one can disagree with you.
My problem with Moore is that he''s against the war because he hates Bush. Moore is a useful idiot. He doesn''t care why we''re going to war and if those are good enough reasons (which people can discuss and not insult each other) he just doesn''t like Bush. He''s like Jesse Jackson.
3DS Friend Code: 2509-2418-9951
Let me know if you add me and I'll add you back!
I pity you. A lot.
I got the impression that he was just being a jackass, after watching the post-show wrapup. I think Elysium is right on this one, he is pretty pleased with the response.
I still admire it though, it was the Oscars, I mean its not like its a Presidential debate, its meant to be a show. And he put on one hell of a show.
Thanks. Will you hold me?
Come play Team Fortress 2 with GWJers! Server:
7-8pm central, Mondays & Fridays, bring chicken wings
O.k. Moore is a lying jerk, as for his documentary please read the 2 following url''s:
Not only was his ""documentary"" staged/bullshit, which has been the case for most of his work, he has no ability to handle any critcism at all. Ever watch an interview of him where someone disagrees with him? He starts ranting at them. While at times he can be amusing, the fact that he''s such a polarized zealot & his constance use of lies/bullshit means very little of anything he says/does can be taken seriously at ALL. So yes I would have been booing along with a lot of others at the Oscars, had I watched/gone.
Also, as to wether this is a free country 2 things to note:
1. Go to france and insult the PM, Chrirac, and then take a look at the lovely $30k fine, least the''re stopping the mandatory jail time.
2. Try making a ""conservative"" speech/argument on a College campus in the US, and watch how you must retract/apologize, and then be forced to undergo ""diversity"" or ""sensitivty"" training, otherwise you''ll be punished/expelled.
Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. If
you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help out that of the
other.--George Orwell, 1942
Whew! I knew I wasn''t the only one that wanted JD to hold me.
That really depends on the comment, and smacks, I think, of exaggeration. Otherwise, I don''t think there''d be a whole lot of College Republicans walking around. Also, this largely depends on the region of the country you visit. I recently visited the University of South Alabama, and noted that there were no anti-war posters, leaflets, pamphlets, etc. to be had anywhere. I know when I attended Auburn University, liberalism was relatively taboo. To even imagine that universities in Georgia are anything like those in California, or those in Texas like those in Wisconsin, is a bit off.
The thing about smart people is they seem like crazy people to dumb people -- Thing I saw on the Internet
While I''m highly tempted to start forking out a mass list of links of cases throughout the US, in all regions, that pretty much support my claim, I found a site that pretty much already does so. So here you go, and see the wonderfullness of free speech practiced throughout:
Its a fairly long list, plus they look to have more information throughout the site.
Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. If
you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help out that of the
other.--George Orwell, 1942
A lot of incidents on that site sound like the issues surrounding the PGA holding a tournament at Augusta.
If you are a private organization or you are an organization affiliated with the state or federal government, at what point in popularity or size does it become irresponsible to not be gender, race, or religiously neutral? At what point does this irresponsibility justify legal action?
Being fangoriously devoured by a gelatinous monster.
A lot of the more recent issues do sound as such, butt if you read through the large list, and I understand that to do so would take a LOT of time, that isn''t the case.
If you''re a private organization: there is no point. The consitiution & the subsequent rulings by the Supreme Court protect this, you may not like it but well too bad I''d much rather see it protected so that its needed later on then struck down because some group offends somebody else.
If your a public organziation tied to the government: YOU CAN NOT BAN FREE SPEECH. Just because you don''t like what somebody says the government CAN NOT PUNISH, i.e. no forced ""training"", no forced apologies, no outright banning of the action, them for saying it. However, that doesn''t mean they have to pay you to keep saying it. If there is a mass outcry over some publicly funded group''s speeches the government has the right to cut their funding to the group. The group can still say what ever thhey want but that doesn''t mean they have to be paid to do so.
Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. If
you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help out that of the
other.--George Orwell, 1942
Woah there! Calm down. I wasn''t insulting you or the site you linked to. The only reason I stopped reading the further incidents on the site was because I found 2 of the first few interesting.
The political cartoon issue at the university was baffling. I saw nothing remotely wrong with the cartoon. *shrugs*
The fraternity wanting to display the confederate flag issue was interesting as well. If they want to display the flag, so be it. They can remain a fraternity and the university can absolve formal links and support for it and not allow it to participate in university sponsered events.
However, I don''t see how posing the question on irresponsibility and whether it can justify legal action is synonimous with banning free speech?
Being fangoriously devoured by a gelatinous monster.
wasn''t intended to offend. I said that legal action in the use of banning a form of ""irresponsible"" speech is flat out wrong, besides who decides what is ""irresponsbile"". The only case I can accept that is such as yelling ""fire"" in a crowded theater, which the US Supreme Court has supported, in which the speech is designed to caused direct physical harm.
Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. If
you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help out that of the
other.--George Orwell, 1942
Here is my thoughts
**** his politics, they SUCK. I''m sure I can point his flabby fat assed to a burger king though.
*Edited by Admin*
You''ve been warned before Valcron, tone down the language.
Last chance.
- Admin
I don''t doubt that Micheal Moore believes at least some of what he said, but really, he was just being a jackass. Getting pissed at him is exactly what he wants. I cant really get too worked up over it, because after watching the video from the site I linked, its very clear hes just trying to piss people off and shock them, like Howard Stern, for instance.
You know, if I can''t say the F word on here WTF CAN I SAY?
I''ve abided by your wishes and not attacked anyone, and have watched what I said.
I think I have a right to say the F word. If not should we rename this site to www.homelan.com?
There are plenty of words you can say, I count at least twelve in that sentence alone.
I agree, you can say ""f*ck"" all you want in your own home. What you can''t do is toss it around wildly in my forums. It doesn''t represent the tone we want around here.
Honestly, we don''t mind swearing. What we do mind is random obscenities simply for the sake of using them. Moderate your tone or find somewhere else to go, that''s all.
If you want to discuss it further, please feel free to PM or email me.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ― Howard Thurman
And no, Certis didn''t just break his own rule; he was quoting. And so am I.
I wish you guys would stop encouraging him.
EvilHomer3k wrote:You are an evil, evil person.
Baron Of Hell wrote:YOU VILLAIN!
I don''t see what the fuzz is about Moore and his speech. I mean I read his books and saw his movies. I expected no less from him ;). At best I thought his statement was funny, but nothing I will worry or discuss a lot about.
I don''t doubt he made several of his arguments up in BFC. But in the end it opened my eyes on one special issue:
I always thought it is the gun laws that cause so much murder in you and as well in my country relative to the population. I mean our gun laws are very strict and still we have 10 times the amount of murder due to guns than Canada. So in the end it seems to be the way we live. Sure he does not give solutions or anything, but the movie made you think. If that is worth an Oscar I dare not decide, but for me it was worth watching.
What I found most remarkably was that the greatest freak in the whole flick Marilyn Manson made the most insightful statements in the whole movie.
His reply to Moore''s question of what he would say to the children of columbine: (paraphrase) ""Nothing, instead I would listen to what they have to say, because that is what all the parents apparantly are not able to at all.""
I mean there is truth in that. I grew up in a very intact family and had a very good childhood. To me it seems a lot of the problems we currently have with our children is that we (not all parents, but it seems it is still an awfull lot) are not listening to them, but instead put them in front of a TV or a console and expect them to raise up on themselves without any proper guidance.
OK my rant is over, you may discuss again now :). Sorry for the semi-OT.
No hay banda!