Atras wrote:HMXsean wrote:Hey everybody,
Happy New Year! It is my distinct pleasure (being a huge fan and all) to announce that next week's DLC will be 6 tracks by the legendary Roy Orbison. What a way to kick off 2009!
GAH! Another week and not a single interesting track for me to download. I know they have over 500 songs, and I know these are songs that will appeal to certain people, but I'm getting pretty bummed out that none of these new DLC tracks appeal to me directly.
I originally thought that way, too, but over time I've gotten more used to treating the new tracks like recommendations. Sure, there's a lot of stuff I've never even heard of, but a lot of it is good. I've only heard 3 of the Orbison tracks before, and liked them, but I'm going to give the rest a listen so I can give them a fair shake.
SommerMatt wrote:Atras wrote:HMXsean wrote:Hey everybody,
Happy New Year! It is my distinct pleasure (being a huge fan and all) to announce that next week's DLC will be 6 tracks by the legendary Roy Orbison. What a way to kick off 2009!
GAH! Another week and not a single interesting track for me to download. I know they have over 500 songs, and I know these are songs that will appeal to certain people, but I'm getting pretty bummed out that none of these new DLC tracks appeal to me directly.
I originally thought that way, too, but over time I've gotten more used to treating the new tracks like recommendations. Sure, there's a lot of stuff I've never even heard of, but a lot of it is good. I've only heard 3 of the Orbison tracks before, and liked them, but I'm going to give the rest a listen so I can give them a fair shake.
Good point, although at these current prices I tend to be pretty picky about which songs I actually buy. I guess I'm just waiting for the day when they announce songs by some of my old favorite bands, like say U2... more REM, more classic GnR, etc.
Mock me if you will, I care not. I mostly enjoy playing RB2 the most with songs I actually like/love. That doesn't mean I can learn to like/love bands I find on RB2, I guess, but right now I'm just wishing for more stuff I personally enjoy.
Dare I say, more music FOR THE MASSES?
But I wouldn't mock you, after all I enjoy Lucana Coil's cover of "Enjoy the Silence" more than either of their DLC tracks. Just keep that open mind.
Also I forgot to post this the other day but I found this video and holy crap, The Who are awesome and if you haven't at least downloaded Baba O'riley you should.
Pete Townsend is incredible, and when the whole band enters again after the break, goddamn. Gotta buy that video.
The Kids Are Alright is an awesome movie, there are tons of great musical moments - I need to get this on DVD, my VHS of it is getting old.
Hey everybody,
Happy New Year! It is my distinct pleasure (being a huge fan and all) to announce that next week's DLC will be 6 tracks by the legendary Roy Orbison. What a way to kick off 2009!
You know, calling it the 'Roy Orbison Full of Win' pack might not have been inaccurate. I'm so downloading that next week!
I dunno I just think this is a beautifully made song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e3Wu...
and also this one although not in the pack
I mean, damn, how do you sing so low and then go so high : P
He made great simple songs and sang them real good.
Ah, well, I actually thought you were being sarcastic, Mex. It just isn't like you to say these things! I presume too much.
Hey everybody,
Posting this from lovely Park City, Utah for the Sundance Film Festival (more on this later). Next week we have a bunch of bands and DLC coming out including the much loved Steve Miller Band, Rob Zombie, Belly, Godsmack, Mute Math, and Ghost Hounds. It is a DLC Bonanza! I don't have the info for Wii quite yet so I will update with that once I can (and can find some wi-fi again).
Release Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 (Xbox LIVE Marketplace) and Thursday, January 22, 2009 (PlayStation®Store)
Steve Miller Band “Space Cowboy”
Steve Miller Band “Take the Money and Run”
Steve Miller Band “The Joker”
Godsmack “I Stand Alone”
Belly “Feed the Tree”
Ghost Hounds “Wind Me Up”
Mute Math “Typical”
Rob Zombie “War Zone”(All tracks are original master recordings)
$1.99 (160 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) per track or $5.49 (440 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) for the Steve Miller Band 3-packLocations:
Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360 and PlayStation®Network** Dates for Rock Band game tracks are tentative and subject to change **
For all DLC song credits please go here.
And, as always, for awesome background information on our DLC and other articles please visit the Rock Band 'Zine
Sweet, now I can do my impression of Homer Simpson singing "Space Cowboy."
Go on, take my money and run...Woo-hoo-hooo
Important reminder (via Joystiq): If you want the song that opens with the "Some people call me the space cowboy" line, then the song you want is The Joker, not Space Cowboy.
Mmmm... Belly.
Important reminder (via Joystiq): If you want the song that opens with the "Some people call me the space cowboy" line, then the song you want is The Joker, not Space Cowboy.
D'oh. Thanks for the reminder.
Is it just me or has the DLC quality tailed off in the last few months?
Yeah, I think so too. Although I will pick up most of these, love me some Dead.
I for one wouldn't mind that whole Belly album, it is goodness.
Is it just me or has the DLC quality tailed off in the last few months?
I'm pretty sure it's just you. I would have grabbed at least two of the Steve Miller Band songs and the same number of Lenny Kravitz songs if I didn't already have them on GH:WT (tryingto cut down on doubling up on songs). I'm not into the Dead, but I know tons of people who are, so while this is an off week for me, I can see it being a popular one anyway. I'm sure there are at least 20% of their fan base that doesn't care at all for the weekly DLC every week, just wait for a week that you are in the other 80%.
I'm not a big fan of The Dead's music, but its very fun to play because of all the hammer-ons and pull-offs.
And The Joker by Steve Miller Band ends really strangely in Rock Band. Me no likey.
Dysplastic wrote:Is it just me or has the DLC quality tailed off in the last few months?
I'm pretty sure it's just you. I would have grabbed at least two of the Steve Miller Band songs and the same number of Lenny Kravitz songs if I didn't already have them on GH:WT (tryingto cut down on doubling up on songs). I'm not into the Dead, but I know tons of people who are, so while this is an off week for me, I can see it being a popular one anyway. I'm sure there are at least 20% of their fan base that doesn't care at all for the weekly DLC every week, just wait for a week that you are in the other 80%.
Yeah, You're probably right. I've just been in the 20% for a LOT of weeks.
Hey gang!
Here's the DLC announcement arriving on the week of 2/3. We're busting out a 3 pack of Thin Lizzy anthems from their new live cd, and backing that up with classic singles from The Pretenders and Pat Benatar, as well as two tracks from Nikko!
Here's the full scoop:
Thin Lizzy - Boys Are Back In Town (Live)
Thin Lizzy - Cowboy Song (Live)
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak (Live)
The Pretenders - Precious
Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Nikko - Break My Heart
Nikko - Don't Tell MeAll tracks are original master recordings.
These tracks will be $1.99 (160 Microsoft Points) a piece, or $5.49 (440 Microsoft Points) for the Thin Lizzy 3 pack, with the exception of the Nikko tracks which will run $0.99 (80 Microsoft Points) each.
You can find these songs in the Xbox Live Marketplace on Tues Feb 3rd, and in the Playstation Store on Thurs Feb 5th.
Nice. People were just talking about how underrated Thin Lizzy is in one of the Music threads... I wonder if anyone from Harmonix posts here? Is it just me or are Live tracks much less of a draw? I want to be the one doing a "live" version of the song, preferably from a studio track.
Yeah, I don't really get the appeal to have "live" songs on the RB tracklist. Did they go after those on purpose, because they thought the live tracks are more "rockin'," or did the band refuse to allow the use of a master track and this is some sort of compromise?
Yeah, I don't really get the appeal to have "live" songs on the RB tracklist. Did they go after those on purpose, because they thought the live tracks are more "rockin'," or did the band refuse to allow the use of a master track and this is some sort of compromise?
There's a large community out there for "live" versions of songs. Big enough to influence them to put them in Rock Band at least.
Live version of songs were my achilles heel when it came to digital downloading. I buy everything i listen to, but if there's a live version out there i'm very likely to download it. Double so if it acoustic.
Usually it's the record label that has final say, so it's probably the label that didn't allow the use of the master track.
From what I understand studio master tracks were not available for whatever technical reason, so they went with the live ones as a backup.
I've been considering getting "Shhh..." by The Darkest Of The Hillside Thickets since it became available, but, having nothing to go on but the in-game preview, I never got around to it until now. I'd just like to let you all know that it is brilliant. That is all.
So when are they going to get some They Might Be Giants in there? I can think of at least a half a dozen songs that would be fun to play.
Broke in Two
Rhythm Section Want Ad
Experimental Film
We're the Replacements
The Mesopotamians
Climbing the Walls
It's Kickin' In
They'll Need a Crane
and so on. I've been casting covetous glances at RB2, but I can't justify the purchase yet because it's very expensive and I don't really have a good place to keep the instruments. Some must-play DLC might push me over the edge.