I hadn't heard about Mai-hime. I'm totally behind on all this sailor-suit stuff; I've always been a hardcore mecha/action girl. If there weren't aliens, swords the size of garage doors, and robots the size of houses it was off my radar until this last year or so. The wikipedia entry makes it look like DragonballZ for girls. Does that sound about right?
What was that fan-art and cosplay you showed me with that blonde girl in the stylized armor? I've been trying to remember the name of that.
I'd agree with all the posters above. Mai-Hime is more mecha. It has some really awesome fights. DragonballZ for girls is one way to describe it. XD
The Fan-Art cosplay that I showed you with the blonde girl was Fate/Stay Night. It's cool, but the pacing is really slow. I'll get it for you and you can check it out for yourself. There were parts I liked, but not all of it.
I read some Mai-Hime. Looked cool, but it didn't keep my interest for long, but sometimes it just doesn't happen for me. For instance, I love Naruto, but never watch or read either Bleach or One Piece. Statistically, I should love them all.
I'm the same way. Statistically I should love Bleach, One Piece, etc. But I don't like those. I like Naruto, but I can really only stand Shippuden. The original just bore me after a while.
Robotty goodness FTW! Next important question: how annoyingly fan-service are the transformation sequences?
I don't mind the first few disks of Bleach, but after a while I was getting through the episodes trying to decide which character needs to be slapped silly more than all the rest. This is not my definition of fun. I had that same problem with Inu-yasha. Naruto works for me in small doses and in the really action-oriented episodes. I couldn't stand a minute and a half sample of One Piece so I'm probably not going to do so hot with the full series when I get around to it.
Generally speaking, if the entire plot can be solved by applying a frying pan/Clue Bat to the back of everyone's skull and a liberal dose of Paxil all around, it gets annoying after a while.
I finally got the girls to watch Last Exile starting last night. They just got to the episode that inspired my rant above. They called me at work and screamed into the phone in anger. My ear hurts now, but it was nice that they agreed with me.
DennÅ Coil is... interesting. Children's anime from the creator of Ghost in the Shell. Interesting in any event, even if I'm not sure how long I'll stick with it.
AnimeJ wrote:Hayate no Gotoku is pure, comic genius.
Speaking of Hayate, have you caught the first episode of Kimiaru ('They are my noble masters') yet? I just got done watching, and I'm not sure how to describe how I feel about it other than 'I feel traumatized.' It's another butler show, only with a slightly older female cast. Had me laughing, but man did it feel wrong. :D
Haven't seen that one.. WoW has been cutting into everything else.
Robotty goodness FTW! Next important question: how annoyingly fan-service are the transformation sequences?
There really aren't any. Plenty of other things to drive you nuts, but none of that.
Robotty goodness FTW! Next important question: how annoyingly fan-service are the transformation sequences?
Ahhh, I remember when I brought home a VHS copy of Iczelion. I was so young I remember watching it after getting killed the second time by Ruby WEAPON. It was summer. Mom was cleaning. I put it in, watching as some weird alien attacked a train. Mom came downstairs in the family room to vaccuum(sp?). The young lady on the screen transformed into a robotic-armor clad warrior. I saw the screen, and yet, I saw mom watching the screen at the same time. She had stopped vaccuuming(sp?, cj?). As if from nowhere, she had the remote. In my hand one second, in hers the next. She rewound the tape and watched the transformation again. I was maybe 6 months into puberty, so conflicted, so confused. I knew if mom confirmed what she saw there would be trouble, and yet, I wanted to see it again. Mom watched it again. She turned to me and asked if this tape was mine. Well, after that, I blacked out. I regained conscious thought some time later, and a few things had changed since my body went auto-pilot. I had been grounded. Father was coming home soon and would be talking to me. Probably sternly. And the tape was gone, never to be seen again. I was now in the constant employ of my parents and their inconsistant whims. But true to her nature, my mother, and this is partly why I love her AND like her so much even to this day, proceeded to tease me inceasently for three days about just how big my eyes were when I first saw that young lady "transform."
Needless to say, that was my first and most traumatic encounter with anime fanservice. As such, I'm instictively wary of mecha and magic girl anime, anything where they wear crazy outfits with wands on the front cover, but have scenes with normal clothes on the back.
True story.
Ouch. Luckily my mom never caught me with my Daredevil comics, or with my friend's Star Trek fanzines. I would STILL be grounded.
Question for the room - anyone seen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sea...
If so, does it suck?
I'm dumb, I''m dumb, I'm dumb, I'm dumb. I just started reading One Piece and I kinda like it. Oh, this is a can of worms I don't need right now. And thank you for the info on Paranoia Agent. Really good so far.
One more shout out. I watched Karas: Prophecy a while back and thought it looked cool, but didn't really understand what was going on. I just watched Karas: Revelation, and really enjoyed how it tied up all the loose ends. And the action was cool, as well as being well animated. Rather seemless blending of CG and true drawing.
I love Karas, but I was mad they squandered that incredibly cool idea and set of characters on such a short series.
Laura Bailey, a nice pic my friend and I took at Metrocon last year. She has had quite a few good roles but it weird to think she is also the voice of Shin in Shin Chan.
Recent watching:
Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Ep 1 - Ah, the second season of the series. This must be what going mad feels like. Dig the new intro, and especially the new outro.
" " " " , Ep 2 - No, no... Surely this is what it feels like to go mad.
Dennou Coil, About half way through - Enjoying it so far. Thanks for the recommendation.
Gunslinger Girl ~ Il Teatrino ~, Ep 2 - Lack of production time / funding not as glaring as compared to the first episode. Still bummed it doesn't have the polish the original series had. I might have to go back and re-watch the original to make sure that I'm not imagining things when I get the feeling there's such a huge divide in quality.
edit to add more:
Spice and Wolf, Ep 2 - Looking to be a quality series. Horo's transition from 'the wise' to 'the timid' in the blink of an eye almost feels out of character or cliche, until you take into the fact that she, a) Hasn't interacted with people, especially on a personally level, in perhaps forever, and b) might be a bit manipulative in nature.
They are My Nobel Masters (aka KimiAru) , Ep 2 - Oh, em, gee. Did that girl just..? NSFW, not safe for much of anything, really.
So I started watching My-HiME the other day, I've only watched about 5 episodes and right nwo I don't know if I like it, all I know is that i'm very disturbed by it.
So I started watching My-HiME the other day, I've only watched about 5 episodes and right nwo I don't know if I like it, all I know is that i'm very disturbed by it.
I actually liked this series. I thought it was overall a good anime. It's not all that original but at least it's entertaining. My-Otome however wasn't as good. The story is different and it's set in the future after My-Hime. Many years in the future. While it was mildly entertaining it's not something I would watch again. While My-Hime I could watch again.
I'm attempting to resist the urge to buy a lot of Macross right now since they are on sale AnimeNation
Since I'm not as familiar with Macross as I was Robotech (though I have seen a few of them); What is the difference between the Macross Plus DVD Set (Disc 1 and 2 - 180 min) and the Macross Plus Movie (1 Disc - 120 min)? I assume they condensed it and just made it a longer feature?
I'm not saying My-HiME is bad... it's just filled with so many sexual undertones in this. I've only finished episode 6 and here are the undertones I've seen sofar: sexual, yuri, yaoi, tentacle and some others I can't think of.
Laura Bailey has had some amazing roles. It still surprises me that she was the voice of Lust in FullMetal Alchemist... Although I didn't like her as Tohru Honda's voice in Fruits Basket....
Okay 12 episodes into My-HiME now it's... still very interesting. The iron chef episode as absolutely hilarious. While I wait for more netflix dvds (the next ones in the series have a short wait), I have the first two disks of Haibane-Renmei. I've heard interesting.
Okay 12 episodes into My-HiME now it's... still very interesting. The iron chef episode as absolutely hilarious. While I wait for more netflix dvds (the next ones in the series have a short wait), I have the first two disks of Haibane-Renmei. I've heard interesting.
My-Hime is one of those shows that kept my attention from start to finish. Not always terribly original, but consistently well executed.
Haibane Renmei is an absolutely wonderful show. Required viewing. It might fall somewhere in the slice-of-life continuum, but, much like Gunslinger Girl, is much more then the genre in which it might be categorized.
Watched the first two episodes of Haibane-Renmei. This show looks like it could be setting up to be a real big tear jerker.
As per some suggestions in here I watched ghost in the shell. I don't really watch anime but some of the concepts in here are awesome.
If anyone was wondering if the Remix version of Cowboy Bebop was worth anything, I have to say it might just be. We had to replace one my original disks and my daughter accidentally picked up a Remix disk. The transfer quality improvement and the remixed soundtracks are frickin' gorgeous.
Snow Day to day, and the girls have been mainlining Avatar: The Last Airbender. I think Apa is my hero.
I love that show. Its very hard to convince friends of the quality of a program that appears on Nickelodeon. Toph is actually my favorite, next to Iroh. Iroh's the man.
Finished Haibane-Renmei. What a fantastic show. When people say that anime is childish, I just want to show them this show. A 13 episode work of art that really makes you think and reconsider things in life.
Because I hate myself, I recently downloaded the free episode of Witchblade that's up on XBL. Lo and behold, it is just as ham-handed and stupid as I I remember the comic being.
Anyone seen/heard anything about Project Aquarion?
Escaflowne with a bit less girlie stuff would be a good thing, right?
I'm on netflix, and usually work through an anime series every two months or so. Kino' Journey disc 1 was amazing; cool characters, interesting, neat storyline. Disc 2 disappointed me a bit; way too much fighting, and a borderline attempt to elevate Kino to 'magical jumping ninja bullet-dodging superhero girl'. Yuck. Still, her personality was intact, and I'm looking forward to seeing the next disc.
Just finished My-HiME. It started off slow, but in the end, I really enjoyed it.
I'm about half way through 1st season of Ghost In the Shell. Although I really like it, I need a bit of a break.
I just started watching Black Lagoon. All I can say now is that if you're looking for the perfect example of what a 1st episode should be, then this is where to find it. At least 90% of it was full blown action. I'm hooked.
Anyone mention Dennou Coil yet? Best show of the past few months.
I just started watching Black Lagoon. All I can say now is that if you're looking for the perfect example of what a 1st episode should be, then this is where to find it. At least 90% of it was full blown action. I'm hooked.
The first episode is amazing. And so is the overall series. There's lots of action and amazing plot. Not to mention all the interesting characters and their past stories. Let me know what you think once you finish it.
Jimi Hendrix is calling me! He's telling me to defeat Klingons! Captain Picard!
My God this show is awesome!
Finished Black Lagoon the other day. Really enjoyed the series. The last episode was really good, but it felt more like a season finale, than the final episode to a series. It left me wanting more.