Reinstalling BF2, need to find my CD KEY in registry

When I launch BF2, I get the small BF2 art thingie, and then the screen blinks grey, black, grey, and then I'm at desktop as if nothing happened. So hey, if you know how to fix THAT sight-unseen, that would be swell. (Conversely, the BF2 demo which I never uninstalled launches fine. Methinks a patch fubarred my install.)

In the meantime, here I am in Greece, with a CD case full of games (BF2 was a DVD, I think/hope with just one disk?? Anyway, it says "Install Disk"), but all of my docs, boxes, manuals, papers, things that weigh, you know, a bit, are back in a friend's basement in Ann Arbor.

So if I reinstall...i gotta find my CD KEY, registry key, whatever the heck you call it (at least I think BF2 has one of those, yes?) somewhere in my existing system registry.

I know this is possible. I think it's possible. Heck, I'll need you to tell me what to do in really small words. Really, small words.

I finally found an actual Greek Server, where my ping won't be such utter crap that I start crying. And I'd like to play. Soonish.

Your help will be greatly, greatly appreciated.

IGN BF2 FAQ wrote:

Oh NOES! I lost my CD Key! How can I find out what it is?
Just hit your windows start button and do a search, type in regedit. Navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2\ergc

The value of the default registry key is your CD key. Next time write it down somewhere safe. Or just come back here to learn how to find it again. :0)

You are my hero.

edit: Um, did I ever mention the thing about small words?

I went to the specified place, but the data string there is like 400 characters long or so.


How do I get that thingie back to looking like a registry key? Can you look at yours and compare to your real one, and see what I'm talking about?

I'm at work so I can't look at mine; I did find this on gamespy though, see if it gets you what you need:

gamespy wrote:

1. Go to Start > Run; type in regedit and click OK.
2. Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2\ergc
3. On the right pane there should be something called (Default). Double-click on this (or right-click and then select Modify) to open the Edit String window.
4. Type in x9392 and then your Battlefield 2 CD key (don't include any spaces or hyphens). i.e. x9392AB12CD34EF56GH78, where AB12CD34EF56GH78 is your CD key.
5. Exit the regedit program and run the game.

Not so much, the character string I have starts with x9392, and then continues for 400 characters, with lots of strings of "000000" and similar thrown in...

Who knows, maybe that's why my BF2 is broken.

Roo wrote:

Not so much, the character string I have starts with x9392, and then continues for 400 characters, with lots of strings of "000000" and similar thrown in...

Who knows, maybe that's why my BF2 is broken.

I wonder if EA support would decrypt if for you if you send them that encrypted registry key.