This is the thread to talk about issues related to Microsoft's DRM policies on Xbox Live Marketplace.
For those wondering where my protest site went, I decided to close it down. With the new business I'm planning, I simply didn't have time to maintain it and frankly, no one cared that much. I couldn't get the gaming press to notice (aside from the gracious coverage Certis gave me on the podcast, not even one other gaming press outlet even returned my e-mail) and when you see moronic petitions about how Devil May Cry 4 should be PS3 exclusive getting 30,000 signatures in one afternoon while you barely got a thousand in 6 months, it lets you know where the priorities of gamers as a whole are at. 1,000 signatures wasn't enough to get Microsoft to even turn their head.
I pity those who have to go through the nightmare of dealing with Microsoft's inept outsourced support on this issue. Hopefully they'll take a few lessons from Nintendo some day and start learning how to support their paying customers.
I've looked at your site for two minutes and I have just two quips:
1) Holy Neon Green! I understand you tried to emulate the 360 colors, but at least on my monitor that color is hurtful to look at.
2) It would be nicer if I could find out what the problem is in the first place. Can you make it a permanent section at the top that describes it? In this case the Blogger format doesn't really lend itself to spreading awareness about a single, central issue. I spent at least a minute looking for the paragraph that begins describing what the problem is; it should take me less than 10 seconds.
EDIT: I agree that this is something that MS needs to fix. PA, thank you for putting your foot forward and setting all this up. I think it would also help people understand the problem more quickly if you included an example story in the initial explanation paragraphs. Johnny Gamer sends in his 360 fo repair and when it comes back, his little sister can't play UNO anymore.
EDIT 2: Also, I didn't realize this was a problem until I read this thread. You're spreading awareness already!
Nice job PA.
One thought, though. I think it's unlikely the DRM itself will change, no matter what we do. What we can do is make enough people complain that a new *solution* is implemented. I figure the next firmware update would be an appropriate place to do that.
Yeah. I agree that is a *very* green banner
Yes Microsoft needs there to be a much easier way to deauthorize an old serial number and authorize a new box for purchased downloads.. If anything it reduces their support calls if they allow the end user to do this.
Much better PA. Good stuff.
Nice site, though the font is so small I got a headache halfway down the page.
True story.
Good for you. Some tips:
Cut the whole thing down. It's very long.
Change the structure. There's 1,647 words about 'How to complain to microsoft' before people actually see what they'd complain about.
I know you put the links on the left hand side, but they're in small text and are a light grey on a white background.
What I would do:
1) Make the backround black with forest green text.
2) Make the text bigger
3) Make the links stand out more with a different color (white)
4) Change the order of your posts (What you can do, Problem/FAQS, Welcome) because every new post you make will be at the top. Make welcome last or date it for the year 2055 to keep it on top. FAQ should come before What you can do.
5) Continue stickin' it to the man
I didn't even know about the problem until I read this. And I had just purchased Lumines and Zuma last night. That half-assed solution truly sucks. I can only hope my 360 doesn't die anytime soon.
Nice, I signed the petition. FYI, I could tell right away what exactly the problem that the website is addressing. I mean, I know what you're getting on about, I just couldn't understand what it was in the first paragraphs. Maybe reverse the chronological order, or put the problem in the "about me" field so people can understand what their carrying on about.
Otherwise, excellent job, and I'll shout the website to the high heavens until MS fixes it.
1) Dude, that's PERFECT. Nice color choice for the links too! I like it much better now! Who said black is bad? Screw them. I hate white. It's too bright and plain. Black is cool as long as you can make it work with your design.
2) Okay cool. Perhaps a font change might rectify the problem? Try Times New Roman, Verdana or something else and see if it works along with resizing the text.
3) Damn straight.
4) Since the links are on the side, you really don't have to change it. I just like messing with layouts to make them look a certain way. You do your thing.
Well, no. Not officially anyway. I'm self-taught but my knowledge is still pretty limited. Thanks for the ego boost but I'm just a crappy artist with ideas. Glad I could help!
I really need to take a web design class myself... along with the rest of my future college courses.
1) Dude, that's PERFECT. Nice color choice for the links too! I like it much better now! Who said black is bad? Screw them. I hate white. It's too bright and plain. Black is cool as long as you can make it work with your design.
2) Okay cool. Perhaps a font change might rectify the problem? Try Times New Roman, Verdana or something else and see if it works along with resizing the text.
3) Damn straight.
4) Since the links are on the side, you really don't have to change it. I just like messing with layouts to make them look a certain way. You do your thing.
Black can be bad, depending on how you read. Certain colours don't stick out well - hurt the eye. White can be bad too, because it is bright, as mystic said. So sometimes an off-white is good.
However, black can also be bad because it affects the way the site's 'brand' is percieved. Imagine if Johnson & Johnson site suddenly turned from the white and pastel colour scheme it had now, to a black one. It'd look odd. Wouldn't sit right.
If this site is for gamers, black is fine. If it's for the mum and dad market, lighter shades colour are better.
A site I always use, is useit.com. Not to everybody's tastes - it has its challengers - but I think it's worth checking out.
And, thinking about it, the zuma market is a good one for this site to speak to. The mums and kids thatplay PopCap games, the ones that would be more confused by Microsoft's policies and workarounds than anyone else.
Black can be bad, depending on how you read. White can be bad too, because it is bright. So and off white is good.
However, black can also be bad because it affects the way the site's 'brand' is percieved. Imagine if Johnson & Johnson site suddenly turned from the white and pastel colour scheme it had now, to a black one. It'd look odd. Wouldn't sit right.
If this site is for gamers, black is fine. If it's for the mum and dad market, lighter shades colour are better.
Parade, meet rain. BRIGHT WHITE RAIN.
I know that white has a place in the world. JUST NOT HERE.
I don't think the background color matters much for a site that's primary target is Xbox 360 owners (as long as you don't blind people of course). If it were something different, like real estate or ice cream, then I'd expect it to be a light color. But white, to me, is just a default color. I'd rather see people get more creative with their layouts than just use black text on white BG all the time. Colors are fun!
Yeah, I need to take a Color Theory class as well. :/
You know Mystic, behind that great attitude and cute laugh on Xbox live, I thought there'd be a decent person.
But there isn't. You're a design fascist. A Pantone eugenicist.
For shame, Mystic. For shame.
Oh yeah! Well you're a Color... Communist! YEAH! That's what you are!
Getting back on topic...
It seems to me that if any component in the console gets changed... it's automatically locks any DLC content. When I got my console back from Microsoft Repair Center, I check on my Manf.Date and SN#... it's the same. From quick observation, it looks like DVD drive was replaced. Then again nothing stops Repair Center from replacing every component inside the console, and only keeping the 360 chassis.
None the less, even with just simple DVD swap out... I got all of my xLive Arcade games locked for different profiles.
One last opinion on the black background: regardless of whether or not it is easier on the eyes, it looks unprofessional. If you really want to go for an "underground hacker" kind of vibe that is your prerogative, but the text is so well written that I think it would be a shame. Many, many people who would otherwise read your page and get a lot out of it will see that color scheme and imediately assume it's just another grumpy, reactionary nerd page instead of the extremely informative call to action that it is.
With all due respect to Mystic, whether you are selling real estate, ice cream, or consumer report information for gamers, professional design style is universal, and black backgrounds are not that. Like IDgaf said, green on black is fine if you are making a site for hardcore gamers, but I'm assuming that you want to share your thoughts with more traditional design sensibilities, like parents of gamers, industry professionals, and consumer watchdog groups.
Every other one of Mystic's suggestions was spot on, though. And she is also correct that you should get creative with your color choices -- just be sure to avoid schemes that are garish, or are commonly associated with something that will cause people to dismiss your page out of hand.
I do have one other suggestion, though. Once you get the color scheme worked out, submit your page to the folks over at Boing Boing. The site is heavily read, well respected, and loves to champion causes of this nature, and I'm almost certain that they will dig your message and start the linkage ball rolling for you.
I have to agree that black as a background is bad. The content on your page is very good.
Good luck on getting Microsoft to change their evil ways. I support you in your fight against the Man.
First dig, I win!
Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I've just posted an important update on my site that I highly recommending checking out if you've been a victim of this DRM. This afternoon, I tried out a simple solution that many in the Xbox community are saying is working for them to get previously locked out content back and I'm ecstatic to say it worked perfectly. I am unable to test if it works with commercial game DLC or for people who upgraded to the Elite version of the console and have posted a request there asking for help on this. It's quite possible Microsoft finally decided to do the right thing and has implemented a solution to fix this issue for good. I really hope so.
Awesome, I'll try this when I get home.
Way to stick it to the man, PA.