Just curious, and being new around here I wasn't sure, but does everyone know that the site goes down every morning from 7 A.M. ~ 7:45 A.M. Central?
This is about the time that I like to look at stuff when I'm sitting down at my desk at work. And I can pretty much guarantee the site never works for me then. Maybe its just me... I was curious if anyone else knew why this happened.
I have noticed a few periods of downtime during those hours, hasn't been every day, maybe 2-3 time over the last few weeks. I would assume that Bagga or Lobo are mucking with things while the site traffic is lower. Might also be why the donation drive seems like its a little bit earlier this year.
If it keeps happening, do what I do; break out into a cold sweat, start shaking, and pound the refresh button over and over again.
Posting on the boards is easy. The trick is to kick someone's ass the first day, or become someone's %^*&. Chiggie Von Richthofen on how to transition from lurker to poster.
Yeah, I could be exaggerating a bit on the amount of time, but you know its GWJ and I need to be on the forums.
Only furries play Druids.
This site never goes down. You shut your filthy, slanderous mouth!
I mean, welcome to the site!
"$10 - Exclusive Sean-cam where he just shakes his head, over and over." From Pyro's Kickstarter, "Endless Pit of Human Misery Livestream"
Sorry, I'll keep questions like that to myself.
Only furries play Druids.
I haven't really noticed it being down, but I think it has definitely become slower the last couple of weeks. Navigating pages used to take just a couple of seconds, now it's almost always over 5 seconds, sometimes over 10. Other sites are the same as always, so I don't think it's on my end.
I noticed the same thing, Rocky.
But I figured it'd get sorted after the donation drive.
The internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a truck.
Our tubes are full.
Same - though I start a bit earlier on the east coast. Lately, I have trouble accessing the site between 8-10ish EDT. Figured they modified their backup window or something like that because by the time I re-check the site around noon, it's up and running again.
Bring on the donation drive!
Xbox Live: Chumtastic
Wait, you mean I'm not the only who figured this would be a great way to get people to donate?
I kid, of course. I'm guessing it's the influx of users, we seem to be getting a lot of new folks 'round dese parts.
Do you ever walk alone like a drifter in the dark?
Aye I'm finding the site goes down more than a chav girl on ladies night in an awful club after too many alcopops. I guess it's time to give the tubes an enema and donate!
I guess I am not hip enough to know what these things are.
I can never reach the site before 9 AM EST.
Same thing happens for me over the same time frame: 6 A.M. to approximately 7 A.M. Mountain time. I thought about asking, but figured it was just my ISP (Bresnan Cable). Apparently that is not the case.
I sent messages to Certis twice about this on IM. Perhaps the system didn't deliver them. (I was using Trillian and can't remember what he was on; he was AFK.)
No you are fortunate enough to not know how badly English night life sucks lol.
Glad to know I'm not the only person who has experienced this.
Only furries play Druids.
Ive noticed the same, and It's always at the moment I post my most terrific post EVER! But it never gets there, damn GWJ!
I don't watch, I interact!
The slashdotting the site just took didn't help matters.
Do you ever walk alone like a drifter in the dark?
Is that what happened? Tried posting two messages earlier and I don't think either one went through. Couldn't even open any threads.
Certis: Quintin is both smart and attractive.
Fedaykin98: Good lord, I wouldn't have expected brilliance like that from that nemeslut Quintin Stone!
Yonder: It's weird to say this, but Quintin Stone may be the wisest person here.
7-8am CT is about the time the East Coast is getting to work and logging in. I think everything is a little slower then
That said, I've also had issues connecting, though primarily at home. I emailed Certis, who kindly forwarded it onto the hosts. They said I might be blocked for having too many connections...which is interesting since I have Opera configured to max out at 4 per site, 16 total.
I'm hoping the donation drive will clear things up and Mimble and I can again poke around here at our leisure
Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. - Oscar Wilde
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. (Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.) - Roedy Green
There was a link on the /. frontpage to the article written about the EO Scammer. When I saw that and tried to connect.
Error 404. I cried.
Do you ever walk alone like a drifter in the dark?
August has been a record month for traffic, over 40% what we did for July and even topping March when the Oblivion preview almost killed us all. We're keenly aware of the problems and we're hoping to sort them out soon, right now the GWJ coffers are at zero so the first thing the drive will cover is either paying someone to optimize the site or moving to dedicated hosting.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ― Howard Thurman
Optimization is good. I keep having to do that at work now and then when our volume goes up. Lot of fun that is..
Better to reign in P&C than serve in Everything Else. - Tanglebones
Free-to-play games are free so that the people who pay money for them have someone to play them with. -Cloquette
That being said, if anyone has some skillz or knowledge about optimizing Drupal, I'm all for hearing about it. First step though is an upgrade, this version is a couple years old now.
site was completely unresponsive from about 8AM EDT to 8:20AM EDT this morning.
The True Remedy for the Fugitive Slave Bill is a good revolver, a steady hand, and a determination to shoot down any man attempting to kidnap. - Frederick Douglass
Yup, that's about the time I generally see it. Although it's gone from no response to giving a SQL error that GWJ_Certis has too many connections.
I don't feel disadvantaged with the stick I've got.
I'm only just picking up drupal now, but if I see anything that looks useful I'll post it up this way. In the meantime if you're ever just looking for a general helping drupal hand or trying to figure something out, I might actually be able to answer.
PS--why does the background stop before the text ads on the bottom?
edit for stuff you've probably already looked at:
The devel module lets you look at the queries running on each page. It should work on both 4.6 and 4.7.
Sometimes you can index some of the drupal tables and speed things up.
It looks like Optimize runs on 4.7and Db Maintenance runs on 4.6 and 4.7. Both seem to automate some mysql optimization for drupal that isn't run by default.
If I'd known it was harmless, I would have killed it myself
Thanks for the ideas; once we upgrade I'll take a look at these things.
Just as another data point, I tried to access the site at 8:30AM EDT this morning and it was unresponsive. I didn't get any errors, just "waiting for gamerswithjobs.com ..."
The True Remedy for the Fugitive Slave Bill is a good revolver, a steady hand, and a determination to shoot down any man attempting to kidnap. - Frederick Douglass