Well, September's getting near, so might as well pick a date, time and place.
Just to get started, I'm going to say September 10th, 1PM, the Blenz accross from the Pacific Centre Mall (the street exit from Granville skytrain station.)
If anyone can't do that, or has a better suggestion, speak up. I work most Saturdays, so a Sunday would be nice.
Yea's so far:
Maybe's so far:
Swat's Girl
Alien13z (?)
Damn, I was going to try and set this up after work. I'm good for any day but lets find out when Alienz is going to be in town.
How many Vancouver Goodjers are there? I know of at least 5.
There is a very good possibility that clover and I will want to drive up for this. We need an excuse to go up to Vancouver anyway.
And then we can see if Demi and Clover are in fact two separate people.
I wish I could make it.
And then we can see if Demi and Clover are in fact two separate people.
Aren't you going to feel insensitive when you realize we're siamese twins?
Mimble and I will be there with bells on. Well, she'll have the bells...I prefer clothes.
Vector wrote:And then we can see if Demi and Clover are in fact two separate people.
Aren't you going to feel insensitive when you realize we're siamese twins?
Nope. In fact, we'll have that fixed up for you in a jiffy. Now where's my hatchet...
Mimble and I will be there with bells on. Well, she'll have the bells...I prefer clothes.
Vector wrote:And then we can see if Demi and Clover are in fact two separate people.
Aren't you going to feel insensitive when you realize we're siamese twins?
Naw, I'll just poke part of you and ask if it hurts.
I'm pretty sure El_Dino cannot make it out to Canada for another year.
Updated with a tentative roster. We need Demi and Clover, at least, for population! Clover, you can't let Mimble be the only girl. :)
Like I could turn down a trip to Vancouver! There's a tray of bellinis there somewhere with my name on it...
Right country. Wrong coast.
I think there's more people on the West coast in GWJ than the East.
BC: Morrolan, Vector, Kepheus, Mimble, and Swat (All in Vancouver too)
Alberta: Spleen, Dramatic_Marlin
Boring Middle Provinces: Certis, Desram, Gaald
Ontario: Quicksilver, and a few others that I forget at the moment
Quebec: Mr.Green
I would come, but then I'd have to move in with one of you. Because once I get to Vancouver, I'm never, ever going to leave. Never.
I would come, but then I'd have to move in with one of you. Because once I get to Vancouver, I'm never, ever going to leave. Never.
I have a couch...well not yet. I will be getting a couch in two weeks. Bring the whole family. Your kids can play with the kids that live above men*.
*I am a 20 year old 3rd university student who has finally moved off campus and into a family's basement suite with one of my best friends.
Edit: Apparently I like my new place so much I'm calling it a "sweet"
Wow, this is surreal. Morrolan, you the man. I had a disgusting day, but now I don't even remember what the hell was it that bothered me.
I'll see you people in 2008 (give or take a year), if it's the last thing I do.
I would come, but then I'd have to move in with one of you. Because once I get to Vancouver, I'm never, ever going to leave. Never.
You said it sister.
Mimble and I are both recent East Coast deserters: she's from Ottawa, I'm from Halifax. Vancouver's a hard place to leave
I would come, but then I'd have to move in with one of you. Because once I get to Vancouver, I'm never, ever going to leave. Never.
Can't really offer you a place to crash since we're in a 1br right now, deva, but if you do come out, we'll offer up some babysitting services.
Sounds like a good plan Put me and my girlfriend down as a maybe because we have a lot of weekend stuff to do in Sept. but it will be cool meeting all you guys.
Sounds like a good plan
Put me and my girlfriend down as a maybe because we have a lot of weekend stuff to do in Sept. but it will be cool meeting all you guys.
You HAVE to be there. Have to.
Hey guys, I am not going to be able to make it. Thanks for thinking of me though, and have a blast.
Sorry to hear that, Alien13z. We'll have a round for you. You're still buying, right?
Any late additions?
Hey, Morro, can you post a map or something for those of us who are geographically-impaired? There's an awful lot of Blenz in around there
I finally have internet and will lose it again in a few hours. So we're meeting tomorrow (Sunday) at Blenz at 1pm?
Clover and I are unfortunately out for tomorrow... things came up. Hope you guys have fun, though. If there's a next time (and there should be) we'll make it.
Sucks guys.
Yup, I'll definitely be in for a next time, unless Vector turns out to be a crazy-ass. :)
I've seen pictures of you...you've got a purdy mouth on yah.
Sucks guys.
Yup, I'll definitely be in for a next time, unless Vector turns out to be a crazy-ass.
And up, it's looking like 1pm tomorrow. See you guys there!
If it was next weekend instead of this weekend, it would have been perfect. The upside is that we're not that far away, and Clover's always looking for an excuse to go up to Vancouver.
I also had an amazing time. It was a lot of fun and as Morro mentioned, we talked about everything for 5 hours.
I'll upload the pics and movie as soon as I can.