CDPR has released a Cinematic Reveal Trailer, which is as good a reason as any for starting a thread for a game that we won't see for a minute or two.
From the video description:
No Gods, Only MonstersThe Witcher IV is an upcoming single-player open-world RPG from CD PROJEKT RED, the creators of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The beginning of a new saga, and a follow-up to one of the most acclaimed RPGs of all time, Ciri takes center stage as the protagonist, embarking on her own journey to become a professional monster slayer.
The trailer was produced in cooperation with @PlatigeImage_studio.
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Yeah, they captured all the fun of the pre-release trailers of yore and then some with that. Can't wait. Can't wait to upgrade a PC to coincide with that release since mine is kinda bleh with a 3080 these days.
I quite enjoyed the Netflix show episodes, so that adds more fuel to the fire to want to get back in that world.
I wonder if the PC being Ciri will open the way to follow the books
and the death of Geralt
With how well they handled it in Cyberpunk I was hoping for a custom character.
Please be good. Please be good.
Witcher 3 is my favourite game of all time. Would have preferred the story ended there and they start a new adventure. Glad Ciri seems to be the playable character, though.
With how well they handled it in Cyberpunk I was hoping for a custom character.
That was my hope as well. Really would have liked to start my own Witcher and choose from one of the schools. Thought there was a lot of potential with that.
I want to get excited.... and then I remember being all excited after the first Cyberpunk 2077 trailer... and then....
I am delighted that the ending I got from Witcher 3 appears to be the canon. Also thrilled that Siri is the PC for this one.
I wonder if the PC being Ciri will open the way to follow the books
Spoiler:and the death of Geralt
Isn't the first Witcher game a direct sequel to this bit? I swear I recall that (but it has been many years).
I don't understand why the haters are already complaining about Ciri. I mean Geralt literally retired at the end of Witcher 3 and the epilogue video.
Looks like it's a few years later since the end of TW3.
CDPW has earned my trust, even with how they fixed Cyberpunk. TW3 is in my top 5 all time games, and I had actually planned to play it again next year anyways.
Day one buy for me.
I love that Ciri made the “right” choice and it still back-fired.
Yup, definitely still a Witcher game.
Felix Threepaper wrote:I wonder if the PC being Ciri will open the way to follow the books
Spoiler:and the death of Geralt
Isn't the first Witcher game a direct sequel to this bit? I swear I recall that (but it has been many years).
Yeah they retconned the ending in the books and all the games take place afterward. Sapkowski has said that the games take place in a different universe separate from the books but I think that’s only canon from the books persective and not the games, since he’s never been happy with the games.
Kind of a bad deal for Ciri. She's apparently giving up her time-and-universe-hopping powers to ... help out a bunch of people who probably don't deserve it and will hate her even if she does help.
Lol Ciri's slumming it.
I just want to see how they justify giving her Witcher powers. I assume the rationale will be linked to the prior game.
Also thrilled that Siri is the PC for this one.
Is that the Mac version?
CD Projekt Red have added this to their in game launcher. I wonder if it's further along development than maybe people are realising.
Meanwhile, Ciri being the protagonist might make this my first Witcher game.
Lol Ciri's slumming it.
I just want to see how they justify giving her Witcher powers. I assume the rationale will be linked to the prior game.
Elder blood
My Geralt is retired and living the dream with Yen.
Tagging in.
JC wrote:Budo wrote:Lol Ciri's slumming it.
I just want to see how they justify giving her Witcher powers. I assume the rationale will be linked to the prior game.
Elder blood
This article in IGN quotes Sebastian Kalemba, game director of The Witcher 4 (emphasis mine):
IGN wrote:Kalemba explains that, following the events of The Witcher 3, Ciri has undertaken the famously painful Trial of the Grasses which has mutated her into a powerful and resilient warrior. She’s ready to take on a whole new journey in The Witcher 4, which is the first part of a planned new trilogy of single-player, open-world RPGs.
But she doesn't have the yellow cat eyes.
But she doesn't have the yellow cat eyes.
She does, they're just a really dark yellow in the trailer
I'm interested, but I'd have preferred if Ciri had powers more in line with those in Witcher 3 rather than typical Witcher powers. When she took the potion I was a bit disappointed.
I'll be honest.. I've played Witcher games.. watched the Netflix series and I'm still completely lost to what the hell is going on.. especially around Ciri and who/what she exactly is.
I'll be honest.. I've played Witcher games.. watched the Netflix series and I'm still completely lost to what the hell is going on.. especially around Ciri and who/what she exactly is.
That's a really long answer...
She's the daughter of the Emperor of Nilfgaard. Geralt got her as payment for a job. The payment was 'What you find at home yet don't expect.'
And she's the bloodline of a powerful Elf sorceress.
The rest is details.
Hrdina wrote:JC wrote:Budo wrote:Lol Ciri's slumming it.
I just want to see how they justify giving her Witcher powers. I assume the rationale will be linked to the prior game.
Elder blood
This article in IGN quotes Sebastian Kalemba, game director of The Witcher 4 (emphasis mine):
IGN wrote:Kalemba explains that, following the events of The Witcher 3, Ciri has undertaken the famously painful Trial of the Grasses which has mutated her into a powerful and resilient warrior. She’s ready to take on a whole new journey in The Witcher 4, which is the first part of a planned new trilogy of single-player, open-world RPGs.
But she doesn't have the yellow cat eyes.
I'm familiar with this Trial of Grasses
This article in IGN quotes Sebastian Kalemba, game director of The Witcher 4 (emphasis mine):
IGN wrote:Kalemba explains that, following the events of The Witcher 3, Ciri has undertaken the famously painful Trial of the Grasses which has mutated her into a powerful and resilient warrior. She’s ready to take on a whole new journey in The Witcher 4, which is the first part of a planned new trilogy of single-player, open-world RPGs.
I'm excited for a new game, and have no objections to Ciri as the main character, but it is a very stupid decision to have her go through the Trial of the Grasses, which wasn't just famously painful, but famously fatal. Only 30% of the boys who underwent it survived. Ciri and her Elder Blood powers would be just fine as a witcher without the specific abilities that'd give her. There are several established reasons why she never went through it before, but the high liklihood she'd die was always the primary objection. A lesser reason, but a less emotional one, is that there is a known interaction between her elder blood and the white seagull witcher potion. To anyone who hasn't undergone the Trial, witcher potions are poisonous, but she accidentally drank some without knowing what it was, and while she didn't die, it sent her into an uncontrollable trance. She mostly just spoke in elder tongue, but there was always the possibility that the true extent of her power could lash out wildly and cause immense damage. I cannot imagine any of the witchers she knows would agree to help her undergo the Trial. The only way it could make sense is if she found another witcher school to help her, one that doesn't care if she dies or not.
Or she did it herself. I trust them to tell the story in a way that makes sense.
Canon is for the weak
More seriously, it seems reasonably likely they will provide an explanation in-game. I think people twisting themselves into knots over this are wasting their energy. If Sapowski put out a new Witcher novel today with Ciri being a full fledged witcher, nobody would blink.
Or she did it herself. I trust them to tell the story in a way that makes sense.
She physically couldn't. It lasts seven days and the symptoms of the trial leaves the subject in no state to continue to administer it to themselves.
Edit -
If Sapowski put out a new Witcher novel today with Ciri being a full fledged witcher, nobody would blink.
I would. Sapowski left Ciri leaving her world with Sir Galahad to come to ours and join King Arthur's court in Camelot.