Path of Exile catch-all

I'm really looking forward to trying merc out with controller soonish.
One of the 3 exotics I've gotten is for Merc.

Halsariph wrote:
ruhk wrote:

Thinking I might step away and let this bake for awhile longer- I’m stuck on a boss that has a bunch of highly telegraphed attacks that encourage you to stay within melee range to avoid them, and one attack that can one-shot me at full health and isn’t telegraphed at all unless I’m well outside melee range when it triggers. It wouldn’t be so bad if boss fights only took 10-20 seconds like in the first game, but the drawn out fights here offer too many opportunities to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and just makes some fights feel cheap rather than challenging.

Which boss was this? Curious if it's one I has the same issue with.

The Dread Engineer flamethrower guy in Act 2- all his flamethrower attacks can reach across almost the entire arena so you have to be close to him to avoid them, but he also has that charge attack that instantly connects if you’re within melee range, if you aren’t far enough away to see him start running you are just suddenly dead for seemingly no reason. It took me several attempts before I even figured out why I was dying, there’s no wind-up.
I considered trying to farm flame resist gear but drops are so unreliable who knows how long it would take.

ruhk wrote:

The Dread Engineer flamethrower guy in Act 2- all his flamethrower attacks can reach across almost the entire arena so you have to be close to him to avoid them, but he also has that charge attack that instantly connects if you’re within melee range, if you aren’t far enough away to see him start running you are just suddenly dead for seemingly no reason. It took me several attempts before I even figured out why I was dying, there’s no wind-up.
I considered trying to farm flame resist gear but drops are so unreliable who knows how long it would take.

I had a feeling it might be this one. There's an NPC who shouts warnings to you when that attack is about to start, but I think that is the *only* warning. If you're used to tuning out NPC chatter or just missing it in the stress of the fight, I'm not sure I remember there being another clue... and yeah, it hits Hard.

The attack is also several swings as the boss moves around in a drunken master kinda way, so even with the warning you might still get tagged if you started close up.

Ferret wrote:

I had a feeling it might be this one. There's an NPC who shouts warnings to you when that attack is about to start, but I think that is the *only* warning. If you're used to tuning out NPC chatter or just missing it in the stress of the fight, I'm not sure I remember there being another clue... and yeah, it hits Hard.

lol so I was just uniquely screwed with this fight because I almost never play with sound on for games because I’m usually listening to music or a podcast or watching something on my phone, especially for mindless grindy games like this.

I found a good clip of it, if it'll help. It looks like there is a bit more warning from the boss herself, but the NPC's warning is *much* earlier and would probably be a much safer point to begin getting out of the way at. If the time stamp works correctly, this should start right before the NPC warning, but if not, it's about 25 seconds in.

Oh yeah that flame thrower was pretty rough.

Halsariph wrote:

Oh yeah that flame thrower was pretty rough.

He sure was! After my second death I hopped back to the caravan to grab 2 fire resist rings I had saved in my stash and a charm as well. Got my fire resist up to 67% or so. That did help quite a bit.

Turned the sound up and beat her on the first attempt.

Then went back to listening to something else like a civilized person.

Well, I've uninstalled for now. Got 2 characters into the mid 20s and had enough punishment for the time being. I was hoping for something with a bit more depth than Diablo 4, and while PoE2 has that (based on end game videos, not personal experience), it's just too frustrating for my play style in its current form. I'm just not having fun with the difficulty level, and despite buffing drop rates, I'm not getting upgrades at anything like the rate needed to keep up with enemy levels.

I'll come back in a year and see how it's going.

Yeah, I don’t know. I’m enjoying it and aside from the occasional cheap fight I’m fine with the difficulty, but I’m in the 30’s now and have my ascendency and am still waiting for it to feel like Path of Exile 2 and not just Diablo IV 2.

Serengeti wrote:

Well, I've uninstalled for now. Got 2 characters into the mid 20s and had enough punishment for the time being. I was hoping for something with a bit more depth than Diablo 4, and while PoE2 has that (based on end game videos, not personal experience), it's just too frustrating for my play style in its current form. I'm just not having fun with the difficulty level, and despite buffing drop rates, I'm not getting upgrades at anything like the rate needed to keep up with enemy levels.

I'll come back in a year and see how it's going.

Out of curiosity, have you tried Last Epoch? It strikes a solid mid point between Diablo 4 and Path of Exile 1

athros wrote:

Out of curiosity, have you tried Last Epoch? It strikes a solid mid point between Diablo 4 and Path of Exile 1

Yeah, actually put a bit over 100 hours into it according to steam, then got caught up in all the other awesome games this year and haven't fired it up in a while. Fully intend to go back for season 2!

Not sure how many hours I've got in the game at this moment but I've made it to maps. Completely different than POE1. I'm having a lot of fun but the "You die once and you fail the map" thing is a bit punishing. Cruel didn't seem a lot different than the normal difficulty. If anything, it seemed easier. I went with a raging spirit build as I've always played some sort of pet or summoner class. A huge boost for me was taking a couple of exalts and buying things from other players. The gear you find is reasonable and may be decent even, but there's a lot of stuff out there that makes you a lot more powerful for not a lot of investment.

I found a quarterstaff that is perfect for my current state in the Guild Stash. Just to be sure, is it okay to grab it? I did and replaced it with the one I was using (which is a fine quarterstaff, just lower level, but with lots of good attributes).

If that's not the intent, I'll put it back, no problem.

Robear wrote:

I found a quarterstaff that is perfect for my current state in the Guild Stash. Just to be sure, is it okay to grab it? I did and replaced it with the one I was using (which is a fine quarterstaff, just lower level, but with lots of good attributes).

If that's not the intent, I'll put it back, no problem.

Absolutely fine for you to grab it and use it! That’s the goal with the Guild Stash. I’ve been keeping it clean and getting all the tabs in place so we can start socking away more for folks who are altoholics

When you’re done with it, please put it back so someone else leveling a quarterstaff user can grab it

That's what I've been doing. I grabbed a crossbow off the guild's weapon rack to deal with a tricky boss and returned it right after I was done with it. Same with a belt.

I put my previous one in there, it's nicely buffed for someone in their teens and early 20's. I'll return the one I pulled when I'm done. This is The Way.

I am reading lots of stories on the PoE subreddit about people getting hacked and losing all their shit.

It’s Reddit, so all the claims of “I didn’t have any 3rd party extensions installed” I have my doubts over, but there are enough that I would avoid trading for now b

There's also apparently an item duping exploit that is suspected to involve the trading mechanic.

I agree. Avoid trading until this gets under control.

How are people getting hacked?

I'm having an *amazing* time with PoE2. I've seen what may be 2 bugs, neither terrible, and zero server or other infrastructure issues. Graphics and sound are great, story is interesting, skills and traits offer different paths to the original game (it's not just a graphics upgrade, in other words) and playstyles are highly differentiated. Good stuff!

In case anyone hasn’t seen it or just hasn’t opened it, GG has a video linked on the title screen of PoE2 (and presumably PoE1, though I haven’t checked), that says while they do plan on resuming PoE1 Leagues at some point, they are postponed indefinitely due to having reassigned too many PoE1 staff to help fix PoE2.

Warriors will get more than just maces and hammers correct?

I picked up PoE2 yesterday and I'm enjoying it so far. Is there a GWJ Guild in game?

ruhk wrote:

In case anyone hasn’t seen it or just hasn’t opened it, GG has a video linked on the title screen of PoE2 (and presumably PoE1, though I haven’t checked), that says while they do plan on resuming PoE1 Leagues at some point, they are postponed indefinitely due to having reassigned too many PoE1 staff to help fix PoE2.

That would be fine if they kept the current league going. I really like the town thing.

Warriors will get swords and greatswords with the release of the Marauder class. Kind of like PoE1 where multiple classes can use the same weapons.

Remember, as good as the game is, it's only at about 20% - version 0.2 something currently. Or nearly there.

Robear wrote:

Warriors will get swords and greatswords with the release of the Marauder class. Kind of like PoE1 where multiple classes can use the same weapons.

Remember, as good as the game is, it's only at about 20% - version 0.2 something currently. Or nearly there.

Awesome. Thank you.

Yes, there's a GWJ guild. Join the GWJ discord. We're active on there. It's under rpg - path of exile.