So far Balatro and a bit of Uncharted. Both returning faves and ‘comfort games.’
I don't know why but last night I started craving a superhero looter game. I own suicide squad from epic for free but I didn't click with that one. I was looking at the Gotham knights game when I remembered that I own the avengers game. I had fun with it but dropped off because it was grindy. I never went back to look at the new characters or the changes they made when it went off sale.
I may not stick with it but Marvels Avengers may be a nice break so I don't burn out on Veilguard.
Bouncing off games all over the place.
Tried Mechwarrior: Clans - the tutorial makes it feel like an arcade game. Maybe I should play M&K instead of gamepad, and probably should give the first mission a shot, but bounced off for now.
Stalker 2 - Brutal UI, sticks you in a pitch black sewer to start with, doesnt tell you how to turn on the flashlight, flashlight button looks nothing like a flashlight, and the first monster is the f*cking Predator. I rage quit 3 times and still havent killed that thing.
Frostpunk 2 - Its good but its too cold already!
Up next is a revisit to Starfield, mostly just to see what this new 4080 and 4k monitor can do.
Until then I'm hooked on Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead again. There's a fresh new Stable release and my electrokinetic samurai has claimed most of a residential block to try and build a proper base. I seem to have misplaced my companion though.
I fell into several hours with 3030 Deathwar Redux. I just wanted something I could get lost in for a while, and I had a lovely time doing missions and taking out bounties. Enough to get what might be the best ship in the game. Just so fun, and what what I needed.
Really hope it’s coming to PS5 or mobile.
Warhammer 40.000: Rogue Trader, obviously. 37 hours in, still in Act One. Settling in the groove, pretty comfy.
Liking it A LOT.
I aparently have a really big thirst for CRPGs. I'm just really lazy to start each of them. I really dread learning the systems, until I start learning the systems.
I'm enjoying Kingdom Hearts III so i'll likely be putting more time into that this weekend
I've fallen back into 3030 Deathwar Redux so more of that this weekend, as well as Warhammer 40,000 Inquisitor since their latest patch made the Hierophant class even more fun.
Indiana Jones: Initial impressions are very positive but have only gotten to play an hour.
Behemoth: Doing lots of gruesome hacking and slashing in VR. Looking forward to encountering the first behemoth, climbing that sucker, and slaying it.
On the side I've been playing Slay the Spire again. I never did complete it with killing the heart. Had a pretty decent run with the Watcher where I had the heart a bit more than half-way down then had two bad hands that did me in. So I feel it's possible to win.
It's been an eventful week for me starting with the day after Thanksgiving; fractured a bone on my right foot, purchased a PS5 as retail therapy for the injury - even though I thought such a purchase was likely a year or two away - and have been doing end-of-year reviews at work.
That being said, I'll likely be working on my Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough as well as playing a bit of FF7R Episode Intermission. Some Webfishing, Monster Hunter Rise, and CrossCode are also in the cards, seeing as I can't really go anywhere with a broken foot hehehe.
As much Cyberpunk 2077 as I can fit in!
Wishing you a speedy recovery, brokenclavicle (might need to update your name now?).
Wishing you a speedy recovery, brokenclavicle (might need to update your name now?).
Thanks for the well-wishes! Thankfully, it's nowhere near as bad as the old collar bone fracture was, so the handle can remain as is hehehe
Just guarding that veil from wolves, dragons, and Venatori (oh my).
Poking at a few new games:
Rogue Voltage - feels like a deckbuilder, but the cards are like modular synth modules that you patch together. Early Access, a bit weird, but I dig it.
Bingle Bingle - Balatro but for roulette. Also EA.
Dungeon Clawler - mashup of a deckbuilder with a claw machine. Yet another EA title, unusually for me, but I've had my eye on this one for a while.
Demon's Mirror - mashup of a deckbuilder and a match-3. You play both at once, but using the same common action point/energy pool.
Across the Obelisk - yet another roguelite deckbuilder. I may have a problem. This one's schtick is that it plays out more like Darkest Dungeon, with your 4-character party, but each character has their own deck.
My LM has just hit 70, and is working their way through Enedwaith. Them black goats (Druggavar) still creep me out, but I'm slightly overlevelled for this area, so they aren't as much of a problem.
Now moving on into Dunland, where the native population is, if anything, even scruffier. I seem to remember that my choice after this is whether to go through the Isengard missions or not, which I don't recall as being particularly interesting. Might skip that and move into Rohan, which is about as far as I've been geographically and also involves me getting a warhorse, which with my riding ability has all the agility of a Hummer.
Other than that, it'll be more ETS2, where I shall be driving down ever narrower roads in the new Greece DLC.
Definitely going to try to finish up Super Mario Wonder - I just have the fight against Bowser left. After that, not sure. Could try to squeeze in one more Age of Wonders 4 round, or might fire up Unicorn Overlord, or maybe something else.
Hopefully getting caught up on Trials of Mana and Cyberpunk 2077, plus some Kirby Super Star, and possibly Signalis.
Hoping to wrap up Mouthwashing. What a weird game. I just don't get it. Need to finish it though.
I've found myself cracking into my Xmas gift game from last year, Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Black Eagles, baybee), and enjoying my dip in thus far! On more mobile fronts, I've been continuing to check in on Pokemon TCG Pocket and stockpiling pack hourglasses for whenever the next set drops, as well as finally checking in on Magic: Arena to build up a wildcard supply to build the Voltron deck for Brawl that I crave.
It was going to be Aliens: Dark Descent but the more I learn the more intimidated I get so I threw a dart into my backlog and it landed on Severed Steel. Turns out it’s a lot of fun. It looks like that’s me for the weekend (unless Balatro or a co-op game distracts me.)
This weekend should be a mix of Terranigma, Utawarerumono Prelude to the Fallen, and Earth Defense Force World Brothers.
Same as last weekend, with a bit of Gran Turismo 7 (PS5).
Path Exile 2
maybe a touch of Death Stranding
Cyberpunk 2077 - forcing myself to swap out weapons regularly. Need to sell off my arsenal and do the same with cyberware.
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - just tried to explain what a Parallel port looks like to my eight year old. Successfully defused a 5 module bomb in freeplay. So proud.
I had initially started Stalker 2 on Steam but this weekend noticed it was on Gamepass so I restarted on a whim- in the first zone there’s a main quest that gives you two ways to finish it, and this playthrough I chose the other option not expecting much to be different aside from who would be giving me directions. Instead it gave me some completely different quests, opened up a different way to complete a subsequent story mission, and led me into a completely different zone I hadn’t gotten to yet in my other 50~ hour playthrough.
Yakuza 0.
I am surprised that I am having such a blast with this. It's basically GTA Japan, but it's so much more than that. Definitely making the GOTY list, but I have to power through this to finish my 2024 list.
WH40k: Rogue Trader developer Owlcat dumped a 17 GB "patch" (total installation size of the entire game is 38 GB), with biggest changes in early parts of the story (Acts 1 and 2) - just as I bit into Act 2 after burning 60 hours on the first one...
So now I have to agonize over stuff I'll be missing if I don't reroll a fresh start and keep playing. I am almost absolutely certain I won't do multiple playthroughs. With all the games I have mummifying in my account, that'd be madness.
I'll have to keep playing... I really want to put a dent in my Pile. I can't flush 60 hours down the toilet.
The game is still awesome. I love how choices are never clear cut and I have this nagging voice in my head that Iconoclasts get screwed in WH40k. It is simply irrational to be a humanist in that universe. Yet, I still mostly buckle to my nature and try to do goody two-shoes stuff but I'm certain it will, somehow, cost me dearly later in the game.
I'm gonna be traveling this weekend but I'm hoping I can squeeze in some Kingdom Hearts III on Sunday.
Some more Cyberpunk 2077, FF&R Episode INTERmission, and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Continuing on in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, which is absolutely delightful. I'm also picking up Spider Man Remastered, and want to see how much I can get done before I put a bow on the GOTY list, since I'm assuming it'll be a serious player. So far, it seems like the best superhero game I've played since Saint's Row 4.