Diablo IV - Catch All

Finished the expansion story today and...was pretty let down by how it wrapped up. Feels like a big teaser for another expansion. The rest of the expansion is a lot of fun and it's good to jump back in to my barbarian again. Going to clean up the rest of the side stuff and do some other runs before waiting for the next big update.

Anybody interested in running the raid thing this weekend? I've been ignoring it so far but would like to run it soon in case they nerf Spiritborn in the mid-season patch.

I was able to complete it through the party finder last week without any issues. There are one or two points in each wing that are difficult solely because you’re racing a meter that will kill you if it fills up, but otherwise it was sort of a pushover.

Kinda binged D4 this weekend and got my ice sorc to Torment 2. Played through the expansion content which was fun, I enjoy the realmwalker event, and I've enjoyed Undercity as well.

QoL changes seem pretty good as well.

When i played the original campaign, there was this whole quest line about my class which gave me some special choices about my configuration. I think around level 15.

Now I'm playing a season with a different character and class but I'm level 50 and don't recall doing anything like this. Is this something I need to go back and do or is this just absorbed into my character since I'm seasonal?

I had to do that on my Rogue. The entry in the quest log just sort of quietly appeared; it wasn't as noticeable as it was when I first played.

Got it. So maybe just go back to the starting area and do quests and stuff until something pops up?

Top_Shelf wrote:

Got it. So maybe just go back to the starting area and do quests and stuff until something pops up?

What class are you playing?

The quest should have been added to your log automatically at level 15 for all classes except for Necromancer, which pops at level 25. It cannot be dismissed as far as I'm aware.

Sorc. No quest in my log; the third tab (?) in my quest journal is not able to be selected.

When you bring up your skills list, do you have the two enchantment options on the bottom? If so, then you've done the class quest already...


I do NOT.

Hmm, ok. The quest is called Legacy of the Magi. If it’s not in your log, try checking this guide for where to go. Hopefully that will help.


Created a new Sorc to check and see - this is what it looks like when you haven't done the quest:


You can bring up this screen with [Shift]+[C] on PC. Not sure what the binding is on consoles, but it's listed as "Class Panel" in the options.



I pulled the trigger on the expansion last Wednesday. Rolled credits on the expansion story yesterday. It was good, but it was too long for what it was. Though if it were shorter, the new characters wouldn't have had enough time. And while the final boss was technically fine, it was a pretty unsatisfying narrative end. Another expansion can redeem the boss thing though.

As for the gameplay, the hirelings are fun. The Runewords seem like they're hard to make work in general, but I did find one that lets my rogue fill the screen with spectral wolves that leap around and freeze everything. I've also got the new Rogue ability set up so I can channel it indefinitely while it boosts my movement speed. And it holds any "next cast" buffs for the full channel. It's one of those builds where I hold down one button and everything is trivial, right up until stuff starts living long enough that the build starts feeling really weak instead.

Mercenaries are good. Mechanically they're way more relevant and interesting than they've been in previous games. Their stories aren't bad either. I miss that I don't hear their banter with each other as often as I did in III, but with so many more towns in the game I can understand why the mercs don't set up shop in them.

BadKen wrote:




Yeah, I don't have those enchantment slots unlocked. They are crossed out so I clearly haven't done that quest. The problem is that I can't seem to trigger this quest, at all. I ran the Lost Archives dungeon near Nevesk, which is what the Internet says is where I should find a quest giver. But there are no NPCs with alerts (that I can find).

Well damn, I'm at a loss then, sorry!

You have to talk to someone before doing the dungeon. Southwest of Nevesk there's big circular area dead end (an event spawns in the circular area). Just off to the west of that circular area is a cabin and the guy is outside that cabin.

Yep, found that cabin.

No guy.


I fired up my old legacy sorc that was only lvl 13 so I could specifically follow the trigger mechanism and see what I was missing.

Went to that cabin and did the quest. "Huh. This sure seems familiar..wait a minute..."

I had already done the quest on my lvl 53, I'd just forgotten.

I was incorrectly using the UI (good job Blizz!) to assign Enchantments.

I will say that compared to my Druid run back in OG D4, which included a whole castle to run around and assign Druid stuff with all this narrative, this was way, way undersold and, frankly, easily missed

But still.

Epic fail on me.

Doh! Glad you figured it out anyways

A couple notes:

1. Season 7 is great! The witchcraft powers are actually awesome, and the whispers are a lot of fun!

2. The forgotten altars are (IMO) too rare, but you can put your finger on the scale with this technique.

Edit: Running normal Hoarfrost doesn't work all that well based on my experience. You're probably better off running NMDs or pits.

I’ve got one character on his 2nd paragon board and another around level 30 and I have yet to see an altar.

Aside from that I’ve been enjoying it.

According to the difficulty settings, the chance for an altar to appear in a dungeon are 1% in T1, 2% in T2, 3% in T3 and 5% in T4, with the Draught of Whispers doubling that chance.

That said, based on my experience so far...


I spent 3 hours in the Hoarfrost Demise based on the advice of that link above, and found 1 altar in 150ish runs.

One interesting thing this season - I've gotten 4 Undercity Tribute of Ascendance, used them all in Tier 4, and gotten 4 mythics, one each.

The tooltip says "increased chance" of a mythic, but I didn't expect that to be increased to 100%. Could just be really lucky, I suppose...

I'm WW Barbing it and having fun. Took me a while to find the necessary uniques but now that I did it's pretty good.

Like others no altars and only one head.

The one altar I've found was in a pit so leveling your glyphs with a draught of whispers on is probably a better use of time than rerunning a random dungeon.

I ran an NM dungeon on T2 yesterday and got one to pop up. I've heard you can have party members teleport to it (not sure you can in Pit, plus you have the timer), so if I see another I'll shoot a clan chat.

Also, don't be like me and forget to pick up your mercenaries until like level 50 :).

I just got lucky with a nice Shroud drop before I could save up the runes to craft my own, so if anyone in the guild (current guild members only) needs a few Bac runes (I have 4), let me know!

-Running a fire Sorc and on my second paragon board and having a blast.
-Sorc is supposed to be the weakest this season (based on pit level pushing, shrug)
-But I'd never know it. The witchcraft powers will make any class fun to play.
-I especially like the flower major skill (the upper mid slot)
-Hydra is the primary and focusing on burn, burn, burn
-I have firewall too but only use it to lay the burn on thicker with tougher elites.
-Didn't have much luck with generator runes for runewords. So didn't use need/them till level 53ish. Now running crowd control generator with the meteor proc. I had run the cast 5 times then be exhausted generator. Tried out earthquake proc but it was centered on the caster which is less useful.
-Cleared pit 20 so changed world tier to torment after leveling on hard from 1-60 with 20 paragon.
-I have to worry about being hit more as my barrier now falls every 5+ seconds.
-Loving the +1 hydra, +2 hydra heads, and all the powers that do more burning based on damage and more damage based on burning

Way more fun than PoE2!