Physical health is important. I think we could go about PE class better (more activities so people can find something they like with less competition) but having physical education in schools is just as important as math and reading. I spend my lunch doing some sort of physical activity. If someone schedules a lunch meeting I take my lunch at another time (also screw lunch meetings). It can be 10 below and snowing and I'd still rather walk outside than sit at my desk and eat while watching netflix on my phone or scrolling through twitter.
But...your profile pic contains both beer and doughnuts... j/k
You bring up a good point, though - PE teachers assume competition is motivating for everyone, but it absolutely can have the opposite effect. Give them as many options as possible, and remind them that anything is better than sitting still.
+1 for screwing lunch meetings. I block time in my calendar but it still happens sometimes.
Bigger is a failure of imagination. I would have accepted "I want a bigger dick that is also basically Inspector Gadget's hat"
If a deaf man with a huge dick loses balance and falls over in the woods does anyone hear it?
But...your profile pic contains both beer and doughnuts...
"Beer and doughnuts are an important part of this balanced breakfast."
+1 for screwing lunch meetings. I block time in my calendar but it still happens sometimes.
Likewise. Some people will even come over to my desk, see that I have a mouthful of food, and still start asking work questions.
+1 for screwing lunch meetings. I block time in my calendar but it still happens sometimes.
Luckily for me and my schedule, half of my company is an hour behind me, while the other half is 5 hours ahead. This ensures that I generally start early, end late, and get no lunch. Hey, wait a minute...
dewalist wrote:+1 for screwing lunch meetings. I block time in my calendar but it still happens sometimes.
Luckily for me and my schedule, half of my company is an hour behind me, while the other half is 5 hours ahead. This ensures that I generally start early, end late, and get no lunch. Hey, wait a minute...
Not cool... Do you have any leverage to push back on some of that? Legally they owe you time to take a lunch, especially if you're already putting in extra time.
I have to attend deployments every other Tuesday evening, plus monthly patchings, plus any other events like firewall upgrades, etc that require apps to validate afterward. And no comp days in return, of course. But I take my lunch almost every day, and I try to offset the other time by not taking PTO for doctor visits and other errands - not a fair trade but I have so far been to lazy to look elsewhere.
The pithy response is "any noun can be verbed".
There was a Calvin and Hobbes about this 40 years ago and the punchline was something like, "The English language gets weirded all the time." One of my favorites.
There was a Calvin and Hobbes about this 40 years ago and the punchline was something like, "The English language gets weirded all the time." One of my favorites.
This one?
"Verbing weirds language"
Mixolyde wrote:There was a Calvin and Hobbes about this 40 years ago and the punchline was something like, "The English language gets weirded all the time." One of my favorites.
This one?
"Verbing weirds language"
Well done. I also use the line about "access" when pedants get all uppity about verbing words.
I asked Copilot to give me the text of this image so that I could more easily share it on Discord...
Not bad. Maybe AI doesn't completely suck. Maybe.
HR violation not worth a dumb joke.
Does it grow back?
Someone doesn't understand "wrong answers only"
Apparently the males can only mate once.
The praying mantis of octopus world.
Apparently the males can only mate once.
But how do you tell male and female N64s apart?
By their bits.
Apparently the males can only mate once.
It seems this is common with octopi.
They live for a year, mate and die.
(sorry I am the buzz kill of the wrong answers only thread)
Quintin_Stone wrote:Apparently the males can only mate once.
But how do you tell male and female N64s apart?
There were only 64 of them.