JUST make my Character and my Pawn. Once that is done, they will patiently wait in a long deep sleep untill i am ready a few months away
It's cheating for sure. What you should do is give me your PSN login and let me make your character for so that when you do pick it up you don't have to worry about it AND you get a fun surprise
Lol!!! that would be something! I will consider your kind offer!
My only complaint with the character generator is the lack of outlandish hair colors. The voices are super similar. I feel like some are just they slightly adjusted how high or low-pitched the same delivery of the same line could be. Like, the slightest turn of the knob. Almost the impulse to turn more than a physical turn at times.
At any rate, my pawn Red Menace is back and reimagined as a chaos orange kitty.
It is neat but not much of a "demo" Personally character creation is very low on my list of importance in games.
I'm glad it's out but I would have liked say, a combat arena or two to try out the game feel yeah
I am grateful they’re saving me 30-60 minutes on launch day, at least.
I do love that I will be able to just roll into the game with the hour(s) of tweaking my character(s) already completed. Though, if anything, it just makes me want to play more and it does feel like a tease that that's all there is.
I think they understand the hype is already good, so it makes sense to just let it roll and keep the demo something light like this. Especially with all the good word of mouth from the three hour preview some folks got to do.
It is neat but not much of a "demo" Personally character creation is very low on my list of importance in games.
Right there with you. Character creation is the annoying busywork you have to do to be allowed to play the game you want.
Clearly that seems to be a minority opinion tho!
It does seem to be a niche part of gaming like building things with the Ultra hand in ToTK.
Despite that I must admin it is a pretty dam robust character creator.
The Dragon's Dogma 2 character creator is incredible
farley3k wrote:It is neat but not much of a "demo" Personally character creation is very low on my list of importance in games.
Right there with you. Character creation is the annoying busywork you have to do to be allowed to play the game you want.
Clearly that seems to be a minority opinion tho!
I tend to agree but I do get bothered if I get it wrong, so I appreciate the chance to do it early.
I almost just had a heart attack! lol
So here I WAS... about to download the DEMO for Dragon's Dogma 2, but I was strong enough and decided NOT TO and wait for the full experience once I finish DD1, FFXVI and possibly wait for 1 or 2 more games to be finished. So I got out of the PSN Store and I launched DD1. To my horror and absolute terror once the game started, I was level 5. Yesterday - LAST TIME I PLAYED- i was level 45!!!! I JUST STOOD STILL for like 5 minutes. My 8-year-old son asked me if i was ok. I was about to no bonkers.
I closed the game, re launched it. Level 5!!!! Everything GONE!!! Was it faith telling me to give in and play DD2?
But the I calmed down and remembered that I play DD1 on my PS4 and it was most logical that I had not done the cloud save upload! PHEW!!!! Launched the game on my PS4 and to my relief and a happy weekend my level 45 Arisen was just there where I left him!
Been meaning to have a full run through of the first before this came out but never really got started. Might still do that assuming gameplay is going to be similar.
Just checked and I've got 156 hours on the first one!
Has anyone given any thought to the race of their Arisen? Per the demo, you're given the option between Human & Beastren in character creation, and I'm wondering what impacts it'll have on how your playthrough unfold.
Personally, I'm all in on Beastren, baybee.
I have downloaded the character creator. I do enjoy creating characters and this way I can fiddle about for hours creating the perfect player character and pawn. Hopefully I can save a few different options.
The original game was written in a very gender neutral way, I think your Arisen's gender is only mentioned like twice in all the games dialogue, though ogres and the female bandits do react differently to men vs women Arisen and pawns. I wouldn't be surprised if beastren vs human will end up being similar, where some enemies react differently, but the story largely plays the same regardless of the specifics of your Arisen.
The character creator let's you make 5 different Arisen and 5 different pawns, but says you'll only be able to use one of each in the full game, so I'm pretty sure it'll be a single save slot just like the first game.
Human all the way. I love cats, but cat people hybrid just makes me think what my cats would do if they had thumbs.
Imagine if a cat could open the bathroom door or get drunk. I had a cat who would steal my pants if she got in the bathroom and I am terrified of giant cats with thumbs.
Now if I could be a snake, sloth or hamster hybrid we might talk.
I have two main characters made and two pawns. There are slots of three more for each.
I started with some cool but ordinary looking characters and will get more adventurous from now on. The only down side is that I tend to get attached to every character I make in games like this and it’s going to be hard to choose just one of each to progress.
I wasn’t going to make a cat person but I play around a bit and ended up with an incredible snow leopard looking guy who may well end up as my pawn.
I posted a version of this on Dark Arisen thread, but it's probably relevant here too.
One are where Dark Arisen is weak is its open world. It's pretty flat when compared even to those offered by its contemporaries (like Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption 1). I hope that the world in DD2 is larger, and significantly more dynamic with RDR-style ambient events and enemies that don't respawn in exactly the same locations.
Indeed, I'd prefer that they did away with respawning enemies entirely, but I don't know if this is possible with the DD1 levelling systems. It demanded an endless stream of enemies in order for the player to keep progressing through the Vocations. I'm Level 26, and seven 'pips' into my second Vocation... and I'm now murdering cows in order to keep the Discipline Points ticking over!
I wonder whether a lower level cap (and by extension a de facto cap on the number of vocations per playthrough) might make for a better game. There's something a bit joyless about doing murder runs from Cassardis to Shadowfort or Gran Soren in order to farm wolves, goblins, harpies and bandits. And there's something almost distasteful about 'needing to' slaughter defenceless wild boar and cows! And don't get me started on the bunny rabbits... A bigger open world would help too, of course.
Their preset characters are too good. Twice now I’ve gone in to create a new character based on a preset and the preset was just so perfect to the kind of character I like that there was no point in changing anything (other than adding scars and/or tattoos of course.) That’s NOT how this is supposed to work!!
Four main character and pawn slots filled. One of each to go.
In case you like collectors editions
Dragon’s Dogma 2 pre-orders at Best Buy include a Steelbook case
Wow.. .is that real?
In case you like collectors editions
Dragon’s Dogma 2 pre-orders at Best Buy include a Steelbook case
Immediately cancelled my Amazon pre-order (Amazon boned me on KH3 release day so I welcome the alternative) in favor of that sweet, sweet steelbook.
Thanks for the tip, farley!
Wow.. .is that real?
Yeah, and there's lots of terrific ones out in the wild. I have seen everything from Sam Bankman-Fried to Lae-zel and they're masterworks all.
On a related note, my wife found the sliders to make a shockingly accurate me last night LOL. It was a lot of her asking me to stand in front of the TV, remove my glasses, and turn my head lol.
Darkhaund wrote:Wow.. .is that real?
Yeah, and there's lots of terrific ones out in the wild. I have seen everything from Sam Bankman-Fried to Lae-zel and they're masterworks all.
On a related note, my wife found the sliders to make a shockingly accurate me last night LOL. It was a lot of her asking me to stand in front of the TV, remove my glasses, and turn my head lol.
The better question: Is she going to use you as her main character or her pawn?
TheHarpoMarxist wrote:Darkhaund wrote:Wow.. .is that real?
Yeah, and there's lots of terrific ones out in the wild. I have seen everything from Sam Bankman-Fried to Lae-zel and they're masterworks all.
On a related note, my wife found the sliders to make a shockingly accurate me last night LOL. It was a lot of her asking me to stand in front of the TV, remove my glasses, and turn my head lol.
The better question: Is she going to use you as her main character or her pawn? :)
I think it was for kicks, as I suspect she will use our cat for her pawn lol.
I might yoink my own sliders though!