I can respect that you like them but I will have to cancel your invite to the Vulpes Absurda Holiday Bash on principal
Jokes aside I do think it works better on a solid color guitar but for whatever reason the red in that pattern feels too busy on a burst or a metallic finish. Whereas the white pearl seems to blend better even though it's the same pattern more or less. I've also seen it and blue and green and also don't much like it in those colors either it just looks less gross and more tacky to me. But I'm the guy with a Jazzmaster with a gibson headstock so I can't get too mad at other people's guitar crimes
A Garages bandmate custom-ordered a new bass, and the company who made it posted a video about it:
I have learned that the Liberty MO guitar center bathroom smells really bad, and that you can get a very nice acoustic guitar from Yamaha for $340 before taxes.
Actions a little high as you go down the neck but it's nothing compared to the kind of guitars I'm used to, and there's a little bit of fit and finish stuff that marks it as a cheap guitar but honestly I can't say I have any real complaints it's a little startling how nice a guitar you can get at this price
Edit: Also I want that Bass Rick posted and I will be billing him for it
I didn't realize Liberty had a GC! Where is it?
Next to a Chuck E Cheese! Also it probably wasn't liberty I'm from Montana so the newest town with a name I can recognize is just instantly where a thing is. The one I went to seems to be in Tiffany Springs a little south east of the airport
Last week I took my new uke to a friendly little jam session with people other than my family for the first time and it was really fun! I had practiced some of the songs that I knew they liked and brought a few easy ones of my own. Surprisingly, I think one of the best ones was Radiohead's Creep. It was easy to teach, and one of the singers that came nailed the bridge. I learned a couple of John Prine tunes, too. It was nice to be able to jump in, re use my guitar skills, and add a different sound to the mix.
I learned a couple of John Prine tunes, too. It was nice to be able to jump in, re use my guitar skills, and add a different sound to the mix.
I can picture some of his tunes sounding good on the 'ol Uke.
Did you guys play "The Happy Enchilada Song"? =)
Miss that man. He and Iris put on a good show here in Tulsa.
Next to a Chuck E Cheese! Also it probably wasn't liberty I'm from Montana so the newest town with a name I can recognize is just instantly where a thing is. The one I went to seems to be in Tiffany Springs a little south east of the airport
Ha that's the one I shop at, and is 5 minutes from my house.
Vulpes Absurda wrote:Next to a Chuck E Cheese! Also it probably wasn't liberty I'm from Montana so the newest town with a name I can recognize is just instantly where a thing is. The one I went to seems to be in Tiffany Springs a little south east of the airport
Ha that's the one I shop at, and is 5 minutes from my house.
I considered asking if you wanting to meet up or had a good lunch spot up there but covid cases being what they are I opted to just get what I wanted and leave. Plus I was only really getting it that day due to having a panic attack Saturday night and needing to get out of the house. It was totally fine to be clear I just needed to get out of the house and didn't think it made for the best day to meet new people out of the blue
Has anybody had any experience with a Vidami video looping tool (blue or original) for practice? I haven't splurged on anything for myself recently and find myself missing Amazing Slow Downer's ability to play spotify tracks often enough that the Vidami price isn't completely outrageous to me, assuming it works well. Not to mention, I haven't splurged on anything for myself recently and am feeling indulgent.
Let me know next time you are up there!
I just finished Loudermilk. I loved that line.
It reminds me of this unexpected swipe on The Office:
I just started watching the show Loudermilk and one of the characters describes a homeless guy as "Sure he's homeless, but not heroin homeless. More like bass player homeless." and I am dying.
Speaking of homeless bass players, how are your lessons and practices going? Wish I had time to haul my ass up to Baltimore and play with you.
That's awesome!
Pretty good. I’m not nearly as disciplined as I want to be but I definitely make time every afternoon to get in at least a half hour of scales and arpeggios. Mostly working on walking bass and laying down a bass line given a chart.
I've been looking for a scale/arpeggio workout. Any suggestions?
I've only been doing covers as practice, and that's bad. I'm 2 years in to playing but not nearly as good as I should be given the time.
My goal is to be able to hear some people jamming, or playing a song I'm not familiar with, and being able to improvise.
I did a thing!
I can tell I'm not awake yet because at first I was just amazed at how much like a guitar your bass sounded...
I would say you nailed the bass part though! I need to also sit down and learn at least part of a song but everything I listen to is in some none standard tuning and I'm lazy
I did a thing!
Yeah you did! Well done! And well played!
My 'Studio' setup up for my podcast work and music hobby until this week has been my Samson Q2U USB/XLR mic. The headphone port on that as my headphone amp for monitoring and my old Rocksmith cable as my guitar input. So functional but suboptimal.
Last week I got a small tax refund so decided to spend part of that on a business expense and got an Arturia MiniFuse 2 interface, mic and guitar running into that, and man what an upgrade over my jury rigged solution.
While the end result is basically identical, the improvement in latency actually surprised me. With the old setup I had my buffers pretty tight and latency was almost imperceptible, but without any setup the Arturia immediately felt snappier.
Nearly all interfaces under probably $500 essentially use the same handful of AD conversion chips, there's some variation in pre-amps but most are fine, so the Arturia isn't stand out there specs wise, but the unit is gorgeous, the price was right, and the software package is very cool, especially for guitar players.
As a bonus, I hacked Rocksmith 2014 to use the Arturia so if I want to play that again I still can and I'm giving the RS cable to my folks who have been wanting to know how to connect their bass guitar to a computer.
It does make a huge difference in both feel and sound, no doubt! Congrats on the new interface! I went from a small presonus interface to a audient sono, which is built for guitarists, and the feel and sound difference was quite staggering to me.
If you are using amp sims (neural, overloud, guitar rig, etc) then this video might be of use to you. I know that I was definitely running my interface way too hot for my amp sims. With high gain stuff it might not be biggest problem, but it definitely made my clean / edge of break up tones much easier to achieve and they also sound a lot better.
TLDR version: Turn down your gain to 0 or to very low. You might even have to turn down the input signal in the amp sim. Common understanding is to turn up your interface until just below red, but investigations found that an input gain of 0 actually makes the amps simulated sound like those amps. The interface when it's running hotter works like a boost pedal put in front of the amp and pushes the pre amp simulation which reacts like a real preamp, ie starts breaking up / distorting. There are excel sheets and charts and all kinds of data if you are into that.
Yeah, the Audient Sono looks great, that's the one with the tube in the preamp right? Those are hard to find here, and very expensive when they can be found.
I've been following along with the chatter about input gain. I know the just below clipping advice is quite prevalent, Facebook decided to show me a post from an Axe-FX group where that advice is still shared. I run zero gain with instrument input selected and it works perfectly, especially with my edge of breakup Vox tones I go for.
Also, John Nathan Cordy is such a good player it makes me ill. There are a lot of good players but only he and Chris Buck make me jealous. They're so expressive.
Yeah, the Audient Sono looks great, that's the one with the tube in the preamp right? Those are hard to find here, and very expensive when they can be found.
I've been following along with the chatter about input gain. I know the just below clipping advice is quite prevalent, Facebook decided to show me a post from an Axe-FX group where that advice is still shared. I run zero gain with instrument input selected and it works perfectly, especially with my edge of breakup Vox tones I go for.
Also, John Nathan Cordy is such a good player it makes me ill. There are a lot of good players but only he and Chris Buck make me jealous. They're so expressive.
Yeah. I am super happy with the Sono. I really like that I don't need to open up an amp sim or my daw to get sounds out of it. I can just sit down and play and get some decent tones straight out of the interface for practicing or noodling.
Agreed on Cordy. He is incredible. I'll have to look up Chris Buck now.
Anyone have an interest in purchasing my Empress Echostation from me? I want to get the hologram Chroma console and thought I’d ask here before putting it on reverb. A goodjer would get a good rebate for sure.
I am, but it would have to be a stiff discount to justify for me as I'm afraid that's just more pedal than I need. But it's not more than I want... Having said that I am curious at least so if you have a price in mind let me know however you feel most comfortable! I do also know some other guitarists in my area that might be interested if you can't find any takers on here and still want to avoid giving Reverb a cut for whatever reason
I am, but it would have to be a stiff discount to justify for me as I'm afraid that's just more pedal than I need. But it's not more than I want... Having said that I am curious at least so if you have a price in mind let me know however you feel most comfortable! I do also know some other guitarists in my area that might be interested if you can't find any takers on here and still want to avoid giving Reverb a cut for whatever reason
I'd let it go for 300 to goodjers as that would cover most of the cost of the chroma console. They usually sell for around 350 - 375 on reverb. I'd cover the cost of shipping. Let me know if you want to see photos.
That is a good deal! I'll think about it buuuuuuut probably not as I suspect I'd be better off with something like a synth pedal from Electro Harmonix. So for now I'm going to hope someone else takes you up on the offer and saves me from myself, a task I am rarely if every up to
I went to my sisters house in Seattle(Ish) and my brother in law has a whole collection of guitars that includes 8 in the living room, and an untold number of others in storage around the house. As such I got to check out wide frets, which I kinda like actually but the slight tuning issues are a good enough excuse to not buy one. One of those archtop hollow bodies which I have always wanted and still do even as I find it rather uncomfortable due to sheer size as a mostly sitting player. He's also a Tele guy so I made my self actually play one despite my hatred of them (I don't actually hate them I just don't like the style of the body shape but sometimes it's fun to have strong opinions about really inane things within reason) and I hate how much I like the feel of it from the body shape to the neck. But the real highlight was his custom firebird he built from parts himself, which was a highlight both because it was neat and also because it has a tele bridge, pickups, control plate, and neck, and I am nothing if not a connoisseur of cursed guitars.
All in all very cool and I wish I had stolen his 62(I think?) jazzmaster reissue. That thing kicked ass
I think it's time to plan a heist. He has insurance, right?
Always super fun to try new things! I went from strongly disliking tele style guitars to loving them, especially the body shape, after I bought a Godin Custom Session (tripleplay) guitar which is teleshaped. It's now my No1 picked up guitar. Just so comfy.