Well, I have no issues with the dungeons and wilderness on WTIV.
Then I tried a low level WTIV Nightmare dungeon and got my arse handed to me. Guess I need to gear up more. Still only level 69, so that is probably understandable.
Guess I will grind blood harvest for a while and just complete dungeons to get more aspects unlocked.
Ah. That would also be an issue.
I went back to the necromancer that I abandoned earlier in the season. I figured I could at least get her to 100 during the xp boost week. I had been gearing for the infinimist build and, holy shit, is that build the most boring shit ever. I have decent gear and was able to do 72s pretty fast so I was getting good xp but killing bosses was just so awkward. So, I slapped together a bone spear build and it's instantly better.
With pretty sub-optimal gear, I basically instantly kill Zir. It was faster than my decent ball lighting sorc. Duriel was quite a bit slower though but still doable.
They're running a free to play week on this, so I downloaded it to check it out and see whether it's worth buying at 40% off, whether it should remain on my wish list, or should be dropped entirely.
I only got about twenty minutes in or so before - right at the end of a big fight as I was starting to loot - I got booted and received a disconnected from server error. Is this normal for the game, or unusual because of the free to play trial? I have a solid internet connection, so I do not think it was on my end.
I'm on Xbox, 50+ hours played, hasn't happened yet.
I'm on PC, unsure how many hours (bu8t probably close to 100) and it never crashed for me either.
So my level 74(ish) chain lightning sorceress can do T21 nightmares and can do the Echo of Varshan (although it is long, about 45 minutes). I am looking for the good loot so really continue to work it, and that means lots of Blood Harvest and Whisper bounties.
Stupid question time - Back in DII, there was a way to modify gear to alter the mods.
I am sure there is a way here, but I haven't found it yet.
Occultist can modify 1 line item like d3. Blacksmith can perform a slight upgrade based on item up to 5 times. Jeweler does rings and ammy's.
I let the sin of temptation win during the Steam sale, so I'm in on PC now.
Now to join the d4 clan.
So friends, I’m gonna dive back into this today. Any suggestions for the most violent and visceral class?
Thank you.
I've only been playing Druid and haven't really felt amazingly powerful at all. Now that I'm on to World Tier 3 (?) maybe it's gotten a little better.
So, I'd steer clear of Druid. Note I'm not doing any specific online build so there probably is something similar to what you feel when you play Inquisitor. I'm just making build decisions as I go and now have this electric Druid that does Werebear and Shock stuff. Kind of chonky Pikachu shaman.
K, trying a rogue. So far very satisfying.
I've played druid, sorc, and necro to 100 and barb (at launch) to 85-ish. The only class I haven't put a lot of time in is rouge (I've played it but only to the mid 20s).
My personal opinion is that druid is the most satisfying to play with the most varied selection of viable builds. The early leveling is slow but I don't think you can judge any of these classes pre-50.
Barb is super disappointing because every build is triple shout plus core skill (outside of the walking arsenal build but the gameplay loop of that build seems too finicky for me).
K, trying a rogue. So far very satisfying.
Not that surprised, if I look at this through the lens of your love for the Inquisitor - Martyr shotgun Assassin.
You'll probably have loads of fun with a Twisting Blades build.
Yeah, so far this build has been pretty satisfying.
After not seeing Butcher all season he jumped me three times today- twice on consecutive nightmare dungeons.
I hadn't seen him until a few days ago myself. I wonder if he was bugged and they just released him this weekend.
I had him in a NMD over the weekend when in the middle of a pack of mobs with a NMD modifier that all ranged damage you took slowed you down.
I was dead before the "I am here" system message disappeared from the screen.
I ran into the butcher the other day. Barely survived on my level 22 rogue.
Stupid question time:
I am working on my endgame chain lightning build, and I just realized I have no idea how I should be reading the preferred gear guide included here:https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/...
Am I supposed to be aiming for one from each bullet point? All of the ones in the bolded bullet point?
mudbunny wrote:Stupid question time:
I am working on my endgame chain lightning build, and I just realized I have no idea how I should be reading the preferred gear guide included here:https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/...
Am I supposed to be aiming for one from each bullet point? All of the ones in the bolded bullet point?
Looks like they're wanting you to focus on the bolded parts first, but showing what the options are for each piece
Is there any site out there that gives real good explanations on what the ideal gear stats are?
So, beat the first tier of the Abattoir of Zir last week, slotted the new glyph and immediately doubled my damage. Great boost if you're able to complete the dungeon.
I am not sure what happened, but sometime between last week and this week, my ability to plow through NM dungeons has increased significantly. I am not complaining, as it is allowing me to level up my glyphs more quickly, but now I am afraid to change any of my gear.