With good reviews and the fact that it is on GamePass I figure many of us will be trying this out so I thought I would make a thread for it.
There are a ton of videos about it in the gaming video thread so wander over and check a few out
Sounds like this is a little too soulslikey for me.
I would really like to play a melee focused game with cool monster design that is NOT designed to make you throw your controller at your screen. Something like the Darksiders games, or Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning.
I have had no luck finding such a beast.
Sounds like this is a little too soulslikey for me.
I would really like to play a melee focused game with cool monster design that is NOT designed to make you throw your controller at your screen. Something like the Darksiders games, or Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning.
I have had no luck finding such a beast.
Elden Ring seems to be the most forgiving souls game of them all. I haven't played it yet myself though but that seems to be the consensus. You can have a melee build and can skirt around bosses and explore other areas instead.
On a related note, I just started playing Bloodborne for the first time (first souls game for me) and it's the most difficult and infuriating game I've ever played. Its mind blowing how hard the beginning stage is and that they give no tutorial or explanation on how anything works. I nearly snapped my controller in two playing the early boss in the graveyard. With that said, I'm in love with it now though. Its well designed and the mechanics and combat are very cool.
Is there a GWJ thread from back in 2016 for Bloodborne? I don't know if theres a way to search the site for it and it's too far back to dig for.
On a related note, I just started playing Bloodborne for the first time (first souls game for me) and it's the most difficult and infuriating game I've ever played. Its mind blowing how hard the beginning stage is and that they give no tutorial or explanation on how anything works. I nearly snapped my controller in two playing the early boss in the graveyard. With that said, I'm in love with it now though. Its well designed and the mechanics and combat are very cool.
Is there a GWJ thread from back in 2016 for Bloodborne? I don't know if theres a way to search the site for it and it's too far back to dig for.
A lot of threads fall so far that they are as good as lost after a while. It’s a good idea to add any you fancy to your favourites then at least they are reachable whenever you want to revisit them.
Great to have a Lies of P thread. I’m wary about the complexity of the combat at the moment. Lots of talk of needing to do perfect parries, etc. I adore the look of this game but I’m feeling more and more sure that I’m going to wait for it to come to PS Plus where I can not worry too much if I fall off it early.
First they lie about P then they lie about pooping.
I think he likes it.
I'm surprised this game isn't getting more traction here. I'll new playing tomorrow through GamePass and curious to see the comparisons to Bloodborne, which is kicking my ass right now. Amazing game but it desperately needs difficulty levels.
it desperately needs difficulty levels.
Uh oh. You used the 'd' word about a soulslike. You have invited the wrath of the internet. May God have mercy on your soul.
So far this is a surprisingly good soulsbourne. I love the main From games but avoid the "likes" because they usually all get the feel wrong. This one doesn't.
93_confirmed wrote:it desperately needs difficulty levels.
Uh oh. You used the 'd' word about a soulslike. You have invited the wrath of the internet. May God have mercy on your soul.
Yeah that's my one worry. The demo felt a bit like sekiro. Where you have to play the way the game wants and get good. And if you don't you just gotta suffer over and over.
I stand by the elden ring is probable the easiest of the soulslikes due to all the options to make it easier.
I’m getting the feeling my reaction could well mirror yours even though I adore the look of the setting, enemies and main protagonist. I’m probably going to wait for it to pop up on PS Plus and try it then.
I'm enjoying it. It feels like a Souls game but definitely has a different vibe. Currently in a factory dismantling puppets one by one with my slew of weaponry (it's electric!).
Well I'm downloading now. Watching another video review just made wanna play. And gamepass being 10 bucks seems worth.
Edit - Just played up to the end of the demo. I changed my play style a bit based on what I read. Basically try to parry always but block if you fail. Dodge only a little and constantly attack after blocking.
Doing that I did so much better. Also picked a faster weapon. Which makes triggering stun crits much easier. Have a lot more thoughts but so far so good.
Fireboss thing is hard. His wind ups are slow but the punches are really fast.
Fireboss thing is hard. His wind ups are slow but the punches are really fast.
This boss can be hard just straight melee, and while dodges help, guarding can be very beneficial (not even perfect guarding).
There’s also a shock-based setup you can use that the vendor sells (back in the house Stargazer location) that can help. The weapon assembly definitely shines in this case.
You should have a shock legion arm you can toy with, as well. I didn’t know until later that you can actually charge-up the shock attack from the legion arm.
Nice to know that this boss’ overheat attack can be avoided if you stand behind the pillars.
These won’t make Fuoco a free fight, but should definitely help with them.
If I was in charge of Lies of P I would definitely add an easy mode now. Not cause I think it needs it but because of the sheer amount of free advertising it would generate. There would probable be a post mentioning it on most game sites, and the comment flame wars would last for ages.
If I was in charge of Lies of P I would definitely add an easy mode now. Not cause I think it needs it but because of the sheer amount of free advertising it would generate. There would probable be a post mentioning it on most game sites, and the comment flame wars would last for ages.
Every souls/souls-like game should have a mode for people who just want to enjoy the game without being mercilessly slaughtered for hours on end. I almost perma-quit Bloodborne early on after spending hours in a loop of farming and then dying against the same boss but luckily I pushed through and 50 hours later it's one of my favorite games of all time.
master0 wrote:If I was in charge of Lies of P I would definitely add an easy mode now. Not cause I think it needs it but because of the sheer amount of free advertising it would generate. There would probable be a post mentioning it on most game sites, and the comment flame wars would last for ages.
Every souls/souls-like game should have a mode for people who just want to enjoy the game without being mercilessly slaughtered for hours on end. I almost perma-quit Bloodborne early on after spending hours in a loop of farming and then dying against the same boss but luckily I pushed through and 50 hours later it's one of my favorite games of all time.
But would it be a favorite if it hadn't challenged you? I mostly don't care one way or the other, I'll just say not everything is for everyone. If you don't enjoy being challenged in video games then don't play a Souls game. Youtube is a better place to experience the story.
Oh I don't have a dog in that fight. I just thought it would be very easy cheap advertising for the game. Although a part of the reason I think elden ring did so well there's lot of ways to tweak difficulty.
Back to Lies of P. Had a tough time with the fireboss. I made the mistake of stopping for a while due to work and lost my practice. And then needed another batch of tries. Eventually got through but just barely. The pillars were a life saver. The fire attacks were nasty but much worse until I remembered to stop drop and roll.
I found the next boss
The Bishop monster
easier actually. Still took me about 10 tries but wasn't that bad. Just had to really learn the total number of swings per move.
I wish they had learned from Elden Ring that we are over long boss runs.
I think I found a fairly solid, if noobish, weapon combo. The winter rapier handle plus any greatsword that has high block. The weapon is modestly fast, blocks a lot, hits hard, and the move set is good. My current one has a block of almost 70 percent. And then I can counter attack very fast to get the last third. So I can get very aggressive in trying to do my parries. I've gotten more staggers and parrys with this then I did in any souls game.
Doesn't the Rapier handle only do stabbing damage? Does the speed make up for the damage nerf?
I'm currently using the Bonesaw Blade with the Wrench handle. It hits super hard and has crazy reach, but degrades super fast. I usually like the faster weapons, but I have a hard time with depth perception in this game and this combo is the longest I've found.
Doesn't the Rapier handle only do stabbing damage? Does the speed make up for the damage nerf?
I'm currently using the Bonesaw Blade with the Wrench handle. It hits super hard and has crazy reach, but degrades super fast. I usually like the faster weapons, but I have a hard time with depth perception in this game and this combo is the longest I've found.
First I was using the blade from the starter heavy weapon. Forgot the name. Which is fine at stabbing.
Then I found the same bone cutting greatsword you mentioned. It's bad at stabbing but its attack is so high it doesn't matter. Plus crazy high block and ridiculous range. It's like buster sword sized. I have changed the hilt to the tyrant dagger for a better moveset.
Getting decently far in the game. Hit level 65. Had to use summons on two bosses cause they were brutal. Good time overall.
After several hours, I'm happy to report that this game seems pretty good.
I found the Curved Dancing Sword last night and thats a fun one. It goes against everything I said yesterday, but I've dropped a bunch of upgrades into it.
And finished. I definitely rushed it at the end. Last zone felt like a slog. Just went on for a bit to long and filled with tough enemies. I did also cheat on a boss. Not even the last boss. I saw the amount of energy and effort it would take for it. Nah. It had a rather cheap mechanic. Last boss was much better.
Found the katana and it basically carried me. Crazy damage, great moveset and abilities. Block went down but not by a lot.
Overall a good game. One boss aside it felt brutal but fair. Maybe a bit too tanky. Harder then dark souls but easier then sekiro. Enjoyed the story and characters too. Not all plots have to be buried in item description text.
One tip. Adding fire/electric to your weapon is crucial in boss fights. I swear it nearly doubles your damage.